本文选题:传媒自杀报道 切入点:大学生 出处:《西北师范大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 在诸多影响自杀的因素中,传媒对自杀的大肆渲染是导致许多内心脆弱的人选择自杀的重要原因之一。社会学家Phillips以“维特效应”(The Wether effect)一词来指代大众传媒对现实自杀的影响效应。 当研究是否青少年比成年人更易接受自杀行为时,传媒对青少年自杀态度的影响是特别需要注意的。因为,关于生命和死亡的态度在青年学生中扮演着重要的角色,对自杀持宽容态度的个体往往具有较高的自杀比例。研究表明社会认知具有更强的内隐性,自杀态度作为一种社会态度,是否也存在内隐态度和外显态度的分离?传媒对于内隐自杀态度和外显自杀态度的影响是否不同? 本研究以互联网上呈现的大学生自杀事件为研究材料,研究呈现自杀事件后大学生内隐自杀态度和外显自杀态度的变化。并分析生活事件和平时从传媒接触自杀报道的情况是否对传媒效应有调节作用。内隐态度用IAT测量,外显态度用自陈量表测量。研究结果表明: (1)大部分大学生接触过不合理自杀报道,并且主要是通过互联网,其次为电视。女生可能比男生更关注有关自杀的报道。 (2)内隐认知中大学生对于生命的态度更积极,而认为自杀是较消极的。 (3)关于自杀的态度存在内隐态度和外显态度的分离。 (4)生活事件水平对于即时呈现自杀报道的效应没有影响。平时从传媒接触自杀报道的水平对于即时呈现自杀报道的效应没有影响。 (5)负性生活事件应激量越高,大学生越有可能对自杀持认可、肯定、理解和宽容的外显态度。在各类生活事件中,学习压力对大学生外显自杀态度具有一定预测力。 (6)自杀报道主要影响的是内隐自杀态度,而且女大学生对于自杀报道比男大学生更易感。呈现自杀报道使得女生内隐态度中死和积极情绪之间、生和消极情绪之间的联合变得紧密。 (7)传媒主要对大学生内隐自杀态度存在短期影响,而生活事件主要从长期影响外显自杀态度。也就是说影响外显自杀态度和内隐自杀态度的主要因素不同。因此,在自杀态度的研究和干预治疗中,两者都要重视而且要有针对性。
[Abstract]:Of the many factors that affect suicide, The mass media exaggeration of suicide is one of the important reasons why many vulnerable people choose suicide. Sociologist Phillips uses the term "the Wether effect" to refer to the influence of mass media on real suicide. When studying whether adolescents are more likely to accept suicide than adults, the influence of the media on adolescent suicide attitudes is particularly important because attitudes about life and death play an important role in young students. Individuals who have a tolerant attitude towards suicide tend to have a higher suicide rate. The study shows that social cognition has a stronger implicit. As a social attitude, is there also a separation of implicit attitude and explicit attitude? Is the influence of the media on implicit suicide attitude different from explicit suicide attitude? This study is based on the suicides of college students on the Internet. The changes of implicit suicide attitude and explicit suicide attitude of college students after suicide were studied, and the relationship between life events and suicide reports from the media was analyzed. The implicit attitude was measured by IAT. The explicit attitude was measured with the self-renewal scale. The results showed that:. Most college students have been exposed to irrational suicide reports, mainly through the Internet, followed by television. Girls may pay more attention to suicide reports than boys. In implicit cognition, college students' attitude towards life is more positive, but suicide is more negative. 3) there is a separation of implicit attitude and explicit attitude about suicide. 4) the level of life events has no influence on the effect of immediate suicide report. The level of daily contact with suicide report from the media has no influence on the effect of immediate suicide report. 5) the higher the amount of negative life event stress, the more likely college students are to accept, affirm, understand and tolerate explicit attitude towards suicide. In all kinds of life events, learning stress has certain predictive power on explicit suicide attitude of college students. 6) suicide reports mainly affect implicit suicide attitudes, and female college students are more susceptible to suicide reporting than male college students. The union between life and negative emotions becomes close. 7) the media mainly have short-term influence on implicit suicide attitude of college students, while life events mainly influence explicit suicide attitude in the long run, that is to say, the main factors influencing explicit suicide attitude and implicit suicide attitude are different. In the study of suicide attitude and intervention treatment, both should pay attention to and be targeted.
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