[Abstract]:Lydua Ashur is one of the representative figures of contemporary Egyptian female writers. The Granada trilogy is her first long historical novel. One of the best medium-length novels of the 20th century, the Granada Trilogy reproduces the history from the Spanish army entering Granada in 1491 to the expulsion of Arab Muslims from Andalusia in the early 17th century. Describing the vicissitudes and experiences of the five generations of ordinary Arab Muslim families living in Granada, documenting the suffering and suffering suffered by Muslims after the Granada War, and completing the fate of Arab women through the restatement of history, Reflection on the fate of the nation. For the trilogy, which has many characters and spans a long time, the alternating application of various narrative techniques is the key to ensure its narrative flexibility and vitality. The use of different narrative techniques has different effects on the text, as well as on the deductive plot and prominent theme. Therefore, under the guidance of narratology theory, this paper analyzes the Granada trilogy from the perspectives of narrative mode, narrative perspective and discourse mode, and draws lessons from the feminist narratology theory of post-classical narratology. This paper analyzes the narrative strategies and characteristics of the trilogy, and analyzes how to integrate and apply various narrative strategies to explore its performance on the theme of the works. This thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter, "Lydua Achour and Granada Trilogy" is divided into two sections, respectively, the writer's life, the creation background of the trilogy, the main content and the significance of creation. The second chapter, "A narrative Strategy Analysis of the Granada Trilogy", is divided into three sections. It analyzes the narrative techniques and narrative strategies adopted by Lydua Achour in the novel creation from three aspects: narrative mode, narrative perspective and discourse mode. The third chapter, "the Unity of narrative Strategies and themes of Granada Trilogy", is divided into three sections. By analyzing the artistic effects of a series of narrative strategies, the author discusses the influence of narrative strategies on the theme of his works.
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