[Abstract]:Maxine Hong Kingston, the second generation of Chinese Americans, is a highly acclaimed Chinese-American writer. She is one of the most concerned Chinese women writers in American mainstream literature. Her three novels and a series of works related to the unique experience of Chinese immigrants received wide public attention. Among them, the female Warrior established her position in the history of American literature. Female Warrior is a very rich work, which combines culture, family anecdotes and personal experiences. Due to the mixing of Chinese traditional stories and personal memories, it is difficult to distinguish its genre, and the debate about its genre is well known in literary circles. The work consists of five chapters, each of which is an intrinsically connected story. In this work, Kingston documents her confusion and struggle to find her identity in two worlds and two cultures. So far, many scholars have interpreted it from different perspectives, so there have been a lot of books and papers. This situation also shows that the woman Warrior is indeed a work containing unlimited possibilities, so it is worthy of further study. This paper tries to reveal the powerful power of women and nature through the analysis of the relationship between women and nature and the typical female images from the feminist perspective, and shows how Kingston tries to establish a man and a woman. A harmonious world in which man and nature coexist on an equal footing. The first chapter mainly discusses the relationship between women and nature to reveal that nature is the source of women's strength. In the second chapter, the author discusses the power of female resistance. First, the author reviews the causes of female resistance, then discusses the influence of the traditional femininity complex in the text, and finally discusses two typical female representatives with rebellious spirit. In the third chapter, the author reviews Virginia Wolfe and her important literary thought, androgynous, and discusses two female images with hermaphroditism. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the efforts made by women with two different forces to resist the oppression of gender and freely exert their ability to realize their self-worth under the support of nature.
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