发布时间:2020-10-08 22:01
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 A Master of Natural World Depictions
1.2 Related Studies on Faulkner and The Bear
1.3 The Objective and Aim
Chapter Ⅱ Ecocriticism
2.1 Man and Nature
2.1.1 Mysterious Nature, Life Respect
2.1.2 Technocentrism, Anthorpocentrism VS. Ecocentrism
2.2 Man in Natural World
2.2.1 The First Law of Ecology and Land Ethics
2.2.2 Emergence
2.3 Environment and Literature
Chapter Ⅲ An Overview of Light and Sound Depictions in The Bear
Chapter Ⅳ An Ecological Interpretation of Light Intensity
4.1 Dim Light
4.1.1 Darkness of Mysterious Forest
4.1.2 The Man Lost in Mysterious Nature
4.2 Bright light
4.2.1 Holy Creation: Old Ben
4.2.2 Temporal Peace Under Brightness
ChapterⅤ Sound Depictions in The Bear
5.1 Different Sounds in Forest
5.1.1 Mysterious Nature: Sudden Sounds in the Woods
5.1.2 Shouting Desire: Sounds in the Last Fight
5.1.3 Industrial Conquer: Sound of Train
5.2 Soundless Rebellion from Nature
5.2.1 The Dog Lion
5.2.2 Soundless Bear
5.2.3 Soundless Forest
ChapterⅥ Ecological Illumination for Modern Environmental Crisis
6.1.D ark Nature or Bright Nature
6.2 Sound of Desire or Soundless Co-exist
ChapterⅦ Conclusion
Works Cited
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 A Master of Natural World Depictions
1.2 Related Studies on Faulkner and The Bear
1.3 The Objective and Aim
Chapter Ⅱ Ecocriticism
2.1 Man and Nature
2.1.1 Mysterious Nature, Life Respect
2.1.2 Technocentrism, Anthorpocentrism VS. Ecocentrism
2.2 Man in Natural World
2.2.1 The First Law of Ecology and Land Ethics
2.2.2 Emergence
2.3 Environment and Literature
Chapter Ⅲ An Overview of Light and Sound Depictions in The Bear
Chapter Ⅳ An Ecological Interpretation of Light Intensity
4.1 Dim Light
4.1.1 Darkness of Mysterious Forest
4.1.2 The Man Lost in Mysterious Nature
4.2 Bright light
4.2.1 Holy Creation: Old Ben
4.2.2 Temporal Peace Under Brightness
ChapterⅤ Sound Depictions in The Bear
5.1 Different Sounds in Forest
5.1.1 Mysterious Nature: Sudden Sounds in the Woods
5.1.2 Shouting Desire: Sounds in the Last Fight
5.1.3 Industrial Conquer: Sound of Train
5.2 Soundless Rebellion from Nature
5.2.1 The Dog Lion
5.2.2 Soundless Bear
5.2.3 Soundless Forest
ChapterⅥ Ecological Illumination for Modern Environmental Crisis
6.1.D ark Nature or Bright Nature
6.2 Sound of Desire or Soundless Co-exist
ChapterⅦ Conclusion
Works Cited
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