发布时间:2018-04-19 18:41
本文选题:叶芝 + 诗歌风格 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:叶芝是二十世纪一位公认的举世闻名的现代诗人,也是英语文学领域的一个里程碑,更是整个爱尔兰的骄傲,在诗歌创作史上一直独领风骚,享负盛名。叶芝一生不懈追求自己诗艺的革新——从早期的唯美、浪漫主义到中期的理性、现实主义,再到后期的成熟、睿智,积极吸纳继承各种有益的文学思想与艺术风格,在不断的超越中前行,在每个时期及诸多文学领域都取得了巨大成就。迄今为止,国内外对叶芝本人及其诗歌的研究一直是一个非常热门的领域。同时,人们对叶芝的个人生活、社会角色及其作品的表现手法、风格转变都颇有争议。叶芝一生几多风雨几多坎坷,经历过爱情的悲痛、文学上的光荣、政治上的幻灭与觉醒,这些人生体验在不断地激发诗人创作欲望的同时又潜移默化地影响着诗人的创作风格。本论文采用新批评“细读法”与马克思历史唯物主义研究方法,以仔细研究叶芝的诗歌为基础,从个人经历与社会变革对创作所产生影响的角度,分析叶芝诗歌生涯由浪漫唯美到理性现实再到成熟睿智的转变过程,并对影响其转变的个人、家庭及社会原因进行了探究。 本论文一共分为“引言”、“正文”、“结论”三大部分。引言部分首先介绍了叶芝的生平及其文学成就,生平介绍中主要包括叶芝的家庭背景、情感生活及政治活动,重点介绍了叶芝的早期成长环境。众所周知,一个人童年的生活经历总是会影响其人生观及其早期创作。其次,作者在综述迄今为止国内外对叶芝研究的基础上提出了作者的论文主题及观点;引言同时还对本论文的基本论点、研究意义、研究方法及创新之处进行了简要介绍。 论文的正文部分分为三章。围绕叶芝诗歌创作风格的转变过程展开。人的本质属性也是其社会属性。个人经历与社会活动会对诗人的创作思想产生很大影响,而一个人对社会的贡献也决定着社会对他的认识和定性,叶芝的文学作品及社会活动体现了19-20世纪的爱尔兰乃至整个英国的文学及社会变革,使得叶芝在不同的创作时期被赋予了不同的社会身份。 第一章主要探讨、分析叶芝早期诗歌创作(1889-1903)中的浪漫主义风格。由于受到浪漫主义诗人、先拉斐尔派及唯美主义运动的影响,其诗歌语言呈现出华丽、梦幻、飘渺、营造梦幻般的神秘氛围,这个时期叶芝成为了浪漫唯美的梦游者。十九世纪后三十年到二十世纪,都市化、工业化、商品化的英国社会使人们陷入苦闷,而在个人生活中,对毛德·冈的爱一直得不到回应,加上当时爱尔兰革命前途未卜,这些都促使作者开始逃离现实尘嚣,向往阿卡迪亚式理想世界。逃离现实,回归自然成为了诗人心中的渴望。另一方面,凭借着诗人丰富的想象力,爱尔兰神话与传说也成为了诗人追求的梦中仙境。另外,早期诗歌中叶芝对爱尔兰民间传说的大量运用也体现了诗人作为爱尔兰民族主义诗人所做出的贡献与成就。而在他诗歌中频频出现的“玫瑰”象征意象也折射出了叶芝爱情受挫后的哀伤与忧愁。 第二章着重阐释叶芝中期诗歌创作风格的转变(1904-1920),揭示其思想的深化。二十世纪初,世界的经济、政治、社会发生了重大的变革,叶芝目睹了第一次世界大战的爆发和结束,爱尔兰自治法案的不被肯定,爱尔兰党派的四分五裂,勾心斗角,1916年的复活节起义,经历了这些,,叶芝的思想发生了重大变化。叶芝逐渐摒弃了早期那种虚幻、朦胧的浪漫主义诗歌创作风格,开始用更为直接、简练、坚实鲜明的诗歌风格来表达现实内容,写下了大量具有鲜明政治色彩的诗歌。同时受到激进的爱尔兰民族解放战士毛德·冈的影响,叶芝积极投身到爱尔兰民族解放运动中去,用诗歌来讴歌爱尔兰民族解放运动烈士,倡导爱尔兰文艺复兴,用诗歌来重塑爱尔兰文化与精神。 第三章通过对叶芝晚期诗歌(1921-1939)的分析,揭示这一时期诗人创作风格的成熟、睿智及其诗歌所蕴含的哲学思想。这一时期叶芝经历了英-爱战争、爱尔兰内战及战后爱尔兰相对和平的时期,同时也感受着第二次世界大战爆发前的阴霾。动荡的时代使他试图从另一种更超然、更高的视角来阐述生活、生命和历史。他诗歌中具有了更加理性、成熟的特征。叶芝晚期诗歌最显著的特点就是智慧。这一时期的叶芝强调人的本能需求而超越了简单的两性关系,强调了灵与肉、身与心的完美结合,得出了爱情的真谛。此时的叶芝不仅从一个爱尔兰诗人的角度,更重要的是站在整个人类的高度,来重申自己的爱尔兰主题。他诗歌中的爱尔兰早已超越了狭隘的民族主义语境,而是站在人性的立场以宽容、博爱的态度来看待自己民族。诗人立于爱尔兰的永恒之中。叶芝到了晚期,其诗歌已经入了艺术、生命和宗教三位一体的哲学境界。叶芝把自己的一切融进了拜占庭。在拜占庭,叶芝找到了自己的灵魂归宿,叶芝的诗歌艺术达到了永恒。 最后一部分是论文的结语。结语部分指出由于社会环境和个人经历的变化,诗人的诗歌风格也发生了变化,而叶芝一生的活动与诗歌创作都离不开诗人心目中的两大情结:爱尔兰情结与对毛德·冈的情结。这两大主题贯穿于叶芝的整个诗歌创作中,是叶芝诗歌不断变化的创作风格中存在的两大不变内核。在回顾了叶芝一生多变的丰富的作品之后,本文作者从时代的高度出发,对叶芝及其作品对爱尔兰及其整个世界文学的影响给予了中肯的评价。 诗歌是由诗人创作出来的,诗歌的研究不能脱离对诗人的研究,了解一个诗人的创作思想能够更好地理解诗人诗歌的创作轨道与动机。而诗人的创作思想的形成又离不开诗人所处的社会环境与个人经历,诗人诗歌风格的转变也是诗人个人人生观、价值观转变的体现。因此本论文作者尊重历史与客观事实,结合诗人的生活经历,以其所处的时代、社会环境为背景,对叶芝及其诗歌、及其社会角色进行分析、探究解读,试图还原一个真实、立体的叶芝。此外,本论文作者还围绕对叶芝的解读与分析,探究了其诗歌创作的最终意义以及诗歌创作的动力。从这点来说,本论文做到了以人为本,相信本论文对诗歌研究解读及诗歌创作都会产生一定的帮助。
