发布时间:2018-04-29 05:18
本文选题:约翰·弥尔顿 + 《基督教教义》 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:约翰·弥尔顿是英国文学史上里程碑式的诗人。对于其英雄诗歌三部曲《失乐园》、《复乐园》和《斗士参孙》,评论家长期以来往往进行单个的研究,有时甚至是支离的阐释,而对三部曲作为一个有机的整体认识不够,对诗人在整个西方英雄诗歌传统中的地位把握不足。本研究将综合运用原型批评、互文性、心理分析、历史主义、陌生化原则、女性主义等批评方法,从弥尔顿本人的神学思想切入,细致深入地研究弥尔顿的四个文本:神学著作《基督教教义》和英雄诗歌三部曲,对弥尔顿的“英雄”主题展开系统的研究。 弥尔顿在著作里竭力拉近人与上帝的距离,使人对自己能成长为“英雄”还是沦落为恶人而负有完全的责任。弥尔顿反复强调,人不只具有“神一样的”外在品质,而且具有“神一样的”内在美德。弥尔顿的三部曲艺术地呈现出以这种神学思想为基础的英雄形象。 除绪论和结语外,本论文分为四章。绪论包括文献综述、“希腊式英雄”和“基督式英雄”的定义以及本论文的研究方法、基本观点和结构。 第一章集中探讨弥尔顿的神学思想,以利于后面各章对三部曲展开文本分析,其中主要包括弥尔顿在《教义》中对“圣子”耶稣基督的论述、“圣灵”(“精神”)的定义和弥尔顿对“内在精神”的阐释以及其具有悖论性的“诱惑观”。本章尤其注重《教义》对耶稣基督的论述,因为这是诠释弥尔顿基督式英雄的基础,而弥尔顿的基督式英雄之神学思想是解码其三部曲的实质和核心。本章的旨意是阐明弥尔顿的“基督式英雄”之内涵,以及“基督式英雄”范式与“诱惑模式”、“内在精神”之间的关系。 第二章阐述《失乐园》中的史诗主人公和英雄。一方面,弥尔顿在《失乐园》中遵照基督教关于恶魔的传统观念,但将撒旦从基督教中抽象的“邪恶”概念之化身塑造为极富迷惑性的“英雄”形象,并借鉴“撒旦三合一泛历史模式”和英国文学中的“寓意传统”,以强化史诗的张力,为史诗主人公和基督式英雄伴侣亚当夏娃堕落的不可避免性提供“前时间”背景。而另一方面,弥尔顿视亚当夏娃的堕落为“幸运的堕落”,并通过列举一系列相对立的希腊式英雄和基督式英雄,将虽在诱惑面前堕落但有可能再生的亚当夏娃刻画为最早踏上“内在精神”追寻旅程的基督式循道英雄伴侣形象。 第三章研究《复乐园》中的史诗主人公和英雄耶稣。耶稣的双重身份以人性为基础,而撒旦对耶稣的十次诱惑旨在全面彰显耶稣的人性,使其人性历经各种试炼达至最高点,展示其神性,从而使“人中之人”耶稣自然升华为“人中之神”,因为在弥尔顿看来,只有当人性完全抵制住诱惑并彻底击败邪恶时,神性才会显现并与完美的人性相融合。弥尔顿由此将《复乐园》里的“人中之神”耶稣塑造为“人的内在导师”,并通过将耶稣刻画为“在诱惑面前保持屹立”的基督式英雄之原型,赋予其“基督式英雄”以“信仰”、“忍耐”等“内在精神”的本质,使之成为衡量弥尔顿式英雄独特的标准。 第四章讨论《斗士参孙》中的基督式英雄。在诗剧所刻画的两位大力士中,参孙才是诗剧的中心,是弥尔顿在《基督教教义》和英雄诗歌三部曲中始终宣扬的“精神斗士”。参孙从堕落里崛起,历经三重诱惑,通过忍耐重拾信仰,最终再生为典型的弥尔顿的基督式英雄——“基督式殉道英雄”。弥尔顿的基督式英雄由此“取得一种新的更为微妙的英雄主义”。 结论部分提出,弥尔顿在西方英雄诗歌史上“永恒的经典地位”不仅在于他重新定义了“真正的英雄”,而且更在于他以其天才的诗艺塑造出一系列体现其信仰以及他对世界和人性的深刻洞察力的基督式英雄,从而践行了他关于构建正义社会、守护人生真理的“诗人圣职论”,并对英国文学产生了广泛而深远的影响。
[Abstract]:John Milton is a landmark poet in the history of English literature. For his heroic poetry trilogy, paradise lost, paradise, and gladiator Samson, commenting on a single study, sometimes even the explanation of the detachment, the trilogy is not enough to understand the trilogy as an organic whole and to the poet's whole western heroic poem. This study will make a comprehensive use of the critical methods of archetype, intertextuality, psychoanalysis, historicism, defamiliarization, feminism and so on. From Milton's own theological ideas, the four texts of Milton will be carefully studied: theological works < Christian doctrine > and heroic poetry trilogy; The theme of the "hero" is systematically studied.
