心理学魅力 ——变态心理学视域下的约翰福尔斯小说《收藏家》
发布时间:2024-12-24 22:34
约翰·福尔斯的小说《收藏家》是一本语言精练、侧重心理描写的文学作品。本论文的目的是尝试将变态心理学与《收藏家》这部作品相联系,重点研究《收藏家》中的男女主人公在变态心理学范围内的表现,以寻求一个阅读和理解类似文学作品的新途径。 本篇论文采用文本分析的方法,先是阐述了变态心理学的起源与发展,以及在临床上的应用。从变态心理学上讲没有严格意义上的正常人,每个人身上都存在着或多或少的相对“常态”来说的“变态”表现。本文以小说《收藏家》中的两个主人公米兰达和克莱格为研究对象,通过对《收藏家》的阅读,并与《变态心理学》比对找出男女主人公身上存在的变态心理表现,比如男主人公克莱格的强迫性人格障碍、偏执型人格障碍和回避型人格障碍;女主人公米兰达的自恋型人格障碍和强迫性人格障碍。同时,还发现了男女主人公在“收藏”和“爱情”上的共性表现,以及男女主人在行为表现和心理变换上体现出的主动与被动的差异性。 通过这种变态心理分析的方法,本文找出了男女主人公身上凸显的变态心理表现,而这些表现是依存于时代背景和社会根源而存在的,反映了战后英国社会不公正、阶级不平等根深蒂固的社会问题。另一方面,本论文插入...
【文章页数】:41 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
1. Brief introduction of the author and his works
2. Analysis on the study of John Fowles’works
3. Abnormal psychology
Chapter 1 The Abnormal Personality in The Collector
1. The abnormal personality of the hero Clegg
2. The abnormal personality of the heroine Miranda
Chapter 2 The Abnormal Behavior of the Hero and the Heroine
1. Similarities in abnormal behavior between the hero and the heroine
2. Differences in abnormal behavior between the hero and the heroine
Chapter 3 The Psychological Charm of The Collector
1. Social significance
2. The value of aesthetics of the Ugly
【文章页数】:41 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
1. Brief introduction of the author and his works
2. Analysis on the study of John Fowles’works
3. Abnormal psychology
Chapter 1 The Abnormal Personality in The Collector
1. The abnormal personality of the hero Clegg
2. The abnormal personality of the heroine Miranda
Chapter 2 The Abnormal Behavior of the Hero and the Heroine
1. Similarities in abnormal behavior between the hero and the heroine
2. Differences in abnormal behavior between the hero and the heroine
Chapter 3 The Psychological Charm of The Collector
1. Social significance
2. The value of aesthetics of the Ugly