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发布时间:2018-03-23 19:30

  本文选题:河南省 切入点:猪伪狂犬病 出处:《河南农业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:猪伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies,PR)是由猪伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)引起的一种急性传染病,以母猪流产、死胎、木乃伊及仔猪死亡为特征,对养猪业危害极大。近几年来,我国一些猪场不断暴发和流行猪伪狂犬病,导致母猪大量流产、新生仔猪发生神经症状大批死亡。为了全面了解河南地区猪伪狂犬病的流行情况,本研究从血清学、病原学以及分子流行病学等方面对该病在我省的流行情况进行了调查分析,并为部分猪场制定了合适的PR防控方案。用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对2014年1月~2014年12月间河南省不同地区399个猪场的5325份送检血清样品进行PRV gE抗体检测,结果显示:399个猪场中有316个为PRV野毒阳性场,总阳性率为79.19%;其中豫东、豫西、豫南、豫北、豫中五个地区的猪场阳性率分别为70.59%、73.47%、68.49%、90.91%、77.11%;小规模、中等规模和大规模猪场的阳性率分别为80.79%、77.78%和76.25%;5325份血清样品的总阳性率为58.23%,其中母猪、公猪、后备猪和商品猪的血清样品阳性率分别为65.17%、58.57%、47.90%、32.19%;结果表明:河南省PRV野毒感染猪场较多,尤其是豫北地区;各年龄段的猪群PRV野毒感染情况均较严重,尤其是母猪群。采用PCR方法对2014年1月~2014年12月间河南省107个疑似发病猪场送检的280份组织病料进行PRV病原检测,结果显示:280份样品中有137份样品为PRV野毒病原阳性,总检出率率为48.92%;其中豫东、豫西、豫南、豫北和豫中五个地区猪场检出率分别为76.19%、74.07%、75.00%、78.26%和62.50%,样品检出率分别为40.82%、44.26%、52.63%、59.38%和44.19%;结果表明:河南省已有较多猪场受到PRV野毒的威胁。选取4份PRV野毒病原检测为阳性的病料,进行了gE全基因的扩增、克隆和遗传进化分析,结果显示:4个克隆子之间gE基因的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为99.3%~99.7%和98.3%~99.3%;且4个克隆子与亚洲群毒株gE基因同源性较高,但存在部分位点的基因突变;它们与河南分离株QXX、QXY、JY、xccg的氨基酸同源性为97.2%~100%,其中H-NY与2013年河南分离株JY的氨基酸同源性为100%;与国内分离株BJ/RD、HB/HD、Guizhou-DY、LA、SC的氨基酸同源性为97.4%~99.7%;与韩国分离株Yangsan和马来西亚分离株的氨基酸同源性在98.1%~99.3%之间;与美国分离株Becker和德国分离株Kaplan的氨基酸同源性在95.1%~96.0%之间。结果表明:河南省当前流行PRV野毒的gE基因与国内流行毒株亲缘性较近,且g E基因序列相对保守,提示当前的疫苗应能有效抵御当前流行毒株的攻击。选取河南省不同地区的五个PR野毒感染阳性规模化猪,为其制定并实施了一年的综合防控措施,结果显示:一年后五个场的PRV野毒阳性率均大大降低,公猪、15周龄育肥猪、后备猪PRV g E抗体均为阴性;阳性母猪被阴性后备母猪替代,其PRV gE抗体阳性率降低;母猪生产性能得到提高。结果表明:综合措施的实施是有效的,可以使阳性猪场达到稳定的生产成绩。
[Abstract]:Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an acute infectious disease caused by pseudorabies virus (PRV). It is characterized by abortion, stillbirth, mummy and death of piglets. In order to understand the epidemic situation of pseudorabies in Henan province, serological studies were carried out in order to find out the prevalence of pseudorabies in pigs in Henan province, which resulted in a large number of abortion in sows and a large number of deaths in newborn piglets. The epidemiology and molecular epidemiology of the disease in our province were investigated and analyzed. 5325 serum samples from 399 pig farms in Henan Province from January 2014 to December 2014 were tested for PRV GE antibody by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa). The results showed that 316 of the #number0# 399 pig farms were PRV field positive, and the total positive rate was 79.19, and the positive rates in the pig farms in the eastern, western, southern, northern and middle Henan regions were 70.597.47 and 68.490.991and 77.11respectively; on a small scale, The positive rates of medium scale and large scale pig farms were 80.797.78% and 76.25%, respectively. The total positive rates of serum samples were 58.23.The positive rates of serum samples of sows, boars, reserve pigs and commercial pigs were 65.1778.570.47.900.The results showed that there were more serums infected with wild PRV virus in Henan province. Especially in the north of Henan Province, the infection of PRV wild virus in pigs of all ages was serious, especially in sows. PCR method was used to detect the PRV pathogen of 280 tissue samples from 107 suspected pig farms in Henan Province from January 2014 to December 2014. The results showed that 137 out of 280 samples were positive for PRV wild virus, and the total detection rate was 48.92. The detectable rate of pig farms in northern Henan and central Henan were 76.19 / and 62.50%, respectively, and the detection rates of the samples were 40.82% and 44.263.63%, 59.38% and 44.19 respectively. The results showed that more pig farms in Henan Province had been threatened by PRV wild virus. The results of amplification, cloning and genetic evolution analysis showed that the nucleotide and amino acid homology of GE gene among the four clones were 99.399.7% and 98.3%, respectively, and the four clones had high homology with Asian strain GE gene. But there were some gene mutations at some sites. The amino acid homology of H-NY with Henan isolate QXXQXYYJYYYYKG was 97.2kW, and the amino acid homology of H-NY with 2013 Henan strain JY was 100; with domestic isolate BJ / RDX HBR / HD HD-HD-HD-Guizhou-DYLA SC 97.4499.7; with Korean isolate Yangsan and Malaysian isolate JY; The amino acid homology was 98.1% and 99.3%, respectively. The amino acid homology with Becker and Kaplan was 95.1% and 96.0% respectively. The results showed that the GE gene of PRV field virus in Henan Province was close to that of domestic epidemic strain, and the sequence of GE gene was relatively conserved. It is suggested that the current vaccine should be able to effectively resist the attack of the current epidemic strains. Five PR wild virus positive large-scale pigs from different areas of Henan Province were selected to formulate and implement comprehensive prevention and control measures for them for one year. The results showed that after one year, the positive rate of PRV wild virus in five farms decreased greatly, the PRV g E antibody was negative in 15 week old fattening pigs, and the positive rate of PRV g E antibody in positive sows was decreased when they were replaced by negative sows. The results showed that the implementation of comprehensive measures was effective and could make the positive pig farm achieve stable production results.


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