发布时间:2021-06-23 20:11
尤金·奥尼尔(Eugene O’Neill,1888-1953),美国伟大的剧作家,美国现代戏剧的开拓者和严肃戏剧的奠基人,他一生当中共四次获普利策文学奖,并于1936年获得诺贝尔文学奖,在美国戏剧界唯一获此殊荣。他的后期力作之一《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》一经上演,就轰动欧美剧坛,被众多评论家认为是奥尼尔所有作品中最优秀的一部,是他悲剧创作的最高成就,历来为评论家所重视,论述涉及各个角度。本文在绿色生态批评的指引下,解读其带有自传性的经典剧作《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》,揭示作品中所蕴含的自然生态、社会生态、精神生态意义,挖掘其中的生态思想和生态审美意蕴。论文分为五个部分。第一章为引言。主要介绍论文课题来源、国内外研究奥尼尔的现状和水平,总结分析了从生态批评角度该剧的前人研究成果,由此引出本论文的研究切入点和创新点。然后简单介绍生态批评理论的起源、现状及其未来的发展方向,主要呈现它的定义、核心观点及文中涉及的理论要点。最后是本文的结构。第二章简介奥尼尔的生平及其剧作《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》中的生态思想。首先分析他对大自然与生活中的神秘力量的感知;其次是他的艺术追求及其他对戏剧商业化的批判;最后是他...
【文章页数】:45 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 O'Neill's great achievement and his significant role in American literature history
1.1.1 O'Neill Criticism in western world
1.1.2 O'Neill Criticism in China
1.2 Significance and structure of the thesis
1.3 An Introduction to Ecocriticism
Chapter 2 O'Neill's Life Experience and his Ecological Thoughts in Long Day's Journeyinto night
2.1 O'Neill's feelings about the mystic power and strength in life and nature
2.2 Neill's pursuit of art and his objection to the commercialism of theatre
2.3 O'Neill's consciousness of ecological intersubjectivity
Chapter 3 The Spiritual Ecology Crisis of the Tyrone Family and People's pursuit of theSpiritual Garden
3.1 James Tyrone's losing his soul in money-making
3.2 Mary Tyrone's sad journey into past
3.3 Jamie's indulgence in dissipation and alcohol
3.4 Edmund's melancholy and befuddlement
3.5 Pursuit of the Spiritual Garden
3.5.1 The fusion of human and nature
3.5.2 Man's poetic dwelling in nature
Chapter 4 Conclusion
Publications during the postgraduate program
[1]痛苦的旅程——谈谈奥尼尔的《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》[J]. 周鹏. 深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版). 1993(04)
[2]寻找意义的漫长旅程——略论对《长日入夜行》的评论[J]. 庄国欧. 当代外国文学. 1988(02)
[3]论奥尼尔的《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》[J]. 华明. 南京师大学报(社会科学版). 1986(02)
【文章页数】:45 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 O'Neill's great achievement and his significant role in American literature history
1.1.1 O'Neill Criticism in western world
1.1.2 O'Neill Criticism in China
1.2 Significance and structure of the thesis
1.3 An Introduction to Ecocriticism
Chapter 2 O'Neill's Life Experience and his Ecological Thoughts in Long Day's Journeyinto night
2.1 O'Neill's feelings about the mystic power and strength in life and nature
2.2 Neill's pursuit of art and his objection to the commercialism of theatre
2.3 O'Neill's consciousness of ecological intersubjectivity
Chapter 3 The Spiritual Ecology Crisis of the Tyrone Family and People's pursuit of theSpiritual Garden
3.1 James Tyrone's losing his soul in money-making
3.2 Mary Tyrone's sad journey into past
3.3 Jamie's indulgence in dissipation and alcohol
3.4 Edmund's melancholy and befuddlement
3.5 Pursuit of the Spiritual Garden
3.5.1 The fusion of human and nature
3.5.2 Man's poetic dwelling in nature
Chapter 4 Conclusion
Publications during the postgraduate program
[1]痛苦的旅程——谈谈奥尼尔的《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》[J]. 周鹏. 深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版). 1993(04)
[2]寻找意义的漫长旅程——略论对《长日入夜行》的评论[J]. 庄国欧. 当代外国文学. 1988(02)
[3]论奥尼尔的《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》[J]. 华明. 南京师大学报(社会科学版). 1986(02)