发布时间:2018-08-03 21:38
【摘要】:目的了解昆明市艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)人群中的艾滋病病毒(HIV)的HIV-1亚型和耐药基因型分布情况。方法于2013年11-12月在云南省疾病预防控制中心VCT门诊对就诊人群进行调查,并采样进行HIV抗体、CD4细胞、新发感染检测和HIV亚型和耐药基因型检测。结果 610例VCT样本中有96例为HIV抗体阳性(15.7%,96/610),其中95例(99.0%,95/96)获得亚型分析结果,分别有CRF08_BC(40.0%,38/95)、CRF07_BC(27.4%,26/95)、CRF01_AE(27.4%,26/95)、C(4.2%,4/95)和B(1.1%,1/95)5种亚型。89例样本(92.7%,89/96)获得耐药基因型分析结果,有21例(23.6%,21/89)发生基因突变,有1例出现耐药传播突变位点(1.12%,1/89)。结论 VCT人群中的艾滋病病毒亚型以重组流行型为主,包括CRF08_BC、CRF07_BC和CRF01_AE。耐药毒株在该人群中为低流行。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the distribution of HIV-1 subtypes and drug resistant genotypes of HIV (HIV) in HIV voluntary counseling and detection population in Kunming. Methods from November to December 2013, a survey was carried out in the VCT outpatient clinic of Yunnan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and HIV antibody CD4 cells, new infection, HIV subtypes and drug resistant genotypes were detected. 缁撴灉 610渚媀CT鏍锋湰涓湁96渚嬩负HIV鎶椾綋闃虫,
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the distribution of HIV-1 subtypes and drug resistant genotypes of HIV (HIV) in HIV voluntary counseling and detection population in Kunming. Methods from November to December 2013, a survey was carried out in the VCT outpatient clinic of Yunnan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and HIV antibody CD4 cells, new infection, HIV subtypes and drug resistant genotypes were detected. 缁撴灉 610渚媀CT鏍锋湰涓湁96渚嬩负HIV鎶椾綋闃虫,