发布时间:2020-12-09 22:36
【文章页数】:90 页
0.1 Brief Introduction to the Author and the Work
0.2 Literature Review
0.3 Thesis Statement
Chapter One Contemporary American Gothic Fiction
1.1 American Gothic Fiction
1.1.1 Definition of American Gothic Fiction
1.1.2 Origin of American Gothic Fiction
1.1.3 Rising and Development of American Gothic Fiction
1.2 Stephen King’s Heritage and Development of American Gothic Fiction
1.2.1 Horror towards Familiarity
1.2.2 Emphasis on Psychic Terror
1.2.3 Major Themes of Immortality and Death
Chapter Two Character and Characterization in Pet Sematary
2.1 Untraditional Gothic Characters
2.1.1 Non-Villain-Like Hero—Louis
2.1.2 Demonized Characters
2.2 Application of Irrationalism and Supernaturalism in Characterization
2.2.1 Irrationalism and Supernaturalism
2.2.2 Influence of Irrationalism and Supernaturalism on Characters
Chapter Three Major Themes of Immortality and Death in Pet Sematary
3.1 Gothic Images of Immortality and Death
3.2 Contemporary Element in the Theme of Death
3.2.1 Good Death and Bad Death
3.2.2 Death of Contemporary Element in Pet Sematary
Chapter Four Contemporary Setting in Pet Sematary
4.1 Nuclear Family as a Microcosm
4.1.1 Concept of Familiarity
4.1.2 Bad Place and Nuclear Family
4.2 Microcosm and Macrocosm in Pet Sematary
4.2.1 Microcosm in Pet Sematary
4.2.2 Macrocosm in Pet Sematary
Chapter Five Esthetic Values of Contemporary American Gothic Fiction
5.1 Social and Cultural Esthetic Value
5.2 Literary Esthetic Value
[1]哥特式小说:概念与泛化[J]. 黄禄善. 外国文学研究. 2007(02)
[2]英美哥特小说与中国[J]. 於鲸. 南京师范大学文学院学报. 2005(04)
[3]当代哥特文化的内涵、特征及表现方式[J]. 回杨. 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版). 2005(04)
[4]试论《修道士》的“哥特式”特征[J]. 李伟昉. 外国文学评论. 2002(02)
[5]从哥特小说的题材流变看其边缘性特征[J]. 胡明华. 晋中师范高等专科学校学报. 2002(01)
[6]美国南方文化传统与南方文学特征[J]. 张弘. 学术交流. 2001(02)
[7]美国南方哥特小说的现代精神[J]. 刘玉红. 广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2000(S1)
[8]关于美国当代哥特小说[J]. 万俊. 外国文学研究. 2000(01)
[9]简论哥特小说的产生和发展[J]. 韩加明. 国外文学. 2000(01)
[10]荒漠中的恐怖——评美国现当代哥特式小说的主题思想[J]. 何木英. 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版). 1998(02)
[1]哥特之魂——哥特传统在美国小说中的嬗变[D]. 王晓姝.吉林大学 2009
【文章页数】:90 页
0.1 Brief Introduction to the Author and the Work
0.2 Literature Review
0.3 Thesis Statement
Chapter One Contemporary American Gothic Fiction
1.1 American Gothic Fiction
1.1.1 Definition of American Gothic Fiction
1.1.2 Origin of American Gothic Fiction
1.1.3 Rising and Development of American Gothic Fiction
1.2 Stephen King’s Heritage and Development of American Gothic Fiction
1.2.1 Horror towards Familiarity
1.2.2 Emphasis on Psychic Terror
1.2.3 Major Themes of Immortality and Death
Chapter Two Character and Characterization in Pet Sematary
2.1 Untraditional Gothic Characters
2.1.1 Non-Villain-Like Hero—Louis
2.1.2 Demonized Characters
2.2 Application of Irrationalism and Supernaturalism in Characterization
2.2.1 Irrationalism and Supernaturalism
2.2.2 Influence of Irrationalism and Supernaturalism on Characters
Chapter Three Major Themes of Immortality and Death in Pet Sematary
3.1 Gothic Images of Immortality and Death
3.2 Contemporary Element in the Theme of Death
3.2.1 Good Death and Bad Death
3.2.2 Death of Contemporary Element in Pet Sematary
Chapter Four Contemporary Setting in Pet Sematary
4.1 Nuclear Family as a Microcosm
4.1.1 Concept of Familiarity
4.1.2 Bad Place and Nuclear Family
4.2 Microcosm and Macrocosm in Pet Sematary
4.2.1 Microcosm in Pet Sematary
4.2.2 Macrocosm in Pet Sematary
Chapter Five Esthetic Values of Contemporary American Gothic Fiction
5.1 Social and Cultural Esthetic Value
5.2 Literary Esthetic Value
[1]哥特式小说:概念与泛化[J]. 黄禄善. 外国文学研究. 2007(02)
[2]英美哥特小说与中国[J]. 於鲸. 南京师范大学文学院学报. 2005(04)
[3]当代哥特文化的内涵、特征及表现方式[J]. 回杨. 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版). 2005(04)
[4]试论《修道士》的“哥特式”特征[J]. 李伟昉. 外国文学评论. 2002(02)
[5]从哥特小说的题材流变看其边缘性特征[J]. 胡明华. 晋中师范高等专科学校学报. 2002(01)
[6]美国南方文化传统与南方文学特征[J]. 张弘. 学术交流. 2001(02)
[7]美国南方哥特小说的现代精神[J]. 刘玉红. 广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2000(S1)
[8]关于美国当代哥特小说[J]. 万俊. 外国文学研究. 2000(01)
[9]简论哥特小说的产生和发展[J]. 韩加明. 国外文学. 2000(01)
[10]荒漠中的恐怖——评美国现当代哥特式小说的主题思想[J]. 何木英. 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版). 1998(02)
[1]哥特之魂——哥特传统在美国小说中的嬗变[D]. 王晓姝.吉林大学 2009