0.1 Background and Significance of Research
0.2 Objective and Methodology of Research
0.3 Content and Outline of Research
Chapter 1 Theodore Dreiser: A Literature
1.1 Dreiser’s Life Experience and Main Philosophical Ideas
1.2 Review on Dreiser’s Writing Features
1.3 Present Research on Dreiser’s Novels
1.4 The Blank Research on Dreiser’s Novels and the Feasibility of Marxist’s Alienation Theory
Chapter 2 Western Marxist’s Alienation Theory
2.1 An Introduction to Marxist’s Alienation Theory
2.1.1 The Origination and Development of Marxist’s Alienation Theory
2.1.2 Present Research on Marxist’s Alienation Theory
2.2 The Main Content of Marxist’s Alienation Theory
2.2.1 Alienation Between Labor Force and Labor Products
2.2.2 Alienation Between Labor Force and Labor Activity
2.2.3 Alienation Between Labor Force and Human Nature
2.2.4 Alienation Between Man and Other Men’s Relationships
2.3 From Marxist’s Alienation Theory to Alienation Phenomena
2.3.1 Alienated Human Relationship: Extreme Individualism and Materialism
2.3.2 Alienation in Reality: Men Becoming the Consumptive Machine
Chapter 3 A Thematic Analysis of Dreiser’s Novels from the Perspective of Marxist’s Alienation
3.1 The Modernity Feature of Dreiser’s Novels
3.1.1 The Modernity of Dreiser’s Theme
3.1.2 Reexamination of the Traditional Moral Standard
3.2 A Tentative Study on the Money Value of Sister Carrie
3.2.1 Interpretation of Carrie’s Money Value
3.2.2 A Tentative Study on Carrie’s Money Value under Marxist’s Alienation Theory Money Worship: The Alienation Between Labor Force and Labor Product Temptation Influence: The Alienation Between Labor Force and Activity
3.3 A Tentative Study on the Consumption Value of Jennie Gerhard
3.3.1 Interpretation of Jennie’s Consumer Value
3.3.2 The Instructive Significance of Marxist’s Alienation Theory to Jennie’s Wrong Consumption Value Desire Inflation: Alienated Material to Man’s Full Control Spiritual Distortion: Man Losing his Own Personal Consciousness
3.4 A Tentative Study on the Moral Value of An American Tragedy
3.4.1 Interpretation of Clyde’s Moral Value
3.4.2 A Tentative Study on Clyde’s Moral Value under Marxist’s Alienation Theory Moral Corruption: The Alienation Relationships Between Men in Labor Process Conscience Lost: The Alienation Between Labor Force and Human Nature
Chapter 4 The Root Cause and Sublation of Human Alienation in Dreiser’s Nove
4.1 The Root Cause of Human Alienation in Dreiser’s Novels
4.1.1 Social Cause: Money Worship Mode of Production
4.1.2 Individual Cause: The Drive of Inherent Desire
4.2 Marxist’s Sublation of Human Alienation
4.2.1 Human Being’s All-around Development
4.2.2 The Sublation of Capitalist Private Ownership
4.3 The Sublation of Human Alienation in Theordore Dreiser’s Novels under the Instruction of Marxism Theory
4.3.1 Reconstruction of Humanism Spirit
4.3.2 Construction of Scientific Consumption Concept
4.3.3 Construction of Harmonious Society
Appendix 攻读学位期间主要研究成果目录
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