本文选题:聊斋志异 + 天倪录 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:了解一个国家、一个时代,最好的途径就是学习它的文学,这样就可以知道当时的社会背景和老百姓的思想观念。作家的身份地位和思想深度的不同,反映在作品中的内容和思想意义也会有很大的不同。 许多文学类作品当中,小说是最容易被了解和接受的文学形式。我认为在小说类中最让人感兴趣的就是志怪小说,通过分析志怪小说来更深入的了解当时的社会情况和生活环境。 古代朝鲜的文字和思想曾受中国很大的影响,文学上也是如此。从这点来看,中国的《聊斋志异》和韩国的《天倪录》极具相似性是有其根源存在的。尤其是这两个作品的完成时期和收录的内容。所以本人打算通过研究这两部作品,比较当时中、韩两国的社会背景,进一步探寻两部作品的共同点和差异。根据这些方面,第二章介绍了作者和作品。第三章比较了两部作品的社会背景。在第四章对两部作品做深入细致的比较,更仔细地比较了当时的社会背景和作品的内容。当然现存的研究结果数量之大、内容之丰富是很难超越的,但是写这篇论文的最大目的就是让后来的研究者们更容易地把握基础,希望给他们带来帮助。
[Abstract]:The best way to understand a country and an era is to study its literature, so that we can know the social background and the ideas of the people at that time. The writer's identity and depth of thought, reflected in the content and ideological significance of the work will also be very different. Among many literary works, fiction is the most easily understood and accepted literary form. I think the most interesting in the novel is the novel, through the analysis of the novel to get a deeper understanding of the social situation and living environment. Ancient Korean characters and ideas were greatly influenced by China, and so did literature. From this point of view, the similarity between China's Liaozhai Zhi Yi and South Korea's Tianni Lu has its roots. In particular, the completion of the two works and the content of the collection. So I intend to further explore the similarities and differences between the two works by studying the two works and comparing the social background of the two countries at that time. According to these aspects, the second chapter introduces the author and the works. Chapter three compares the social background of the two works. In the fourth chapter, the two works are compared in detail, and the social background and the content of the works are compared more carefully. Of course, the number of existing research results is so large that it is difficult to go beyond the content, but the main purpose of this paper is to make it easier for later researchers to grasp the foundation and hope to help them.
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