本文选题:鲁迅 + 《野草》 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:《野草》写于“五四”后期,是鲁迅唯一的一本散文诗集。鲁迅自己曾经说过,自己一生的哲学都在《野草》里了。《野草》是五四退潮后鲁迅思想彷徨、苦闷的产物,反映了鲁迅彷徨、思索、坚韧战斗的心路历程。《野草》生长在中华民族的土壤中,它在吸收了华夏养料的同时,又更多地汲取了异域果汁,可以说,鲁迅的《野草》是一部“拿来主义”的杰出作品。本文正是要通过鲁迅《野草》与外国文学的比较研究来发现外国文学对鲁迅及其《野草》在深刻的思想精髓与独特的艺术魅力中所产生的重要影响并加以论证。 在对鲁迅《野草》与外国文学的比较研究过程中,本文主要以鲁迅《野草》与欧洲文学、鲁迅《野草》与俄国文学、鲁迅《野草》日本文学为比较研究重点,以鲁迅《野草》与尼采、波特莱尔、拜伦、裴多菲、易卜生、屠格涅夫、列夫·托尔斯泰、阿尔志跋绥夫、厨川白村、夏目漱石等众多外国文学家的重要文学作品为主要比较研究对象,将文章主体分为三大部分进行论说。 第一部分探讨鲁迅《野草》在艺术表现方式与思想内容上所受到来自欧洲文学的重要影响,主要表现为一是《野草》的象征主义艺术渊源来自于波特莱尔散文诗《巴黎的忧郁》;二是尼采《查拉图斯特拉如是说》深刻地表现出尼采的最终回还理论对鲁迅创作《野草》所产生的深刻思想影响;三是拜伦《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》、《该隐》中的“拜伦式英雄”人物精神对鲁迅高扬抗争与进取力量的精神产生深远影响;四是鲁迅通过裴多菲的《希望》之诗形成了鲁迅《野草》关于“希望”和“绝望”的新认识,表现出鲁迅与裴多菲在精神气质上的共鸣;五是易卜生戏剧为鲁迅《野草》提供了锐利的思想武器,他们都用自己坚强的意志力去反抗黑暗死亡,追求光明希望。 第二部分探讨鲁迅《野草》在思想内容与艺术表现方式上所受到来自俄国文学的重要影响,主要表现为一是鲁迅与屠格涅夫都具有“为人生”的启蒙主义思想,二者都在散文诗中以“梦境”这一独特的艺术构思来抒写自己的战斗思想和情绪;二是鲁迅《野草》在思想内容创作上受到了列夫·托尔斯泰的巨大影响,同时鲁迅融汇并超越了列夫·托尔斯泰的文学创作及思想,《野草》更为深刻地揭露了中国社会的矛盾、问题;三是鲁迅《野草》与阿尔志跋绥夫在描写群众的麻木、愚昧,对革命的隔膜,以及由此而产生的革命者的孤独、寂寞、悲哀上有相通之处。 第三部分探讨鲁迅《野草》在思想内容与艺术表现方式上所受到来自日本文学的重要影响,主要表现为一是厨川白村《苦闷的象征》深刻影响着鲁迅《野草》的创作实践,,其理论对鲁迅文艺思想的成熟有着至关重要的作用;二是鲁迅与夏目漱石在散文诗创作上均用梦幻境界来表现心灵世界,二人在文化批判精神上息息相通,且他们在爱情婚姻经历上也极为相似。
[Abstract]:The Wild Grass, written in the late May fourth Movement, is Lu Xun's only collection of prose poems. Lu Xun himself once said that his whole life's philosophy is in "weeds". "Wild Grass" is the product of Lu Xun's thinking after the May 4th Movement, which reflects Lu Xun's hesitation and thinking. "Wild Grass" grows in the soil of the Chinese nation. It absorbs Chinese nutrients and more foreign juice at the same time. It can be said that Lu Xun's "Wild Grass" is an outstanding work of "Laurie Doctrine". This paper aims to find out the important influence of foreign literature on Lu Xun and its unique artistic charm through the comparative study of Lu Xun's Wild Grass and Foreign Literature. In the process of comparative study between Lu Xun and foreign literature, this paper mainly focuses on Lu Xun and European literature, Lu Xun with Russian literature, Lu Xun with Japanese literature. With Lu Xun, with Nietzsche, Baudelaire, Byron, Petofi, Ibsen, Turgenev, Lev Tolstoy, Alzibansev, Kitchen White, The main body of the article is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the important influence of European literature on the artistic expression and ideological content of Lu Xun. The main expression is that the symbolism artistic origin of "Wild Grass" comes from Baudelaire's prose poem "the melancholy of Paris"; the second is Nietzsche's "Charatustra" which profoundly expresses Nietzsche's ultimate return theory to Lu Xun. The profound influence of the creation of Wild Grass; Third, Byron's "Byron Heroes" in "the Journey of Child Harald" has a profound influence on the spirit of Lu Xun's struggle and enterprising power. Fourth, Lu Xun formed a new understanding of "Hope" and "despair" in Lu Xun's "Hope" and "despair" through Petofi's "Hope" poem, which showed the resonance between Lu Xun and Petofi in their spiritual temperament; Fifth, Ibsen's plays provide a sharp ideological weapon for Lu Xun, they all use their strong willpower to resist the dark death and pursue the bright hope. The second part discusses the important influence from Russian literature on the ideological content and artistic expression of Lu Xun's Wild Grass. One is that both Lu Xun and Turgenev have the enlightening thought of "life". Both of them express their fighting thoughts and emotions with the unique artistic conception of "Dream" in prose poetry. Second, Lu Xun's "Wild Grass" has been greatly influenced by Leo Tolstoy in his ideological content creation. At the same time, Lu Xun melts into and transcends the literary creation and thought of Leo Tolstoy, and Wild Grass reveals more deeply the contradictions and problems in Chinese society. Third, Lu Xun "Wild Grass" and Alziworthy describe the numbness and stupidity of the masses. There are similarities between the divisions of revolution, and the solitude, loneliness, and sadness of the revolutionaries. The third part discusses the important influence from Japanese literature on the ideological content and artistic expression of Lu Xun's Wild Grass, which is mainly manifested in the fact that the symbol of sadness in Kaochuan White Village has a profound influence on the creative practice of Lu Xun's Wild Grass. His theory plays an important role in the maturity of Lu Xun's literary and artistic thoughts. Second, Lu Xun and Natalie both express their spiritual world with dreamland in their prose poetry creation, and they are closely connected in the spirit of cultural criticism. And they are also very similar in their love and marriage experience.
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