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发布时间:2019-03-12 12:15
【摘要】:梅·萨藤,原名埃莉诺·玛丽·萨藤(1912.5.3-1995.7.16)为美国诗人,小说家和日记作家。伴随着1965年发表的《斯蒂文斯夫人听见美人鱼的歌声》,萨藤开始受到公众的关注,并为她带来了广泛的赞誉。《独居日记》发表于1973年,这部日记可以看作是萨藤对于人生中各种问题的思考,如孤独,压抑,死亡,爱情等,同时这部日记也可以视为作家个人精神成长的记录。 本论文旨在通过《独居日记》的文本分析,展示超验体验对于作家自身精神状态的积极作用。在这篇日记中,超验表现为一种精神世界的内在变化,从精神和情感无序的混乱到和谐统一,并最终实现自我接受,自我认知,自我发现,达到一种健康的状态和人格的完善。 本论文主要分为三部分。导言部分主要介绍作家的相关背景信息,重要的作品和职业发展经历。同时也介绍了该作家及其作品在国内外的研究现状和到目前为止国内外学者的一些重要研究成果。 第一章主要讨论超验与文学之间的联系,以及超验在文学作品中的实现。超验源于宗教用语,用于描述神超越其他一切存在的状态。这种思想广泛的存在于人类的多种宗教思想之中,如佛教,基督教和伊斯兰教。随着社会的发展,哲学家也开始关注超验。德国哲学家康德在其先验哲学体系中亦详细的论述了超验。后来的美国超验主义可以看作是超验对于文学的直接影响。然而本文所论述的超验是以超验的普遍性特征为基础的,即超验是一种人精神的升华,并能帮助人达到一种超然的状态。同时本章还列举了不同时期不同领域内,超验思想在文学作品中的直接表现。 第二章探讨超验在《独居日记》中的表现,尤其是引发超验的先决条件。这些先决条件主要分为两组。生活中的种种变化是第一组,这些变化导致了矛盾的心里,沮丧的情绪,压力以及现实生活中的各种问题。这些变化有的是指脱离人群的独居状态,又或者是随着年龄增长遇到的各种问题。另一组先决条件为作者在文本中表现的各种信仰。这里所论述信仰,不单止宗教信仰,而是广义上对于某些方面的强烈信念,,如神,自然和死亡,这些信仰都会促使人反思自己的人生意义。日记中的这些先决条件能够引发人对于生活和生命的思考,并引导人认识自身的生存环境。 第三章阐述了《独居日记》中,获得超验体验的方法手段。自我思考是最主要的方式,其帮助萨藤更好的理解生活的意义。在日记中,这种自我思考具体表现为对于自己人生中几位重要人物的回忆,对于往昔珍贵回忆的再现还有独自一人的冥想。另一个获得超验体验的方式就是交流。除了自我思考意外,日记中还记录了作者与周围人的交流,如各种房客还有与他人的信件回复往来。这些手段都能够帮助作家获得超验体验。 总结部分概括了作家所获得的超验体验,同时进一步揭示了这本日记对于与作家有相似背景的老年人群体的积极作用。萨藤通过超验体验达到了自我发现和治愈作用。对于那些与萨藤相似背景的人亦起到了相同的作用。通过阅读萨藤的这本日记,许多老年人重新发现了生活的新意义而年轻的读者则能对老年人群体有一个全新的认识,而这也是研究萨藤作品的实际意义。
[Abstract]:Melissa Sato, formerly Eleanor Mary Sato (1912.5.3-1995.7.16), is a American poet, novelist and diary writer. As Mrs. Stevence, published in 1965, heard the mermaid's song, Sato began to be of public interest and made a wide range of praise for her. The journal, which is published in 1973, can be regarded as a reflection of the various problems in life, such as loneliness, depression, death, love, etc., and the journal can also be regarded as a record of the personal spiritual growth of a writer. The purpose of this thesis is to show the positive effect of the experience on the mental state of the writer through the text analysis of the . In this diary, the transcendental performance is an inner change of the spiritual world, from the disorder of mental and emotional disorder to the harmony and unity, and finally the self-acceptance, self-recognition, self-discovery, the achievement of a healthy state and the completion of the personality Good. The thesis is mainly divided into two parts: Part III. The introduction mainly introduces the relevant background information of the writer, the important work and the professional development. At the same time, the research status of the writer and his works at home and abroad and some important research of the domestic and foreign scholars at home and abroad are also introduced. The first chapter mainly discusses the relationship between the transcendental and the literature, and the transcendence in the literature. The achievement of a product. The transcendental is derived from a religious term used to describe God's transcendence of all other things. The state of existence. This kind of thought is widely used in many religious ideas of human, such as Buddhism and Christianity. and Islam. With the development of society, the philosopher also opens The German philosopher Kant also has a detailed description of his prior philosophical system. This paper discusses the over-test. Later, the American overtest can be regarded as a transcendental for literature. However, the over-test is based on the universal character of the transcendental, that is, the transcendental is a kind of sublimation of the human spirit, and can help the person to achieve one. This chapter also lists the different fields of different periods, and the transcendental thought is in the literary works The second chapter discusses the performance of the over-test in the , in particular the initiation The prerequisites for the overtest. These first-order bars The two groups are divided into two groups. The changes in life are the first group, and these changes lead to a contradictory heart, a depressed mood, a pressure, and a real life. There are various problems in the living. These changes refer to the state of living alone or as a result of age. various problems encountered. Another set of prerequisites is the author's in the text The faith that is presented here is not only a religious belief, but a strong belief in certain aspects, such as God, nature and death, which can lead to reflection. The meaning of life. These prerequisites in the diary can cause a person to think about life and life, and to guide the person to know The third chapter expounds the "solitary diary>", which is obtained The method of transcendental experience. Self-thinking is the most important way, it helps Sato more A good understanding of the meaning of life. In a diary, this self-thinking is reflected in the memories of several important people in their lives, for the reproduction of the most precious memories of the past. There's a single meditation. The other is over. The way to experience is to communicate. In addition to the self-thought accident, the diary also records the author's communication with the surrounding people, such as a variety of tenants and The letters of others return to each other. They can help. The summary section summarizes the over-test experience of the author, and further reveals that the diary is similar to the author The active role of the elderly population. To self-discovery and healing. For those similar to Sato. People also play the same role. By reading this diary of Sato, many older people have rediscovered the new meaning of life, and young readers can have a brand-new understanding of the elderly, and that's the same


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