[Abstract]:The Harry Potter novels have since come out, like a tropical storm, are not strong. Ms. Rowling, the author of this series, has a small number of works, but Harry Potter is enough to make her the only woman in the Forbes list. Her novel, with magic as a carrier, has inherited and developed various modern and post-modern writing techniques. The novel, which takes children as a subject, is on the top of the best-selling list, mainly because of its perfect combination of the long-established fairy tale model with the new generation of the magic realism literature school, and the bright and dazzling fire is spilt. A series of novels are among the children's literature, which makes the readers very easy to be connected with the fairy tales. The original reader of the fairy tale is not a child, but as a talk to the farmers, the tramp and the rest of the meal, but as the greg brothers clean up the fairy tale collection system, the beginning of the 19 th century At the beginning of the period, fairy tales have been widely used as a type of children's literature In contrast, the emerging magic realism, originally from the mysterious and attractive Latin American countries, is booming in the fifties of the last century, and some European and American writers have widely used this kind of writing to expose the social malpractices and the society in the magic. It's going to be real, and it's a social and political ideal. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the "Harry Potter" series from the two aspects of the magic realism and the fairy tale, through the characters' prototype, the narrative method, the social reality of the needle and the society, in order to find a better way to explore the social significance of the epoch-making work. And the value of the art. This paper is from the introduction, the text and the text. Conclusion Three-part composition The main contents are as follows: The first part is an introduction. The main simple introduction of the "Harry Potter" series, the author, Ms. Rowling, and the whole story of the novel, summarizes the current research status of the series, and points out the magic of magic. The Theoretical Basis of Realism. Second The part is the text, which is composed of three chapters: the first chapter mainly introduces the theory of the magic realism and the development of the fairy tale, and the magic realism is coming from the mainland of the South America with its irresistible trend, and across the peace In Europe and Asia and other places to take root, the one of the characteristics of the magic realism is to use the magic of magic to present the social reality on the basis of the real world, The ultimate goal is to show the real life. And in Rowling's works, there is a distinctive fairy-tale characteristic. This paper, through the introduction of the fairy-tale, aims to introduce the development and evolution of the fairy-tale, and make the reader know that the original fairy tale audience group is not a child of the present time, but for those who send time, the fairy tales themselves are also The second chapter analyzes the characteristics of the magic realism, and the highlights of the series The place is the fairy tale characteristic of its magic angle. The main character Harry Potter's ugly duckling prototype, Rowling succeeded in shaping an ordinary orphan, from The image of the great heroes of the world is unknown. The archetypes of the Phoenix and the Dark, which are full of justice, belong to the two camps of Dumbledore and Voldemort. The ultimate confrontation between them is good and evil, positive and evil. The final contest is the classic story template of the fairy tale. The unique narrative skill in the magic realism novel is that the fuzzy narrative method is embodied in the series of novels in the aspects of life and death, time and space, and how to further analyze the god in the novel The prototype of the speech is based on the theory of Jung's myth and the analysis of the theory. The third chapter reveals the social problems embodied in the novels of Harry Potter and the series of novels. The pros and cons of this are the typical features of the magic realist works. It includes the hierarchy of the high-level magic part and the ancient spirit of the money-first, the racial discrimination and the sex discrimination, and the specific explanation of why Harry and Voldemort have made two distinct big shots at all, The self-choice played a very important role in it. Rowling used the magic to reflect the reality, and in true and false, virtual The last part is the conclusion, this part of the main review summarizes the whole paper, the "Harry Potter" series has been widely accepted and well received, but as it still belongs to the new life The research of this series is a few, and the reference and the literature of the study are few, which will inevitably lead to the omission of this paper in the study of the case, some of the arguments are not strong enough, the author is to
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