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发布时间:2018-03-23 20:17

  本文选题:种鸡场 切入点:禽白血病 出处:《中国农业大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:禽白血病(Avian leucosis,AL)、禽网状内皮组织增殖症(Reticuloendotheliosis,RE)和鸡白痢(Pullorumdisease,PD)是严重危害我国养鸡业的传染病,这三种疫病的病原均可经卵垂直传播,净化是控制这3种疫病的关键措施。按照《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020年)》要求,到2020年国内全部种禽场的禽白血病和鸡场沙门氏菌病达净化标准。因此,掌握上述三种疫病在我国祖代种鸡群中的感染状况,对开展净化工作具有重要意义。本研究在2011~2016年间,采用ELISA和平板凝集方法对我国祖代种鸡场进行了 ALV-p27抗原、ALV-J抗体、ALV-A/B抗体、REV抗体和鸡白痢抗体抽样检测,监测范围涉及19个省、市、自治区的60个祖代种鸡场,检测蛋清样品44476份,血清样品46502份,共获得检测数据229639个。通过对群间、空间、时间上的分布情况分析,解析不同疫病感染水平的变化情况和内在联系。监测结果显示,6年中,ALV-p27抗原场阳性率为18.75%~66.67%,个体阳性率为0.07%~4.64%; ALV-J 抗体场阳性率为 26.32%~64.71%,个体阳性率为 0.35%~5.57%; ALV-A/B抗体场阳性率为36.84%~88.24%,个体阳性率为1.58%~9.23%。ALV-J亚群和ALV-A/B亚群混合感染的场阳性率在15.79%~58.82%之间。表明ALV感染在祖代种鸡场广泛存在,2011~2016年间,场阳性率均在35%以上,个体阳性率呈现逐年上升趋势,ALV-J亚群和ALV-A/B亚群混合感染现象严重。不同亚群混合感染使ALV检测和防控难度增加,应有针对性地采取ALV通用检测技术,确保对感染鸡群的净化淘汰效果。2011~2016年间,REV抗体的场阳性率为63.16%~88.24%,个体阳性率为2.71%~13.22%。表明祖代鸡场中REV抗体检出率在三种病中最高,总体流行趋势先升后降。种鸡场REV感染大量存在,会对于鸡群总体免疫能力造成影响,影响鸡场其他疫病的控制。各年度的鸡白痢抗体场阳性率在17.65%~78.95%,个体阳性率在0.34%~6.73%。经对比分析表明,祖代鸡场中鸡白痢抗体检出率在6年间变化较大,其个体阳性率与鸡群REV、ALV感染率率的变化趋势一致。鸡白痢作为祖代种鸡群长期重点防控的疫病,其感染率出现了较大幅度的波动变化,应与REV、ALV等免疫抑制性疾病的影响有关。混合感染分析显示,两种或三种疫病混合感染现象的鸡场比例在23.53%~68.42%之间,其中三种疫病混合感染最为普遍;而混合感染两种病的鸡场中,REV与ALV或鸡白痢混合感染的鸡场比较多,ALV与鸡白痢混合感染的鸡场则较少。表明祖代鸡场中ALV、REV和鸡白痢混合感染现象较为严重。祖代鸡群中的ALV、REV、鸡白痢感染普遍存在,可能会增加种鸡群向其下一代感染的风险。三种疫病的混合感染情况也提示我国祖代种鸡场在种源引进、预防疫苗污染、监控鸡群感染状态方面存在疏漏。本研究还对不同代次、不同品种、不同来源祖代种鸡群疫病感染情况进行了差异显著性分析。结果显示,ALV-p27抗原、ALV-J抗体、REV抗体和鸡白痢抗体在祖代种鸡的检出率大于曾祖代种鸡,差异极显著;肉种鸡的检出率大于蛋种鸡,差异极显著;地方品种鸡的检出率大于进口品种鸡和国内自培育种鸡,差异极显著。ALV-A/B抗体在曾祖代种鸡的检出率大于祖代种鸡,差异极显著;肉种鸡的检出率大于蛋种鸡,差异不显著;国内自培育种鸡的检出率大于进口品种鸡和地方品种鸡,差异极显著。监测结果表明,祖代种鸡场、肉种鸡、地方品种鸡感染ALV-J、REV和鸡白痢的风险较高;曾祖代种鸡场、肉种鸡、国内自培育种鸡感染ALV-A/B的风险较高。应根据不同疫病的流行特点对风险较大的祖代鸡群进行重点监控。
[Abstract]:Avian leukosis (Avian leucosis, AL), reticuloendotheliosis (Reticuloendotheliosis, RE) and Pullorosis (Pullorumdisease, PD) is a serious infectious disease of poultry industry in our country, these three kinds of disease pathogens could be detected by egg vertical transmission, purification is the key measure to control this disease. According to the 3 National. In long-term animal disease prevention and control planning (2012-2020) > requirements, by 2020 all domestic poultry farm avian leukemia and chicken salmonellosis as purification standard. Therefore, grasping the infection status of three kinds of diseases in the group of grandparent breeder in China, is of great significance to carry out purification work. This study in 2011~2016 years using ELISA and agglutination methods for our ancestral farm of ALV-p27 antigen, ALV-J antibody, ALV-A/B antibody, REV antibody detection and sampling pullorum antibody Monitoring covers 19 provinces, city, autonomous region 60 Zudai chicken egg white detection of 44476 samples, 46502 serum specimens were obtained, detection data of 229639. Through the space of the group, and analyze the distribution of time, changes in levels of infection diseases and different analytical relation. The monitoring results show that 6 years in the field of ALV-p27 antigen positive rate