Chapter 1 Studies of Domestication and Foreignization in Translation
1.1 Definitions of domestication and foreignization
1.2 Domestication and foreignization in history
1.2.1 Studies in the West
1.2.2 Studies in China
1.3 Main theories in domestication and foreignization
1.3.1 Nida and functional equivalence
1.3.2 Venuti and foreignization
1.3.3 The proper use of domestication and foreignization
Chapter 2 Factors Influencing the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization
2.1 The purpose of translation
2.2 The text type
2.2.1 The non-literary text
2.2.2 The literary text
2.3 The target reader
Chapter 3 Domestication and Foreignization in Vanity Fair by Yang Bi
3.1 A brief introduction to Vanity Fair
3.1.1 Vanity Fair
3.1.2 Thackeray and Yang Bi
3.2 The application of domestication and foreignization in Vanity Fair from the cultura perspective
3.2.1 The translation of material culture
3.2.2 The translation of language culture
3.2.3 The translation of religious culture
3.2.4 The translation of social culture
3.2.5 The translation of ecological culture
3.3 The summary
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