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发布时间:2016-10-24 10:06



妄想症与精神分裂的现象学精神病理学解释 作者:徐献军


[摘要] 现象学精神病理学是以现象学为理论框架的精神病理学方向,它特别重视对精神病人主观经验的探索。在它看来,精神疾病不仅是病人意识经验的紊乱,更是前意识经验结构的紊乱。通过对疾病前意识维度的探索,精神医师可以把握第三人称的大脑神经生理研究所不能把握的东西。现象学不仅能够帮助精神科医生理解病人独特的主观经验及世界,而且能为精神病理学提供丰富的概念描述框架,如共感、自我感、意识等。尽管目前现象学与神经生理研究仍存在相当大的距离,然而现有工作表明,现象学与神经科学及其他自然科学进路之间存在着相当大的协同促进的潜力。对于人类精神疾病谜团的破解,人文科学与自然科学缺一不可。

[关键词] 精神病理学; 现象学; 共感; 自我感; 妄想症; 精神分裂

Phenomenological Psychopathology on Delusion and Schizophrenia

Xu Xianjun

(Institute of Philosophy, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China) Abstract: Karl Jaspers, Eugene Minkowski and Ludwig Binswanger are the founders of phenomenological psychopathology. It was Jaspers who first brought phenomenology into

psychopathology. Minkowski was the first to introduce phenomenology into psychiatry in France. Binswanger devoted himself to replacing the psychoanalysis of Freud with the existentialism of Heidegger. In the 1970s, mainstream psychiatry gradually turned a cold shoulder to

phenomenological psychopathology due to the overspreading of naturalscience methodology, which turned psychopathology from an interdisciplinary science of liberal arts and natural science into a pure natural science dominated by neuroscience. However, phenomenological psychopathology has undergone a significant revival during the last twenty years because psychiatrists have paid more and more attention to patients subjective experience and have published a large number of papers and books in this field.

Jaspers proposed that the key criterion for diagnosing delusion is the contrariety or the break of patients personality as is reflected in their language and originated from some unknown

neurophysiologic process. That is the reason why in his diagnosis of delusion Jaspers put emphasis on both the context of personality development and the research on neurophysiology. The

neurophysiologic foundation of delusion was speculated by Jaspers,, but contemporary

phenomenological psychopathology has postulated it as hyperdopaminergia. It is the abnormal

dopamine firing that leads to the aberrant assignment of salience to the elements of ones experience at the phenomenological level.





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