发布时间:2018-09-10 15:26
【摘要】:中岛敦(1909-1942)是日本现代文坛独具特色的作家。虽然英年早逝,但是为后人留下了诸如《光风梦》、《狼疾记》、《变色龙日记》、《山月记》、《盈虚》、《牛人》、《弟子》、《名人传》、《李陵》等传世的杰作。纵观中岛敦的小说作品,不难发现中岛敦对于人物的内心世界格外关注。“不安、孤独”和“存在的不确定性”的质疑等形成了中岛敦怀疑主义的悲观哲学体系。而这种怀疑主义通过人物内心世界的描写,贯穿于中岛敦整个创作中。另一方面,中岛敦也正是通过这些小说创作,坚持不懈地进行着自我探索和救赎。因为这样的探索,我们从他的作品中可窥探他对人生观的变化,可以说中岛敦的所有作品其实是一部自我探索史。 《李陵》是取材于中国古代历史的一部小说。作为中岛敦的遗作,它在中岛敦对于自我的探索和救赎方面已经达到相对成熟的阶段。中岛敦在《李陵》的人物造型方面可谓是费尽苦心。他并不是单纯地把原典中的人物形象搬到了《李陵》中,而是在原典的基础上对人物进行了再创造。本论文以此作为出发点,分析中岛敦的选角意图和创作意图,最后对《李陵》的主题思想进行解读和挖掘。 本论文由“序论”、“从原典比较看对人物自我受难的注重”、“选择和创作自我受难型人物的原因”、“自我受难到自我救赎”、“结论”五部分组成。 “从原典比较看对人物自我受难的注重”部分,将分成两部分分析中岛敦对《李陵》人物形象的处理。第一部分聚焦于“李陵”这个人物形象,分析小说人物与史料中的异同。第二部分主要分析中岛敦在“司马迁”和“苏武”这两个人物上做的改编和创作。通过分析得知,中岛敦对人物的心理描写(尤其是人物的苦恼)部分创作的成分最多,而在情节上的改编也是为了让后续的心理描写显得更为自然。可以说,中岛敦是有意识地在加深人物的苦恼,营造一个人物的自我受难(包括自我分裂、怀疑和自我否定等)的过程。 “选择和创作自我受难型人物的原因”部分,将分成三部分,联系中岛敦自身的经历和《李陵》的创作的关联。结论是中岛敦选择李陵和司马迁是由于他们身上的孤独感、思乡之情。司马迁的《史记》创作让中岛敦产生了共鸣,,而中岛敦对他们关注的原因则是把自身的不安和理想投影到了人物身上。 “自我受难到自我救赎”部分,分成两部分分别分析了中岛文学主题的变迁中表现的自我救赎及《李陵》中的自我救赎。前者主要分析中岛文学从形而上学的怀疑主义(“世界是什么”“我是谁”等关于“存在的不确定性”的怀疑)到形而上学迷蒙的形而上学放弃(在形而上学的自我意识的迷蒙中放弃形而上学怀疑,即放弃主观抽象的疑问,把目光转向更为实际的生活细节)再到以行动主义对抗怀疑主义这样变迁的一个过程中体现的自我救赎。后者则分析中岛敦通过《李陵》三人所要表达的自我救赎,即通过有绝对价值支撑的行动主义达到的真正的自我救赎。 “结论”部分指出,中岛敦通过对《李陵》人物的选择和创作,不仅是要表达人物苦恼的多样性和人物的自我受难的过程,最重要的是要通过对人物这些苦恼的描写,让读者思考如何才能获得真正的自我救赎。通过人物在面对无情命运时所采取的应对态度和心理变化的对比揭示出只有拥有绝对价值存在的行为主义才可以达到真正的自我救赎的主题。
[Abstract]:Nakajima Dun (1909-1942) is a unique writer in modern Japanese literary circles. Although he died young, he left behind masterpieces such as Dream of Light and Wind, Wolf Disease, Chameleon Diary, Mountain Moon, Yingxu, Niu Ren, Disciple, Celebrity Biography, Li Ling and so on. Nakajima Dun's skepticism is a pessimistic philosophical system formed by the questioning of "insecurity, loneliness" and "uncertainty of existence". It is self-exploration and redemption. Because of this exploration, we can see the change of his outlook on life in his works. It can be said that all of Nakajima Dun's works are actually a history of self-exploration.
"Li Ling" is a novel based on ancient Chinese history. As Nakajima Dun's legacy, it has reached a relatively mature stage in Nakajima Dun's self-exploration and redemption. Nakajima Dun has devoted much effort to the characterization of "Li Ling". He did not simply move the characters in the original book to "Li Ling". Instead, Nakajima Dun has moved them to "Li Ling". This paper takes this as a starting point to analyze Shimadun's intention of choosing roles and creating works, and finally interprets and excavates the theme of Li Ling.
This paper is composed of five parts: introduction, emphasis on self-suffering, reasons for choosing and creating self-suffering characters, self-suffering to self-redemption, and conclusion.
