本文关键词: 禽白血病 蛋鸡 配套系 净化 出处:《中国家禽》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Based on the epidemiological investigation results of avian leukemia in local layers, the purification of avian leukemia was studied by using ELISA kit to detect antigens and antibodies combined with virus isolation. After a generation of purification, The positive rate of p27 antigen in flocks of paternal purification group decreased from 23.37% in the first generation to 7.1% in the first generation and the positive rate of ALV-J antibody decreased from 21.723% in the first generation to 8.2% in the first generation. The positive rate of virus isolation decreased from 7.56.7% in the first generation to 3.2% in the maternal purification group, while the positive rate of p27 antigen in the maternal purification group decreased from 7.56.7% to 3.23.1.The positive rate of p27 antigen in maternal purification group decreased from 7.56.7% in the first generation to 8.2% in the first generation. The positive rate of ALV-A / R antibody decreased from 40.8% in the first generation to 10.1% in the first generation and decreased from 7.5% to 3.2% in the first generation, and the positive rate of virus isolation decreased from 9.22% to 2.64.0.The positive rate of ALV in the commercial substitute group of the purifying group was also significantly lower than that in the control group. The positive rate of the meconium p27 antigen of the "net commodity 1" chicken herd after the hybridization of maternal purification group 1 (FJ1) and maternal purification group 1 (the positive rate of meconium p27 antigen was 4.3%, the positive rate of ALV-A / B antibody was 2.4% and the positive rate of virus isolation was 3.0%). The results showed that the purification procedure had obvious effect on meconium p27 antigen. It is suitable for further popularization and application.
【作者单位】: 江苏省家禽科学研究所;
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