In his work, Milton tried to pull the distance between people and God, making people fully responsible for their ability to grow into "Heroes" or to be degenerated. Milton repeatedly stressed that people have not only "God like" external qualities, but "God like" internal virtues. Milton's trilogy shows the art of this A heroic image based on theological thought.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this thesis is divided into four chapters. The introduction includes the literature review, the definition of "Greek hero" and "Christian Hero", and the research methods, basic views and structure of this thesis.
The first chapter focuses on Milton's theological thought in order to help the chapters to analyze the trilogy in the following chapters, including Milton's discourse on "son" Jesus Christ, the definition of "Holy Spirit" ("spirit"), the interpretation of Milton's "inner spirit" and the paradoxical "view of Seduction". Zhang Youqi pays attention to the doctrines of < dogma > for Jesus Christ, because this is the basis for the interpretation of Milton Christian heroes, and the theological thought of Milton's Christian hero is the essence and core of the decode of his trilogy. The purpose of this chapter is to clarify the connotation of Milton's "Christian hero", and the "Christian Hero" paradigm and "temptation". The relationship between pattern "," inner spirit ".
The second chapter describes the heroes and heroes of the epic in paradise lost. On the one hand, Milton follows the traditional Christian idea of the demons in paradise lost, but portrayed the incarnation of Satan's "evil" concept from Christianity as the most puzzled "heroic" image, and draws on "the universal historical model of Satan's three in one" and the British. The "moral tradition" in literature, in order to strengthen the tension of the epic, provides the "pre time" background for the inevitability of the fall of the masters of the epic and the Christian hero Adam Eve. On the other hand, Milton sees the fall of Adam's Eve as "the lucky fall", and by enumerating a series of relative Greek heroes and Christian styles. The hero, Adam Eve, who degenerates in the face of the temptation but may be reborn, is portrayed as the Christian figure of the Christian Methodist companion, who first embarked on the "inner spirit".
The third chapter studies the dual identity of the hero of the epic and the hero Jesus. Jesus, based on the human nature, and Satan's ten temptations to Jesus in order to reveal Jesus's human nature in an all-round way, and make his human nature go through all kinds of trials to the highest point and show his divinity, thus making the "man of man" Jesus sublimate naturally to "the God of man". For in Milton's view, only when human nature completely resists the temptation and completely defeats evil, the divine nature will emerge and merge with the perfect human nature. Milton thus portrayed Jesus as "the inner mentor of man" in the paradise of man, Jesus, and by carve Jesus as the Christ "standing in the face of temptation" The archetype of the heroic hero gives its "Christian Hero" the essence of "inner spirit" such as "faith", "patience" and so on, making it a unique standard for measuring Milton's hero.
The fourth chapter discusses the Christian hero in the warrior Samson. Of the two great Hercules depicted in the poetic drama, Samson is the center of the poetic drama, the "spiritual warrior" that Milton advocated in the Christian doctrine and the heroic poetry trilogy. Milton's Christian hero, "the Christian martyr hero". The Christian hero of Milton has "achieved a new and more subtle heroism".
The conclusion is that Milton's "eternal classic position" in the history of Western heroic poetry lies not only in his redefinition of the "true hero", but also in the creation of a series of Christian heroes reflecting his beliefs and his profound insight into the world and human nature with his talented poetic art. The theory of "the priesthood of the poet", which built the just society and guarded the truth of life, has produced a wide and far-reaching influence on English literature.
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1 张隆溪;;论《失乐园》[J];外国文学;2007年01期
2 刘立辉;弥尔顿早期诗歌中的神秘主义倾向[J];国外文学;2001年02期
3 刘立辉;弥尔顿的诗学观[J];外国文学评论;2001年03期
4 刘立辉;弥尔顿两首早期诗歌的宗教解读[J];外国文学研究;2001年02期
5 陈t熛,