[Abstract]:With the rise of female literature, the field of Korean classical literature also began to study women. But most of the studies focused on the Korean period, especially the period of the three Kingdoms. Based on the Historical Records of the three Kingdoms and the Legacy of the three Kingdoms, this paper studies the female images of the three Kingdoms period in ancient Korea. The Historical Records of the three Kingdoms and the Legacy of the three Kingdoms are the earliest documents in Korea. It is also the main representative work of recording the female images of the three Kingdoms period in South Korea, but they are very different in many aspects, and the female images are not the same. There is no systematic, holistic study of the female images contained in the two works. In view of this, the thesis makes a systematic comparative study on the female images in the Historical Records of the three Kingdoms and the Legacy of the three Kingdoms. The third chapter divides the female images of the three Kingdoms into different women and human beings, and then analyzes them according to the method of chapter two. Chapter four compares the female images in the Historical Records of the three Kingdoms and the Legacy of the three Kingdoms on the basis of the second and third chapters. Through the analysis and generalization, the author finds out that the common features of the two works are the description of the mother and the virginity of the female. Besides the image of filial piety, many independent, independent and capable women are also described. The difference is that the Historical Records of the three Kingdoms emphasizes the reality and objectivity of the story, while the Legacy of the three Kingdoms pays attention to the divinity and the special nature. The History of the three Kingdoms more portrays the female image of the upper class or the Confucian moral model, while the Legacy of the three Kingdoms portrays the female image of the lower class, who believes in Buddhism, who is different from God, and whose figure is rich and colorful. Relations between people also tend to be equal. The generality and characteristics of the two works are mainly analyzed from the background of the times, the author's worldview and the characteristics of the works themselves.
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