[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the influence of different health education methods on AIDS related knowledge, behavior and attitude of college students in Qingdao, and to provide the basis for exploring better publicity methods of AIDS prevention knowledge among college students. Methods: AIDS-related knowledge, attitude and behavior were investigated in 10 classes of freshmen to sophomores in 3 colleges and universities in Qingdao in October, 2014. After the questionnaire was collected, it was divided into three groups: group A broadcast AIDS-related knowledge, group B distributed AIDS health propaganda manual and group C gave out PPT demonstration education lectures, and a questionnaire survey was conducted again after one semester. Results: after intervention, the total knowledge mastery rate of AIDS in group A and group B was increased by 36.21 and 16.3446.56, and the positive identification rate of AIDS-related attitude was increased by 17.75 and 14.58 respectively, and the positive identification rate of AIDS-related behavior was increased by 28.04 or 13.88 or 35.040.Results: after intervention, the total rate of AIDS knowledge was increased by 36.21% and 16.34% and 46.56% respectively, and the positive identification rate of AIDS-related attitude was increased by 17.75 and 14.58 respectively. The intervention effect of group C was the best and the intervention effect of group B was the worst in AIDS related knowledge, attitude and behavior. After intervention, There was significant difference between group A and group B (蠂 2 / 100.17 / P0.01) and between group A and group B (蠂 2 / 50.64 P 0.05), and there was significant difference in the rate of positive attitude identification between group B and group C (蠂 2 8.25 P 0.01), and there was a significant difference between group B and group C (蠂 28.25 P 0.01) in the improvement of the total mastery rate of related knowledge (蠂 2 / 100.17 / P0.01) and the difference between group A and B was statistically significant (蠂 2 / 50.64 P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group B and group B; There was significant difference between group C and group B (蠂 ~ 2 / 91.09 / P0.01). There was a significant difference between group A and group B (蠂 ~ 2 / 25. 05 P 0.05). Conclusion: according to the psychological and physiological characteristics of college students, the way of health education can achieve good results, help students to prevent and control AIDS, and reduce the spread of AIDS among college students.
【作者单位】: 青岛农业大学校医院;
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