[Abstract]:Yeats, a widely known modern poet in the world in the twentieth Century, is also a milestone in the field of English literature. It is also the pride of the whole of Ireland. He has always been one of the most famous and famous in the history of poetry. Yeats's unremitting pursuit of his poetic innovation in his life - from early aestheticism, Romanticism to medium-term rationality and reality At the same time, the study of Yeats himself and his poetry has been a very hot field. Yeats's personal life, the social role and the expression of his works, and the change of style are quite controversial. Yeats has experienced many frustrations in his life, experienced the grief of love, the glory of literature, the disillusionment and awakening of politics. These life experiences have influenced the poet's creative desire and imperceptibly influence the poet. This paper uses the new criticism "fine reading" and Marx's historical materialism research method, based on careful study of Yeats's poetry, from the perspective of the influence of personal experience and social change on the creation, and analyzes the transformation process of Yeats's poetic career from romantic Aestheticism to rational reality and then to mature wisdom. The transformation of personal, family and social reasons has been explored.
This thesis is divided into three parts: "Introduction", "text" and "conclusion". The introduction first introduces Yeats's life and his literary achievements. The introduction of his life mainly includes Yeats's family background, emotional life and political activities, focusing on the early long environment of Yeats. As we all know, the life experience of a person's childhood is general. It will affect his outlook on life and his early creation. Secondly, the author puts forward the theme and views of the author on the basis of the study of Yeats at home and abroad so far. The introduction also gives a brief introduction to the basic arguments, research significance, research methods and innovations of this paper.
The main body of the thesis is divided into three chapters. It begins with the transformation process of Yeats's poetic creation style. The essential attribute of man is also its social attribute. Personal experiences and social activities have a great influence on the poet's creative thought, and the contribution of a person to society also determines the understanding and nature of the society, and Yeats's literary works and society. The activities embodied the literary and social changes of the 19-20 century Ireland and even the whole of Britain, making Yeats endowed with different social identities at different periods of creation.
