[Abstract]:Preliminary study on the localization of human fetal conjunctival epithelial stem cells in the second trimester of pregnancy objective to refer to relevant literature. Immunohistochemical method was used to study the expression and distribution of p63 and PCNA in human fetal conjunctival epithelial cells at different gestational ages, and to investigate the localization of human fetal conjunctival epithelial stem cells. Materials and methods 1. Materials were selected for fetuses within 6 hours of normal induction of labor. Two fetuses at 17 weeks, two cases at 19 weeks, two cases at 20 weeks, two cases at 23 weeks, Total 8 cases 16 eyes. All cases had no history of hereditary disease and infection during pregnancy, and the materials were obtained with the permission of fetal family members and hospitals. 2. Preparation of tissue specimen, removal of intact eyeball with eyelid, removal of skin and subcutaneous soft tissue (eyelid margin preservation), removal of posterior sclera, removal of vitreous body and pigment membrane, The ocular tissue mass was cut along the sagittal plane of the eyeball (narrow stripe, including eyelid rim, all eyelid conjunctiva, bulbar conjunctiva, fornix conjunctiva and part of cornea tissue). 40g/L polyformaldehyde was fixed, and conventional paraffin embedded. The tissue wax block was made into 3-5 渭 m slice. 3.SP immunohistochemical staining was performed by two-step method, and the procedure of SP kit (purchased from Fujian Mai Xin Company) was strictly followed. The working concentration of p63 and PCNA antibodies was 1: 100. The corresponding sections were stained with immunohistochemical SP method. The sections were dewaxed to water. 10min was incubated with 30ml/LH_2O_2 at room temperature to inactivate endogenous peroxidase: repair antigen. The slices were added to citric acid buffer solution and heated in microwave oven for 10 minutes. After natural cooling, the rabbit serum was blocked at room temperature for 20 min, and the superfluous serum was removed. The first antibody was added (1: 150), and incubated at room temperature for 70 min, the PBS was washed for 3 times. Streptavidin labeled by peroxidase was dripped and incubated at room temperature for 15 mins. DAB developed for 4 mins, hematoxylin was stained again, slice was dehydrated, transparent and closed. PBS was used to replace the first antibody. K7K14 K19 in blank control
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