[Abstract]:Background: Clostridium difficile is one of the most important nosocomial pathogens in western industrialized countries. Clinically, about 10% of antibiotics associated with diarrhea and 75% of antibiotic associated enteritis and nearly 100% of pseudomembranous enteritis are associated with this bacterium, collectively known as Clostridium difficile associated disease (CDAD), causing billions of dollars of economic losses each year. With the further development of industry in China and the increasing use of antibiotics, the incidence of CDAD has an increasing trend. CDAD mainly occurs in patients who take antibiotics for a long time, but also in other bacteria that affect normal intestinal flora. To reduce the colonization of resistance to Clostridium difficulty, such as antitumor drugs, long-term hospitalization, immune deficiency, especially those with reduced immune function and / or the elderly. CDAD has complex clinical manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic carriers to explosive colitis. The prognosis of severe patients was poor, and the mortality was as high as 40%. Metronidazole and vancomycin are the main drugs for the treatment of this disease, but in recent years, there are Clostridium difficult to resist metronidazole and vancomycin at home and abroad, which makes it more difficult to treat Clostridium difficult, so it is very important to carry out immunological control research. Great progress has been made in the research of Clostridium difficulty vaccine, and various kinds of vaccines have appeared, but due to various reasons, its application is limited. Streptococcus lactis Lactococcus lactis (hereinafter referred to as Lactococcus lactis) is a harmless and relatively safe food industry bacterium. In recent years, Streptococcus lactis does not produce endotoxin. The protease produced is much less than Escherichia coli and is widely used to express a variety of biological polypeptides or proteins, as well as oral vaccine research work, and has been proven to be safe and effective, This method opens up a new field for oral vaccine development. At present, there is no report of live oral vaccine of Clostridium difficulty recombinant lactobacillus at home and abroad. Objective and significance: because Streptococcus lactis expression vector has not been commercialized, it can not be obtained through purchase or donation. Therefore, we design and construct the Lactobacillus expression system with independent intellectual property rights according to some mature methods of construction of Lactobacillus expression system and the sequence published by Genebank. The expression system was used to express the carboxyl terminal repeat sequence (14CDTA), tetanus toxin C fragment (TETC) and TETC-14 CDTA of Clostridium diffracta respectively.
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