[Abstract]:Bai Xinai, one of the main female literary authors in the 1930s, explained the embarrassing life of North Korea at that time and the pain that women had to bear in such an environment. Although he died at the age of 32, 19 novels and 35 essays were left behind. Although Bai Xinai's life is short, he has a dramatic life experience, from feminist activists to female writers, from Siberia to Japan to study in Japan, after marriage and divorce and other major events. This rich experience has brought great influence to Baixin's thought and emotion, which makes the works rich in form, and the characters involved in the novel are also very extensive, from the bottom to the middle class, there are a word of unknown farmers and highly educated intellectuals. This paper focuses on three works, Mad Man's hand, mixed Power and Beautiful sunset, and studies the desire shown in the works. In order to study these three works, this paper first reveals the background of Bai Xinai's growth. In addition to comparing with the female authors of the same period, she also understands her family members and their influence. After that, Bai Xinai's works are divided into two types. Finally, this paper summarizes the following three points that Bai Xin Eyai wants to express in three works: Mad Man's hand, mixed Power and Beautiful sunset. First, the desire to be respected and loved. Korean women have always been regarded as appendages of men because of feudal system, so women's desires are always ignored. Bai Xinai through his works let people understand the feelings and desires of women. Second, women have their own goals, for their own goals to adhere to their own path of choice with firm faith. Women are called on to recognize and strengthen themselves for their own goals. Third, women bound by all kinds of taboos have the desire to get rid of imprisonment and challenge taboos. However, because of the worldly vision has to be suppressed, drifting with the current. In a word, as a female liberation movement, Bai Xinai has been explaining the unfortunate life of women through her works, but these three works, such as Mad Man's hand, mixed Power and Beautiful sunset, let readers enter the hearts of women to understand their thoughts, feelings and desires in a different style from other works. Through the outbreak of women's suppressed desire, come out of silence, and can be liberated physically and mentally.
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