[Abstract]:Wei Su Naipaul, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize for Literature, is a world-famous literary writer. He was born in India, born in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and settled in Britain. The study of Naipaul's cultural identity is a highlight of post-colonial literature. Naipaul's work has attracted intense attention, which has also caused controversy over his identity. Some people criticized Naipaul as a traitor to the third World by singing praises for Western civilization, but others praised Naipaul for exposing the reality of the third World calmly and objectively, forcing people to face up to and try to solve the problems of the third World. Naipaul is often beset by his identity. Naipaul reflects himself through the experiences of the characters in his works and expresses his views on his identity. Based on Naipaul's main work, imitators, and the post-colonial theory of Homi Baba, a later colonial theorist, this paper makes a thorough analysis of the identity puzzlement of the main characters in the works. This paper discusses the disillusionment and awakening of identity pursuit and final identity pursuit, and probes into the identity confusion of Naipaul in reality, and the disillusionment and awakening of identity pursuit and final identity pursuit. Finally, this paper draws the following conclusions: first, blind imitation is not a way out, and writing is a possible way to solve the identity problem. Naipaul no longer blindly imitates the West nor mixes blindly, but actively constructs the cultural identity of the third space. This is in line with its identity writing. Second, Naipaul seeks the identity of a world writer and writes for the world. Third, writing should not blindly imitate the West, but should be innovative, and should promote cultural exchanges between the first world and the third world. It is an innovation of this thesis to study Naipaul's identity pursuit from the perspective of post-colonial theory.
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