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  本文关键词: 《格列佛游记》 政治体制 君主专制 理性 理想国 出处:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift1667-1745)是英国18世纪著名的政论家和讽刺小说家。他一生写了多部小说,凭借《格列佛游记》征服了世界文坛,被高尔基誉为“世界伟大文学创造者”之一。乔纳森·斯威夫特的小说以独特的视角影射和讽刺了当时英国和欧洲的社会现实。英国著名作家司各特曾评价他说:“斯威夫特以幽默丰富了作品的道德含义,以讽刺揭露荒诞,并通过人物性格和叙述框架使难以置信的事件成为现实,即使《鲁滨逊漂流记》也难以在叙述的刻薄性和多样性方面与其媲美。” 本论文所研究的正是斯威夫特于1726年发表的《格列佛游记》,此书被人们称为其讽刺手法的集大成之作。小说通过格列佛的种种离奇遭遇,集中反映了18世纪前半期英国社会的种种矛盾,辛辣讽刺了当时英国的社会状况。格列佛每到一个国度,都受到不同的待遇,无奇不有。作者在文本中对每一种情景都做了细致的描绘,使人有身临其境之感,构思奇特,读起来妙趣横生。 自人类意识产生以来,人们就从来没有放弃对“理想国”的探求和追寻,而18世纪西方启蒙运动无疑将人类对理想国的寻找进程推进了一大步。在《格列佛游记》中,当我们阅读“小人国”和“大人国”的故事时,我们明显看到了那种人治社会所存在的各种弊端,如争权夺利、权利倾轧、内忧外患,这些都是当时英国社会所面临的问题。所以,在小说的最后两卷,斯威夫特为读者构想了两个根本不可能存在的国家,即“飞岛国”和“慧殐国”。这两个国家的统治方式是以理性治国,这种统治方式看起来完全符合十八世纪的理性崇拜观念。但是,斯威夫特让我们看到,这种对理性的过度推崇是如何将人性一步一步泯灭的。理性最初是作为一种“祛魅”工具出现的,但后来它本身却变成了一种新的神话。虽然斯威夫特对慧殐国大加赞赏,但是这个国度里却同样存在着奴役与被奴役的等级制度。所以,在小说的结尾我们可以看到斯威夫特对理想国的找寻是失败的,而人们心中所期望的“理想国”终究是不可能实现的。 长期以来,中外学者们已经针对这部小说中对现实的影射,以及对它所采用的讽刺手法进行了各个角度的分析研究。本文认为,《格列佛游记》中所具备的丰富内涵并不是讽刺文学所能涵盖得了的,,所以,本文将通过对《格列佛游记》中主人公在利立普特、布罗泊丁奈格、勒皮他和慧殐国的游历历程,揭示出各种政治体制所存在的局限性,从而深入探讨斯威夫特对欧洲各种政治体制的思考和研究。
[Abstract]:Jonathan Swift 1667-1745 was a famous British political commentator and satirist in 18th century. He wrote a number of novels throughout his life. With Gulliver's travels, he conquered the world of literature. By Gorky as "the world's great literary creator" One. Jonason Swift's novel insinuates and satirizes the social realities of England and Europe from a unique perspective. Scott, the famous British writer, once said to him, " Swift enriches the moral meaning of his works with humor. "to expose absurdity with satire and to make incredible events come true through character and narrative framework, even Robinson Crusoe cannot be comparable in terms of the harshness and variety of narratives." This thesis is devoted to Swift's travels of Gulliver published in 1726, which is regarded as a masterpiece of his satirical techniques. The novel passes through Gulliver's strange experiences. Concentrated on the first half of 18th century reflected the contradictions of British society, bitter satire of the British social situation at that time. Gulliver was treated differently every time he went to a country. In the text, the author makes a detailed description of each situation, which makes people feel real, strange in conception and interesting in reading. Since the emergence of human consciousness, people have never given up the exploration and pursuit of "the Republic". In 18th century, the Western Enlightenment undoubtedly took a big step forward in the search for idealism. In Gulliver's travels, we read the stories of Lilliputian and Lilliputian. We have clearly seen the various drawbacks of that kind of human-run society, such as the struggle for power, the power rolling over, the internal and external troubles, which were the problems faced by the British society at that time. So, in the last two volumes of the novel. Swift conceived for the reader two impossible states, namely, "Flying Island" and "Wisdom", which govern by reason. This way of governance seems perfectly in line with the idea of rational worship in 18th century. But Swift shows us. This excessive respect for reason is how to devoid human nature step by step. Reason appeared as a disenchantment tool at first. But then it became a new myth. Although Swift admired Huiguo, there were also enslaved and enslaved hierarchies in this country. At the end of the novel, we can see that Swift's search for the Republic is a failure, and the ideal is impossible. For a long time, Chinese and foreign scholars have carried on the analysis and research to this novel in allusion to the reality, as well as to the satire technique which it uses. The rich connotations in Gulliver's travels are not covered by satirical literature. Therefore, this article will deal with the protagonists of Gulliver's travels in Lillipott, Brocadinetnig. His travels with Huiguo reveal the limitations of various political systems, and further probe into Swift's thinking and study of European political systems.


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