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earthquake communicable disease risk assessment

发布时间:2016-11-23 01:15



Preliminary assessment on priority communicable disease risk in quake hit area in Yushu,Qinghai

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XIONG Wei-yi,NI Da-xin,YIN Wen-wu,ZHENG Can-jun,LUO Hui-ming,JIN Lian-mei,TU Wen-xiao,WANG Zi-jun,FENG Zi-jian(Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 102206,China


文章摘要目的分析青海省玉树县地震灾区重点传染病的发生、传播风险,为震区灾后的传染病防控工作提供有针对性的建议。方法采集2004-2010年(截至4月15日)灾区的甲乙丙类传染病报告数据,进行历史疫情分析;查询文献和咨询专家意见,分析地震灾害对灾区传染病发生、传播可能产生的影响;对灾区重点传染病的发生和传播划分风险等级,并提供防控建议。结果 2004年以来,玉树县的主要报告病种为乙型病毒性肝炎和肺结核,丙型病毒性肝炎、包虫病、梅毒等亦报告较多,淋病、炭疽、流行性脑脊髓膜炎等偶有报告。灾后可能对传染病发生、传播造成影响的因素包括安置点卫生条件差、疫源动物和媒介昆虫的活动改变、人群流动性加大和抵抗力下降以及医疗卫生服务可及性降低等。综合评估麻疹、流行性感冒、肺结核等呼吸道传染病,细菌性痢疾、感染性腹泻病等肠道传染病在灾区传播增强的风险较高,鼠疫、炭疽等发生、传播风险中等,狂犬病、性传播疾病等发生、传播风险较低。结论震区灾后传染病防控工作应重视保护水源和饮用水安全,加强食品卫生和食品供给,努力恢复免疫规划和结核病控制等防控项目,加强鼠疫、包虫病、麻疹等疾病的防控,做好安置点管理等。

AbstrObjective To analyze the risk factors to the incidence and spread of communicable diseases and find out the epidemic-prone diseases after the earthquake in Yushu county,Qinghai province,and provide guidance for taking more effective prevention and control measures of communicable diseases in quake hit area.Methods The data of communicable diseases reported from January 1,2004 to April 15,2010 in quake hit area were analyzed.Based on the literature review and consultation of experts,the risk factors which might increase communicable disease transmission and the list of main epidemic-prone diseases were described.Results The major diseases reported in Yushu since 2004 were hepatitis B and pulmonary tuberculosis,followed by hepatitis C,echinococcosis and syphilis.Gonorrhoea,anthrax and meningococcal meningitis were less reported.The factors which might increase communicable disease transmission included temporary resettlement with poor sanitary condition,increased exposure to host animals and vectors,increased population movement,increased susceptibility to disease,and limited access to health services.Respiratory infectious diseases-measles,influenza and pulmonary tuberculosis and intestinal infectious diseases-bacillary dysentery and diarrhea were with high transmission potential.The transmission potential of plague and anthrax was moderate,and the transmission potential of rabies and STD was low.Conclusion The post disaster measures to prevent and control communicable diseases in Yushu should focus on water and food safety,environment sanitation,resuming immunization and TB control programs,strengthening the prevention and control of plague,echinococcosis and measles.The management of resettlement points should be strengthened too.


Keyword::earthquake communicable disease risk assessment


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