The first part focuses on the image of Li Ling and analyzes the similarities and differences between the characters in the novel and the historical materials. The second part mainly analyzes the two characters in Sima Qian and Su Wu. Nakajima Dun's psychological description (especially the character's distress) is the most important part of his creation, and the adaptation of the plot is to make the subsequent psychological description seem more natural. It can be said that Nakajima Dun consciously deepens the character's distress and creates a character's self. The process of suffering (including self division, doubt and self denial).
"The Reasons for Choosing and Creating Self-Suffering Characters" will be divided into three parts, which will relate to Nakajima Dun's own experience and the creation of "Li Ling". The conclusion is that Nakajima Dun chose Li Ling and Sima Qian because of their loneliness and homesickness. Sima Qian's creation of "Historical Records" resonates with Nakajima Dun, and Nakajima Dun resonates with him. The reason we are concerned is that we have projected our own uneasiness and ideals onto the characters.
The part from "self-suffering to self-redemption" is divided into two parts, which analyze the self-redemption in the change of the theme of Nakajima literature and the self-redemption in Li Ling respectively. The metaphysical abandonment of metaphysical obscurity (abandoning metaphysical suspicion in the obscurity of metaphysical self-consciousness, i.e. abandoning subjective and abstract questions and turning to more practical details of life) and the self-redemption embodied in the process of opposing such changes as skepticism with activism. The latter analyzes Shimaduton. The self-redemption they want to express is the real self-redemption achieved through activism supported by absolute value.
The conclusion points out that Nakajima Dun's choice and creation of the characters in Li Ling is not only to express the diversity of the characters'distress and the process of their self-suffering, but also, most importantly, to make the readers think about how to achieve real self-salvation through the description of the characters' distress. The contrast of coping attitudes and psychological changes reveals that only behaviorism with absolute value can achieve true self-redemption.
[Abstract]:Nakajima Dun (1909-1942) is a unique writer in modern Japanese literary circles. Although he died young, he left behind masterpieces such as Dream of Light and Wind, Wolf Disease, Chameleon Diary, Mountain Moon, Yingxu, Niu Ren, Disciple, Celebrity Biography, Li Ling and so on. Nakajima Dun's skepticism is a pessimistic philosophical system formed by the questioning of "insecurity, loneliness" and "uncertainty of existence". It is self-exploration and redemption. Because of this exploration, we can see the change of his outlook on life in his works. It can be said that all of Nakajima Dun's works are actually a history of self-exploration.
"Li Ling" is a novel based on ancient Chinese history. As Nakajima Dun's legacy, it has reached a relatively mature stage in Nakajima Dun's self-exploration and redemption. Nakajima Dun has devoted much effort to the characterization of "Li Ling". He did not simply move the characters in the original book to "Li Ling". Instead, Nakajima Dun has moved them to "Li Ling". This paper takes this as a starting point to analyze Shimadun's intention of choosing roles and creating works, and finally interprets and excavates the theme of Li Ling.
This paper is composed of five parts: introduction, emphasis on self-suffering, reasons for choosing and creating self-suffering characters, self-suffering to self-redemption, and conclusion.
The first part focuses on the image of Li Ling and analyzes the similarities and differences between the characters in the novel and the historical materials. The second part mainly analyzes the two characters in Sima Qian and Su Wu. Nakajima Dun's psychological description (especially the character's distress) is the most important part of his creation, and the adaptation of the plot is to make the subsequent psychological description seem more natural. It can be said that Nakajima Dun consciously deepens the character's distress and creates a character's self. The process of suffering (including self division, doubt and self denial).
"The Reasons for Choosing and Creating Self-Suffering Characters" will be divided into three parts, which will relate to Nakajima Dun's own experience and the creation of "Li Ling". The conclusion is that Nakajima Dun chose Li Ling and Sima Qian because of their loneliness and homesickness. Sima Qian's creation of "Historical Records" resonates with Nakajima Dun, and Nakajima Dun resonates with him. The reason we are concerned is that we have projected our own uneasiness and ideals onto the characters.
The part from "self-suffering to self-redemption" is divided into two parts, which analyze the self-redemption in the change of the theme of Nakajima literature and the self-redemption in Li Ling respectively. The metaphysical abandonment of metaphysical obscurity (abandoning metaphysical suspicion in the obscurity of metaphysical self-consciousness, i.e. abandoning subjective and abstract questions and turning to more practical details of life) and the self-redemption embodied in the process of opposing such changes as skepticism with activism. The latter analyzes Shimaduton. The self-redemption they want to express is the real self-redemption achieved through activism supported by absolute value.
The conclusion points out that Nakajima Dun's choice and creation of the characters in Li Ling is not only to express the diversity of the characters'distress and the process of their self-suffering, but also, most importantly, to make the readers think about how to achieve real self-salvation through the description of the characters' distress. The contrast of coping attitudes and psychological changes reveals that only behaviorism with absolute value can achieve true self-redemption.
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