[Abstract]:Theodore Dreiser is undoubtedly one of the most influential writers in the history of American literature. He lived in the United States, which was transformed from a productive society to a consumer society at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He was famous for his bluntly describing the real life of the American people and boldly revealing the hidden problems of American society. As Dreiser's most outstanding work, American tragedy, based on a real murder in 1906, tells of a crime that was common in American society at that time: an aspiring young man killed his poor girlfriend in pursuit of another beautiful girl with money and status. Critics have analyzed the work from many angles, such as naturalism, capitalism and so on. However, combined with the special background of the times and reading the text carefully, it is not difficult to find that the whole work is permeated with the smell of consumption from beginning to end. This paper attempts to interpret American tragedy from the perspective of consumer culture by using Veblen and Baudrillard's theories on economy and society, and focuses on the analysis of conspicuous consumption. Through the explanation of the symbolic value of commodities, the psychological mechanism of conspicuous consumption and the influence of consumer culture, this paper probes into how the life and thought of the American people are impacted and changed in the process of the rise of consumer culture and the commercialization of society. Now China has also entered the consumer society, and the study of American tragedy also provides us with a reference platform for us to think about many problems on the road of urbanization and commercialization.
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