The first chapter mainly discusses the romantic style in Yeats's early poetry creation (1889-1903). Due to the influence of romantic poets, first Rafael school and aestheticism movement, his poetic language presents gorgeous, dreamy, ethereal and dreamy mysterious atmosphere, and Yeats became a romantic and aesthetical sleepman at this time. In the thirty and twentieth Century of the century, the urbanized, industrialized and commercialized English society made people depressed, and in their personal life, the love of maurd gang had not been answered, and the future of the Irish revolution was uncertain, all of which prompted the author to flee the uproar and yearn for the Arcadia ideal world. Returning to nature has become the desire of the poet. On the other hand, with the rich imagination of the poet, Irish mythology and legends have also become the wonderland of the poet's dream. In addition, the great use of Yeats in the Irish folklore in the early poetry also embodies the contribution and achievement of the poet as a poet of the Irish nationalism. However, the symbolic imagery of rose symbolized in his poems also reflects the sadness and sorrow after Yeats's love failure.
The second chapter emphatically explains the transformation of Yeats's poetic style in the middle period (1904-1920), and reveals the deepening of his thought. In the early twentieth Century, the world's economic, political and social changes have taken place. Yeats witnessed the outbreak and end of the first World War, the Irish autonomy act was not affirmed, the Irish parties were divided and disconnected. After the Easter uprising of the 1916, Yeats's thoughts changed greatly. Yeats gradually abandoned the illusory and hazy romantic poetic style of the early years, and began to express the realistic content with a more direct, concise and solid poetic style, and wrote a large number of poems with distinct political colors. To the influence of Maud Gang, the radical Irish national liberation soldier, Yeats was actively involved in the Irish national liberation movement, eulogized the martyrs of the Irish national liberation movement with poetry, advocated the Irish Renaissance, and remolded the Irish culture and spirit with poetry.
The third chapter, through the analysis of Yeats's late poetry (1921-1939), reveals the mature, sagacious and philosophical thoughts of the poet's writing style in this period. In this period, Yeats experienced the war of English love, the civil war in Ireland and the period of relative peace in Ireland after the war, and also felt the haze before the outbreak of the Second World War. The turbulent times made him try to explain life, life and history from another more transcendent and higher perspective. His poetry has a more rational and mature character. The most remarkable feature of Yeats's late poetry is wisdom. At this time, Yeats stressed the instinct of human beings and overtook the simple sexual relationship, emphasizing the spirit and flesh, body, and body. With the perfect combination of heart, the true meaning of love is drawn. At this time, Yeats, not only from the angle of an Irish poet, is more important to stand at the height of the entire human race to reaffirm his Irish theme. Ireland in his poetry has long transcended the narrow nationalist context, but is standing in the stand of humanity with a tolerant and loving attitude. To look at one's own nation. The poet is standing in the eternal of Ireland. When Yeats arrived in the late period, his poetry had entered the philosophical realm of the trinity of art, life and religion. Yeats incorporated everything into the Byzantium. In Byzantium, Yeats found his own soul home, and Yeats's poetic art reached eternity.
The last part is the conclusion of the thesis. The concluding part points out that the poetic style of the poet has also changed because of the changes in the social environment and personal experience, and Yeats's life activities and poetry can not be separated from the two great complex of the poet's mind: the Irish complex and the complex of Maud gang. These two themes run through the whole of the whole of Yeats. In the creation of poetry, it is the two constant core in the changing style of Yeats's poetry. After reviewing the varied and varied works of Yeats's life, the author, starting from the height of the times, gives a moderate evaluation of the impact of Yeats and his works on Ireland and its whole world literature.
Poetry is created by poets. The study of poetry can not be separated from the study of poets. Understanding the creative thought of a poet can better understand the creative track and motive of poets' poetry, and the formation of the poet's creative thought can not be separated from the social environment and personal experience of the poet, and the poet's poetic style is also a poet. Therefore, the author of this thesis respects history and objective facts, combines the life experience of the poet, with his time and social environment as the background, analyzes Yeats and his poems and their social roles, explores and interprets and tries to return the original and three-dimensional Yeats. Besides, the author of this thesis is also surrounded by the author. Through the interpretation and analysis of Yeats, the final meaning of his poetic creation and the motive force of poetry creation are explored. From this point of view, this thesis has done the people based, believing that this thesis will have some help to the interpretation of poetry and the creation of poetry.
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2 韩斌;;叶芝的“面具”理论[J];湖北广播电视大学学报;2008年02期
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