[Abstract]:In the progress of viral hepatitis disease, lymphocyte migration and infiltration into the infected liver tissue, anti-viral immune response and inflammatory response plays a vital role. However, the study of its mechanism has not yet obtained a satisfactory answer. In recent years, CXC chemokine ligand (CXC chemokine ligand,CXCL) 10 is one of the most widely studied cytokines. Its receptor is an important breakthrough point of the mechanism of occurrence and development of viral hepatitis. This article reviews the significance of CXCL10 in viral hepatitis and the related research progress in the evaluation of antiviral efficacy. CXCL10, also known as interferon 纬 inducible protein 10, belongs to the ELR- chemokine in the CXC subfamily. CXCL10 mainly binds to chemokine receptor CXCR3. Its main functions include promoting cell chemotaxis, inducing apoptosis, regulating cell growth and proliferation, and regulating angiogenesis. A number of studies have shown that the expression of CXCL10 in serum and liver tissues of chronic HBV,HCV infected patients increased, and with the severity of liver inflammation and fibrosis, the level of CXCL10 also increased. The results suggest that CXCL10 may play an important role in the process of liver pathological injury. The level of serum CXCL10 decreased gradually after treatment with antiviral HBV,HCV drugs, suggesting that CXCL10 may play an important role in the process of virus clearance. It was found that the baseline level of serum CXCL10 and the decrease of CXCL10 in the course of treatment might be effective in predicting the antiviral effect. However, the mechanism of CXCL10 involved in the pathological process of viral hepatitis and its role in antiviral therapy are still unclear, and need to be further studied.
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