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  本文选题:约翰·多斯·帕索斯 + 《曼哈顿中转站》 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:约翰·多斯·帕索斯(John Dos Passos1896-1970)在文学史上以新异的创作手法如“照相机镜头”、“新闻短片”、“人物小传”等,揉小说各异的人物的命运和社会历史于一体,这使他在美国近代文学史上独树一帜。同时,由于多斯·帕索斯年轻时受美国意象派及第一次世界大战后先锋派以及印象主义绘画的影响,他的小说还带有浓厚的象征色彩。本文即以其代表作《曼哈顿中转站》为研究对象,在前人的研究基础上,具体探讨小说的象征艺术。 《曼哈顿中转站》的象征艺术具体体现在象征性意象、象征性人物、象征性主题三方面。轮渡、水、火和色彩四种经常出现在小说中的意象带有多种象征含义,如轮渡象征充满希望的天堂,水与火都是破坏力和欲望的象征,不同色彩则因出现场合的不同而具有不同含义。这些象征意象的巧妙运用,深化了小说所表达的现实社会对人的身心腐蚀这一主旨。关于小说中的象征性人物则主要分为两类:一是以艾伦、鲍德温、高德维泽为代表的顺应资本主义工具理性法则的人,他们专注于功利,利欲熏心,是被“异化”了的人的典型代表;二是吉姆、凯西、斯坦为代表的反抗资本主义工具理性法则的人,他们厌恶资本主义的生存法则,清楚地看到社会对人心灵的毒害,用不同的方式表达了自己对这种法则的反抗。而小说的象征性主题主要表现为小说与《圣经》在主题上的互文关系,指出作品正是通过对《圣经》中索多玛、尼尼微、巴比伦这些“毁灭之城”典故的运用来表达主题的,同时,结合象征主义与现实主义的关系,从社会、历史角度进一步指出小说其实是通过一个象征的世界表达了作者对现实的观照。 《曼哈顿中转站》在叙述技巧上的创新,使象征艺术与小说主题完美结合在一起。多斯·帕索斯用他的笔记录了很多令人悲叹的角色和主题,我们可以从他对纽约生活百态和城市面貌的精确刻画中,看到他对当时美国现状的忧虑。他不仅关心人的命运,更关心人所处的社会状态,他描写的主人公是社会现象而不是个体的人。
[Abstract]:John Doss Pazzos John Dos Passos1896-1970) in the history of literature with new creative techniques such as "camera lens", "short news", "short story of characters", kneading the fate and social history of different characters in the novel. This makes him unique in the history of modern American literature. At the same time, because Doss Pazzos was influenced by American imagism, avant-garde after World War I and Impressionist painting, his novels also had a strong symbolic color. In this paper, his masterpiece, Manhattan Transit Station, is taken as the research object, and the symbolic art of the novel is discussed on the basis of previous studies. The symbolic art of Manhattan transit station is embodied in three aspects: symbolic image, symbolic character and symbolic theme. Ferry, water, fire and color often appear in novels with many symbolic meanings, such as ferry symbolizes a hopeful paradise, water and fire are symbols of destructive power and desire. Different colors have different meanings because of their appearance. The ingenious use of these symbolic images deepens the purport of the realistic society expressed in the novel to erode the human body and mind. The symbolic characters in the novel are divided into two categories: one is the people who conform to the principles of capitalist instrumental rationality, represented by Alan, Baldwin, and Goldwelzer, who focus on utilitarianism and desire for profit. They are typical representatives of people who have been "alienated"; those who resist the principles of instrumental rationality of capitalism represented by Jim, Kathy, and Stan, who abhor the laws of existence of capitalism and see clearly the poison of society to the human mind. Expressed his resistance to this law in different ways. The symbolic theme of the novel is mainly the intertextuality between the novel and the Bible. It is pointed out that the theme is expressed by the use of the allusions of Sodom, Nineveh and Babylon in the Bible. At the same time, combining the relationship between symbolism and realism, the author points out from the social and historical point of view that the novel actually expresses the author's view of reality through a symbolic world. Manhattan Interchange: innovation in narrative skills that combines symbolic art with novel themes. Doss Pazzos used his pen to record many poignant characters and themes, and we can see his concern about the state of the United States in his precise portrayal of New York's life and the city. He is not only concerned about man's fate, but also about his social state. He describes the protagonist as a social phenomenon rather than an individual person.


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