本文关键词:尼采与19、20世纪之交的俄罗斯文学 出处:《吉林大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:尼采哲学曾对19世纪末、20世纪初的俄罗斯文学,产生过极为深远的影响。然而,由于种种历史原因,这一问题长期未能受到重视和研究。直到近二十年来,俄罗斯学术界才开始将尼采对俄罗斯文学的影响作为研究课题。基于这一考虑,本文从比较文学和文化哲学的角度,探讨尼采与19世纪末、20世纪初俄罗斯文学的关系,尤其是着重梳理尼采哲学对俄罗斯象征主义的影响问题。 本文第一章,对尼采哲学的基本概念做了描述和分析。尼采是一个从自己的生命体验出发,并将自己的生命化为哲学思考的思想家。他的哲学思想是对人生苦痛与欢乐的直接感悟。从他的第一部学术著作《悲剧的诞生》起,尼采就开始了对现代文明的批判。在他看来,要医治现代文明的疾病,就必须恢复人的生命本能,赋予它一个全新的灵魂。他对工具理性和现代文明所作的批判,他所提出的一系列哲学命题,诸如“上帝死了”、“一切价值的重估”、“权力意志”和“超人”哲学,深刻影响了西方的哲学和社会思潮,同时也在现代西方和俄罗斯文艺思潮中激起了经久不息的回响。 本文第二章是从宏观研究的角度,梳理了尼采的哲学思想在俄罗斯的传播和接受过程。本文认为,尼采思想在俄罗斯的传播和接受大体可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段是19世纪90年代,这一时期的特点是围绕尼采哲学思想,俄罗斯学界展开了激烈的争论。第二阶段20世纪头20年,更准确地说,是到1917年十月革命为止。这一时期的特点是出现了更为准确、完整的论著,因而尼采哲学在俄罗斯的普及达到了顶峰,也受到了俄罗斯知识界对普遍赞赏和认可。第三阶段是从1917年至1970年之间,由于众所周知的原因,尼采的著作在当时苏联被禁止出版发行,尼采与俄罗斯文学的关系也成了学术研究的禁区。在此,本文着重探讨了尼采哲学与俄罗斯马克思主义的关系问题。 本文第三章,集中探讨了尼采哲学对19世纪、20世纪之交的俄罗斯小说家的影响,主要涉及米哈依尔·阿尔志跋绥夫(1878—1927)和列昂尼德·安德列耶夫(1871-1919)的小说创作。如果说阿尔志跋绥夫的小说《撒宁》不仅体现了尼采的“超人”思想,而且也通过对东正教道德的批判,接近了尼采的“反基督”思想的话,那么,在安德列耶夫的许多小说中,由于受尼采思想的影响,则深刻批判了资产阶级文化、道德和理性。 本文第四章,集中评述利俄罗斯象征主义作家对尼采哲学的反应,也是全文的重点所在。这其中包括了许多作家、诗人和批评家,诸如德米特里·梅列日科夫斯基(1865-1941)、维亚切斯拉夫·伊万诺夫(1866-1949)、吉皮乌斯(1869-1945)、安德烈·别雷(1880-1934)。这里讨论的核心问题是,尼采哲学是如何影响象征主义作家重新思考基督教的,以及他们是如何在世纪之交的俄罗斯文化转型的关头探寻出路的。本文认为,俄罗斯象征主义的特点是将俄罗斯传统和欧洲哲学有机地结合在一起,尤其是在借鉴尼采哲学思想的基础上,提出和制定了一套文化方案,旨在认识和改变俄罗斯文化的发展命运。因此,更好地梳理尼采与俄罗斯象征主义文学的关系,无疑是一个重要的学术课题。
[Abstract]:Nitzsch philosophy of Russian literature at the end of nineteenth Century, early twentieth Century, had a very profound impact. However, due to various historical reasons, the problem of long-term attention and research. Not until nearly twenty years, Russian academic circles began to Nitzsch's influence on Russian literature as the research subject. Based on this consideration this paper, from the perspective of cultural philosophy and comparative literature study, and Nitzsch at the end of nineteenth Century, Russian literature at the beginning of twentieth Century, especially focuses on Nitzsch's philosophical influence on Russian symbolism.
The first chapter of this paper, the basic concept of Nietzsche's philosophy can be described and analyzed. Nietzsche is a from his own life experience, and his life as philosophical thinker. His philosophy is the direct perception of life pain and joy. From the birth of his first academic book < > the tragedy began, Nietzsche's criticism of modern civilization. In his view, to heal the diseases of modern civilization, we must restore the life instinct and gives it a new soul. He made criticism of instrumental rationality and modern civilization, he proposed a series of philosophical propositions, such as "the death of God", "revaluation of all values", "power" and "Superman" philosophy, has a profound impact on western philosophy and social thought, but also aroused the prolonged echoes in modern western and Russian literature.
The second chapter is from the macro perspective, combing the philosophy of Nietzsche in Russia, the spread and acceptance process. This paper argues that Nietzsche in Russia the spread and acceptance can be divided into three stages: the first stage is 1890s, the characteristics of this period is based on Nietzsche's philosophy, Russian academic circles do in a fierce debate. The first 20 years of the second phase in twentieth Century, more precisely, to the October 1917 revolution so far. The characteristics of this period is the emergence of a more accurate, complete works, and Nietzsche's philosophy in Russia's popularity reached its peak, also by the Russian intelligentsia of universal admiration and recognition. The third stage is from 1917 to 1970, because of the reason as everyone knows, Nietzsche's works at the time of the Soviet Union was banned from publishing, relationship between Nietzsche and Russian literature has become the academic research In this article, this paper focuses on the relationship between Nietzsche's philosophy and Russian Marx doctrine.
The third chapter focuses on Nietzsche's philosophy on nineteenth Century, twentieth Century at the turn of the Russian novelist, mainly including Mihail Archbasov (1878 - 1927) and Leonid Andreyev (1871-1919)'s novels. If artsybashev's novel < > Saning not only embodies the thought of Nietzsche's "Superman", but also through criticism the Orthodox morality, close to Nietzsche's "anti Christ" ideas, so, in many of Andreyev's novels, influenced by Nietzsche, deeply criticized the bourgeois culture, morality and reason.
In the fourth chapter, and focus on Russian Symbolist writers in response to Nietzsche's philosophy, which is also the focus of this paper. This includes many writers, poets and critics, such as Dmitri Meliet Luzhkov Khodorkovsky (1865-1941), Vyacheslav Ivan Andrianof (1866-1949), Jipiwusi (1869-1945), Andre Bely (1880-1934). The core problem discussed here is that Nietzsche's philosophy is how to influence the Symbolist rethinking of Christianity, and how they can find a way out at the turn of the century Russian cultural transition point. This paper argues that the characteristics of Russian symbolism is the traditional Russian and European philosophy together organically, especially on the basis of Nietzsche's philosophy. Proposed and developed a set of cultural programs, to understand and change the fate of the development of Russia. Therefore, more It is undoubtedly an important academic subject to sort out the relationship between Nitzsch and Russian symbolism literature.
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