发布时间:2021-10-10 11:39
【文章来源】:大连理工大学辽宁省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Study of D.H.Lawrence's Life and Works
1.2 Summaries of the Two Novels
1.2.1 The Summary of Sons and Lovers
1.2.2 The Summary of The Rainbow
1.3 Research Motivation
1.4 The Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literary Review
2.1 Studies on Sons and Lovers and The Rainbow
2.1.1 The Study of Themes and Subject Matters
2.1.2 The Study of Psychoanalysis
2.1.3 The Study of Philosophy of Art
2.1.4 Comparative Studies of Lawrence's Works with Others' Works
2.2 Studies on the Father in Sons and Lovers
2.2.1 The Theme of Social Criticism
2.2.2 The Analysis of the Reasons for the Tragic Fate of the Tragic Figure—Walter Morel
2.2.3 The Explanation of Walter Morel's Silent Situation by Using the Theory of Narrative
2.3 Theory Introduction to Deconstruction
Chapter Three The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority on the Two Characters—Walter Morel and Will Brangwen and the Reason for the Deconstruction of Their Authority
3.1 General Introduction to Patriarchy
3.2 Men's Authority and Women's Condition in the Victorian Age
3.3 The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority of the Fathers and Husbands in the Two Novels
3.3.1 The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority in the Family of Walter Morel and Gertrude Coppard
3.3.2 The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority in the Love of Will Brangwen and Anna Lensky
3.4 The Reason for the Deconstruction of the Two Characters' Authority
Chapter Four Conclusion
[1]《欢乐之家》中华顿对男性权威的解构[J]. 李希萌. 南京师范大学文学院学报. 2008(02)
[2]小人物的悲剧命运——《儿子与情人》中瓦尔特·莫瑞尔悲剧命运原因探析[J]. 李世林. 考试周刊. 2008(05)
[3]一个被轻视的父亲——论《儿子与情人》中瓦尔特·莫雷尔的形象[J]. 冯一青. 安徽文学(下半月). 2008(01)
[4]企盼和谐的两性关系——以劳伦斯小说《虹》为例[J]. 许超. 电影文学. 2007(24)
[5]从灵与肉的割裂到灵与肉的和谐——评劳伦斯的性爱观[J]. 温爱玲. 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(06)
[6]畸形母子情——试析《儿子与情人》与《生活在别处》的悲剧成因[J]. 李霞. 名作欣赏. 2007(20)
[7]古老群舞的原始活力——解读劳伦斯作品中的男性主题[J]. 张慧诚. 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版). 2007(09)
[8]从保罗到梅勒斯论劳伦斯作品中男性力量的演变与重塑[J]. 武新玉. 电影文学. 2007(16)
[9]解读《虹》中黑暗与光明的撞击[J]. 徐敬珍. 名作欣赏. 2007(12)
[10]劳伦斯对建立和谐两性关系的探求——试论《虹》对两性人格的思考[J]. 王冬梅. 四川外语学院学报. 2007(03)
[1]从女性主义视角分析劳伦斯小说中的女性形象[D]. 王圣芬.合肥工业大学 2007
[2]《远离尘嚣》中的芭斯西巴对父权制的对抗与屈从[D]. 孟文华.哈尔滨工程大学 2007
[3]沉默的瓦尔特·莫雷尔[D]. 郑莹.山西大学 2006
[4]生态批评视野中的《儿子与情人》研究[D]. 张林.东南大学 2006
[5]挑战父权制[D]. 徐明.苏州大学 2005
【文章来源】:大连理工大学辽宁省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Study of D.H.Lawrence's Life and Works
1.2 Summaries of the Two Novels
1.2.1 The Summary of Sons and Lovers
1.2.2 The Summary of The Rainbow
1.3 Research Motivation
1.4 The Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literary Review
2.1 Studies on Sons and Lovers and The Rainbow
2.1.1 The Study of Themes and Subject Matters
2.1.2 The Study of Psychoanalysis
2.1.3 The Study of Philosophy of Art
2.1.4 Comparative Studies of Lawrence's Works with Others' Works
2.2 Studies on the Father in Sons and Lovers
2.2.1 The Theme of Social Criticism
2.2.2 The Analysis of the Reasons for the Tragic Fate of the Tragic Figure—Walter Morel
2.2.3 The Explanation of Walter Morel's Silent Situation by Using the Theory of Narrative
2.3 Theory Introduction to Deconstruction
Chapter Three The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority on the Two Characters—Walter Morel and Will Brangwen and the Reason for the Deconstruction of Their Authority
3.1 General Introduction to Patriarchy
3.2 Men's Authority and Women's Condition in the Victorian Age
3.3 The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority of the Fathers and Husbands in the Two Novels
3.3.1 The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority in the Family of Walter Morel and Gertrude Coppard
3.3.2 The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Authority in the Love of Will Brangwen and Anna Lensky
3.4 The Reason for the Deconstruction of the Two Characters' Authority
Chapter Four Conclusion
[1]《欢乐之家》中华顿对男性权威的解构[J]. 李希萌. 南京师范大学文学院学报. 2008(02)
[2]小人物的悲剧命运——《儿子与情人》中瓦尔特·莫瑞尔悲剧命运原因探析[J]. 李世林. 考试周刊. 2008(05)
[3]一个被轻视的父亲——论《儿子与情人》中瓦尔特·莫雷尔的形象[J]. 冯一青. 安徽文学(下半月). 2008(01)
[4]企盼和谐的两性关系——以劳伦斯小说《虹》为例[J]. 许超. 电影文学. 2007(24)
[5]从灵与肉的割裂到灵与肉的和谐——评劳伦斯的性爱观[J]. 温爱玲. 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(06)
[6]畸形母子情——试析《儿子与情人》与《生活在别处》的悲剧成因[J]. 李霞. 名作欣赏. 2007(20)
[7]古老群舞的原始活力——解读劳伦斯作品中的男性主题[J]. 张慧诚. 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版). 2007(09)
[8]从保罗到梅勒斯论劳伦斯作品中男性力量的演变与重塑[J]. 武新玉. 电影文学. 2007(16)
[9]解读《虹》中黑暗与光明的撞击[J]. 徐敬珍. 名作欣赏. 2007(12)
[10]劳伦斯对建立和谐两性关系的探求——试论《虹》对两性人格的思考[J]. 王冬梅. 四川外语学院学报. 2007(03)
[1]从女性主义视角分析劳伦斯小说中的女性形象[D]. 王圣芬.合肥工业大学 2007
[2]《远离尘嚣》中的芭斯西巴对父权制的对抗与屈从[D]. 孟文华.哈尔滨工程大学 2007
[3]沉默的瓦尔特·莫雷尔[D]. 郑莹.山西大学 2006
[4]生态批评视野中的《儿子与情人》研究[D]. 张林.东南大学 2006
[5]挑战父权制[D]. 徐明.苏州大学 2005