发布时间:2021-07-17 19:06
【文章页数】:43 页
Chapter 1 Brief Introduction
1.1 An introduction to Ernest Hemingway and His Achievements
1.2 The significant of The Snows of Kilimanjaro among the works of Hemingway
1.3 An Introduction to The Snows of Kilimanjaro
Chapter 2 Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory and its Significance in Literature
2.1 An introduction to Sigmund Freud
2.2 Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory
2.2.1 Psychological Sphere Theory
2.2.2 Structural Theory of Personality
2.2.3 Living Strive and Death Drive
2.2.4 The Interpretation of Dreams
2.2.5 Defense Mechanism
Chapter 3 Relations between Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory and “Stream-of-Consciousness” Novel
3.1 Relations between Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory and “Stream-of-Consciousness” Novel
3.2. The Snows of Kilimanjaro as the Stream of Consciousness novel
Chapter 4 An Interpretation of The Snows of Kilimanjaro from the Perspective of Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory
4.1 The Snow in Bulgaria
4.2 Constantinople
4.3. Went angling on the Stream after War
4.4 The old Man shot dead by the half-wit Chore Boy
4.5 The bombing Officer’s Death
4.6 Rescued on the Snow of Kilimanjaro
4.7 Free Association and the represented Meaning of Symbols appeared in The Snows of Kilimanjaro
4.7.1 The snow
4.7.2 The Leopard
4.7.3 The Vulture
4.7.4 The Hyena
4.7.5 The Gangrenous
4.7.6 The Snows of Kilimanjaro
4.7.7 Williamson
Chapter 5 Analysis of Harry’s Personality Characteristics in the Light of the Iceberg Theory
5.1 Harry's Personality Structure
5.1.1 Id
5.1.2 Ego
5.1.3 Superego
5.2 Harry's Striving Attitude and Human Instinct
5.2.1 Death Drive
5.2.2 Survival Instinct
5.2.3 Libido
Chapter 6 Conclusion
[1]解析弗洛伊德精神分析学视角下的电影创作意识——以影片《爱德华大夫》、《沉默的羔羊》为例[J]. 关冬霞. 电影评介. 2012(02)
[2]弗洛伊德潜意识及人格结构研究[J]. 伊卓琳. 东方企业文化. 2011(16)
[3]《乞力马扎罗的雪》主人公的虚拟与现实的影射研究[J]. 杨欢欢. 海外英语. 2011(06)
[4]谈弗洛伊德三重人格理论在文学批评的运用[J]. 何爱平. 语文学刊(外语教育与教学). 2011(02)
[5]浅析《乞力马扎罗山的雪》中的象征[J]. 李芋枚. 青春岁月. 2010(22)
[6]《乞力马扎罗的雪》中的意识流手法[J]. 王丽,韩颖. 安徽文学(下半月). 2010(10)
[7]略论弗洛伊德精神分析中的“无意识”理论[J]. 彭敏,方江南. 山西高等学校社会科学学报. 2009(07)
[8]弗洛伊德精神分析理论及其人性观[J]. 郝敬习. 湖州师范学院学报. 2009(03)
[9]弗洛伊德精神分析法与文学创作[J]. 王堆. 鸡西大学学报. 2009(01)
[10]从《乞力马扎罗的雪》管窥海明威的生态意识[J]. 刘星. 华东交通大学学报. 2008(02)
【文章页数】:43 页
Chapter 1 Brief Introduction
1.1 An introduction to Ernest Hemingway and His Achievements
1.2 The significant of The Snows of Kilimanjaro among the works of Hemingway
1.3 An Introduction to The Snows of Kilimanjaro
Chapter 2 Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory and its Significance in Literature
2.1 An introduction to Sigmund Freud
2.2 Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory
2.2.1 Psychological Sphere Theory
2.2.2 Structural Theory of Personality
2.2.3 Living Strive and Death Drive
2.2.4 The Interpretation of Dreams
2.2.5 Defense Mechanism
Chapter 3 Relations between Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory and “Stream-of-Consciousness” Novel
3.1 Relations between Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory and “Stream-of-Consciousness” Novel
3.2. The Snows of Kilimanjaro as the Stream of Consciousness novel
Chapter 4 An Interpretation of The Snows of Kilimanjaro from the Perspective of Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory
4.1 The Snow in Bulgaria
4.2 Constantinople
4.3. Went angling on the Stream after War
4.4 The old Man shot dead by the half-wit Chore Boy
4.5 The bombing Officer’s Death
4.6 Rescued on the Snow of Kilimanjaro
4.7 Free Association and the represented Meaning of Symbols appeared in The Snows of Kilimanjaro
4.7.1 The snow
4.7.2 The Leopard
4.7.3 The Vulture
4.7.4 The Hyena
4.7.5 The Gangrenous
4.7.6 The Snows of Kilimanjaro
4.7.7 Williamson
Chapter 5 Analysis of Harry’s Personality Characteristics in the Light of the Iceberg Theory
5.1 Harry's Personality Structure
5.1.1 Id
5.1.2 Ego
5.1.3 Superego
5.2 Harry's Striving Attitude and Human Instinct
5.2.1 Death Drive
5.2.2 Survival Instinct
5.2.3 Libido
Chapter 6 Conclusion
[1]解析弗洛伊德精神分析学视角下的电影创作意识——以影片《爱德华大夫》、《沉默的羔羊》为例[J]. 关冬霞. 电影评介. 2012(02)
[2]弗洛伊德潜意识及人格结构研究[J]. 伊卓琳. 东方企业文化. 2011(16)
[3]《乞力马扎罗的雪》主人公的虚拟与现实的影射研究[J]. 杨欢欢. 海外英语. 2011(06)
[4]谈弗洛伊德三重人格理论在文学批评的运用[J]. 何爱平. 语文学刊(外语教育与教学). 2011(02)
[5]浅析《乞力马扎罗山的雪》中的象征[J]. 李芋枚. 青春岁月. 2010(22)
[6]《乞力马扎罗的雪》中的意识流手法[J]. 王丽,韩颖. 安徽文学(下半月). 2010(10)
[7]略论弗洛伊德精神分析中的“无意识”理论[J]. 彭敏,方江南. 山西高等学校社会科学学报. 2009(07)
[8]弗洛伊德精神分析理论及其人性观[J]. 郝敬习. 湖州师范学院学报. 2009(03)
[9]弗洛伊德精神分析法与文学创作[J]. 王堆. 鸡西大学学报. 2009(01)
[10]从《乞力马扎罗的雪》管窥海明威的生态意识[J]. 刘星. 华东交通大学学报. 2008(02)