本文关键词: 中国荷斯坦奶牛 热应激 IL8基因 SNP 出处:《南京农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:我国大部分地区夏季持续出现高温天气,热应激已成为目前奶牛养殖业亟待解决的问题之一。奶牛在热应激情况下,机体新陈代谢发生紊乱、生产性能及繁殖性能下降、免疫力减弱,更容易遭受乳房炎、子宫内膜炎等疾病困扰;同时还会造成怀孕母牛流产率、死胎率增加,给养殖场带来巨大的经济损失。因此,开展与奶牛抗应激相关基因遗传多态性与耐热性的关联分析,可以为耐热高产优质奶牛的分子标记辅助育种提供理论依据和技术支持。本试验从浙江省杭州萧山富伦奶牛场选取112头处于热应激时期的泌乳中期中国荷斯坦奶牛,运用PCR-SSCP法筛查ISG15和IL8基因内的SNPs,并进行了基因SNPs与个体直肠温度、血常规和血液生化指标等的关联分析,结果如下:(1)IS15基因中检测到1个中度多态SNP,IL8基因内检测到11个中度多态SNPs(0.25PIC0.5),其中 IL8 基因 g.2209T→G、g.2222G→A、g.2373 G→A 显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。(2)ISG15基因g.844G→A与中国荷斯坦奶牛轻度热应激(THI=76.1)时的直肠温度、血常规和血液生化指标不存在显著关联。(3)IL基因 g.-110G→A、g.1454G→T、g.2373 G→A、g.2784A→G、g.2857 T→C、g.2983G→A与平均血小板体积(MPV)存在显著关联(P0.05),其中g.2784 A→G、g.2857 T→C、g.2983 G→A位点突变可显著影响谷草转氨酶(AST)活力(P0.05),突变纯合型(GGCCAA)个体AST活力显著低于杂合型(AGTCGA)个体(P0.05),极显著低于野生纯合型(AATTGG)个体(P0.01),呈现出GGCCAAAGTCGAAATTGG的趋势,且GGCCAA型个体血清中钾离子(K+)含量也处于最低水平。IL8基因g.202C→T、g.264C→T、g.302A→G可显著影响红细胞计数(RBC)、红细胞压积(HCT)、血小板计数(PLT)、血红蛋白(HGB)与丙二醛(MDA)含量,此位点突变纯合型(TTTTGG)个体MAD含量显著低于杂合型(CTCTAG)个体(P0.05),呈现出TTTTGGCCCCAACTCTAG的趋势,且TTTTGG型个体血清中K+含量和直肠温度较其他基因型处于较低水平。IL8 I基因的 g.202C→T、g.264C→T、g.302A→G 与 g.202 C→T、g.264C→T、g.302 A→G位点可以作为奶牛耐热性状候选功能性SNPs,用于耐热高产奶牛的分子标记辅助育种。
[Abstract]:Heat stress has become one of the problems to be solved in dairy cattle breeding industry. Under the condition of heat stress, the metabolism of dairy cattle is disturbed, and the performance of production and reproduction is decreased. Weakened immunity is more likely to suffer from diseases such as mastitis, endometritis, and other diseases. At the same time, it will also result in the abortion rate of pregnant cows and an increase in the stillbirth rate, which will bring huge economic losses to the farms. To analyze the association between genetic polymorphism and heat tolerance of anti-stress genes in dairy cattle. It can provide theoretical basis and technical support for molecular marker-assisted breeding of heat-resistant, high-yield and high-quality dairy cows. 112 Chinese Holstein cows in the middle lactation period of heat stress period were selected from Fulun dairy farm in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province. SNPs in ISG15 and IL8 genes were screened by PCR-SSCP method, and the correlation between SNPs gene and rectal temperature, blood routine examination and blood biochemical indexes were analyzed. The results were as follows: 1 moderately polymorphic SNPl8 gene was detected in the IS15 gene, and 11 moderately polymorphic SNPs were detected in 0.25PIC0.5, among which the IL8 gene g.2209T was detected. 鈫扜,g.2222G. 鈫扐,g.2373 G. 鈫扐 significantly deviated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. G844G of the ISG15 gene. 鈫扵here was no significant correlation between rectal temperature, blood routine examination and blood biochemical index in Chinese Holstein cows with mild heat stress (THIHI-76.1). 鈫扐,g.1454G. 鈫扵,g.2373 G. 鈫扐,g.2784A. 鈫扜,g.2857 T. 鈫扖,g.2983G. 鈫扵here was a significant correlation between P0.05A and mean platelet volume (MPV), among which g. 2784 A. 鈫扜,g.2857 T. 鈫扖,g.2983 G. 鈫扵he mutation of A locus significantly affected the activity of aspartate (P0.05), and the activity of AST in individuals with GGCCAA was significantly lower than that in individuals with heterozygote AGTCGA, and was significantly lower than that in individuals with wild homozygous type (P0.01), showing the trend of GGCCAAAGTCGAAATTGG. The level of K + K in serum of individuals with GGCCAA type is also at the lowest level. IL8 gene g.202C. 鈫扵,g.264C. 鈫扵,g.302A. 鈫扜 could significantly affect the contents of RBC, HCT, PLT, HGB and malondialdehyde (MDA). The MAD content of homozygous individuals was significantly lower than that of heterozygous CTCTAG (P0.05), showing the trend of TTTTGGCCCCAACTCTAG. And the serum K content and rectal temperature of TTTTGG individuals were lower than those of other genotypes. IL8I gene was at the level of g.202C. 鈫扵,g.264C. 鈫扵,g.302A. 鈫扜 and g.202 C. 鈫扵,g.264C. 鈫扵,g.302 A. 鈫扜 locus can be used as functional SNPs for heat tolerance traits of dairy cattle, and it can be used in molecular marker assisted breeding of heat tolerance and high yield cows.
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