本文关键词: 纳米 维生素A 肉鸡 生产性能 相对生物学效价 出处:《家畜生态学报》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:试验通过研究纳米维生素A和普通维生素A对肉鸡生产性能、免疫器官指数、胫骨灰分钙磷含量及组织和血清中维生素A含量的影响,来评定其相对生物学效价,为维生素A的选用提供理论依据。试验采用单因素完全随机试验设计,将300只健康、体重基本一致的1日龄AA肉鸡随机分为10个处理组,每组5个重复,每重复6只鸡。基础日粮以玉米、豆粕为主,其中1~5组在基础日粮中添加普通维生素A(750、1 500、2 250、3 000、3 750IU/kg);6~10组在基础日粮中添加纳米维生素A(750、1 500、2 250、3 000、3 750IU/kg),进行为期21d的饲养试验。结果表明:普通维生素A和纳米维生素A能显著影响料重比、肝脏维生素A水平和肾脏维生素A水平,且料重比随维生素A添加量的增加显著线性减少,肝脏、肾脏维生素A水平随维生素A添加量的增加显著线性增加。应用斜率比法得出纳米维生素A的相对生物学效价0.957(料重比)、1.816(平均体重)、1.858(日增重)、0.679(肝脏维生素A)、0.779(肾脏维生素A)、0.690(血清维生素A)、1.243(脾脏指数)、0.854(法氏囊指数)和3.133(灰分钙比例)。研究结果表明,纳米维生素A较普通维生素A的生物学效价高,以平均体重和日增重为评价指标,纳米维生素A的生产性能的相对生物学效价估测为1.816和1.858。
[Abstract]:The effects of nano-vitamin A and common vitamin A on performance, immune organ index, tibia calcium and phosphorus content, tissue and serum vitamin A contents in broilers were studied to evaluate their relative biological titers. To provide the theoretical basis for the selection of vitamin A, 300 AA broilers of 1 day old, which were healthy and of similar body weight, were randomly divided into 10 treatment groups with 5 replicates in each group. The basal diet was corn and soybean meal. Among them, 1 / 5 group (n = 5) added normal vitamin A 750m 1 500 ~ 1 500m 2 2503000U / kg / kg ~ 610 to basal diet to add nanometer vitamin A 750g / kg / kg / kg ~ (-1 500) to basal diet for 21 days. The results showed that: normal vitamin A and nanometer vitamin A were fed for 21 days, and the results showed that: normal vitamin A and nanometer vitamin A were added to the basal diet for 21 days, and the results showed that: normal vitamin A and nanometer vitamin A were added to the diet for 21 days. Can significantly affect the ratio of material to weight, The liver vitamin A level and kidney vitamin A level, and the ratio of feed to weight decreased linearly with the increase of vitamin A supplementation. Kidney vitamin A level increased linearly with the increase of vitamin A supplementation. The relative biological titer of nano-vitamin A was obtained by slope ratio method. The relative biological titer of nano-vitamin A was 0.957 (average weight gain was 1.858) (daily gain was 0.679 (liver vitamin A + 0.779). Vitamin A 0.690 (serum vitamin A 1.243) (spleen index: 0.854 (bursa of Fabricius index) and 3.133 (ash / calcium ratio)). The biological titer of nanometer vitamin A was higher than that of common vitamin A. the average body weight and daily gain were used as evaluation indexes. The relative biological titers of production performance of nanometer vitamin A were estimated to be 1.816 and 1.858 respectively.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院;
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