[Abstract]:Objective to provide the basis for improving the core information and knowledge of tuberculosis prevention and control by qualitative group interviews in Changping District of Beijing. Methods A total of 51 students from cities and towns, rural residents and junior middle school students were selected to conduct interviews in the form of interview outline and qualitative group interviews on the importance of the core information, the degree of understanding, and the suggestions for the modification of the core information. Results 82% of the interviewees thought that it was very important to propagate the core information and knowledge of TB control. 84% (43 / 51) of respondents said it was important for TB to be cured through respiratory tract transmission, prevention of transmission, and standardized treatment. The suspicious symptoms of tuberculosis are cough, expectoration and more than 2 weeks of this core information, 12% (6 / 51) respondents said they will feel like a cold, pneumonia. Primary and middle school students, the elderly, and the undereducated group all expressed difficulty in understanding such professional terms as "chronic", "multi-drug resistance", "droplet" and so on. Conclusion the subjects agreed with the five core information and relevant knowledge points, and considered that they were suitable for the reading and understanding of the general public.
【作者单位】: 中国疾病预防控制中心结核病预防控制中心;
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