was 18.75% ~ 66.67%, the positive rate of individual is 0.07% ~ 4.64%; ALV-J antibody field positive rate was 26.32% ~ 64.71%, the positive rate of individual is 0.35% ~ 5.57%; ALV-A/B antibody positive rate was 36.84% ~ 88.24% field, the individual positive rate was 1.58% ~ 9.23%.ALV-J subsets and ALV-A/B subsets in the field of mixed infection was positive in 15.79% ~ 58.82% shows. There widely in the grandparent farms were infected with ALV 2011~2016 years, the positive rate was more than 35%, the individual positive rate is rising year by year, ALV-J and ALV-A/B subgroup mixed infection phenomenon. Different subsets of mixed The detection and prevention of ALV infection increased the difficulty, should be targeted to take ALV detection technology to ensure the elimination of general, purification effect of.2011 to infection of chickens during 2016 field REV antibody positive rate was 63.16% ~ 88.24%, the positive rate of the individual is 2.71% ~ 13.22%. showed that the rate of detection of REV antibody in three kinds of diseases in the highest ancestral farms in general, the popular first and then decreased. There are a lot of infected farms REV, will be affected for chickens overall immunity effects of other diseases. Controlling the chicken pullorum antibody positive rate in the field each year from 17.65% to 78.95%, the individual positive rate showed that in 0.34% ~ 6.73%. by comparative analysis, the detection of Salmonella pullorum antibody rate changes in the past 6 years in the large ancestral farms, the positive rate of individual and chicken REV, ALV infection rate. The same trend as the Pullorosis GP breeders group long-term focus on the prevention and control of epidemic disease, the infection rate appeared Change greatly, and REV, the effects of ALV and other immunosuppressive diseases. Mixed infection analysis showed that the proportion of farms in two or three kinds of diseases in the phenomenon of mixed infection in 23.53% ~ 68.42%, of which three kinds of diseases in mixed infection and mixed infection is most common; two kinds of disease in chicken, REV with ALV or mixed infection of chicken Pullorosis more, ALV and mixed infection of chicken Pullorosis is less. That ancestral farms in ALV, REV and Pullorosis mixed infection is more serious. The grandparent chickens in ALV, REV, common infection pullorum disease, may increase the risk to the next group of chicken generation of infection. The mixed infection of three kinds of diseases have also suggested that China's farm progenitor provenance introduction, vaccine contamination, omissions monitoring chickens infected state. The study of different generations, different varieties, different sources of grandparent breeder The infection of disease group were analyzed. The results show significant difference, ALV-p27 antigen, ALV-J antibody, REV antibody and Pullorosis antibody in the detection rate is greater than the great grandparent breeder breeders, significant differences; broiler detection rate of more than chicken eggs, extremely significant difference; our products chicken detection rate of more than imported varieties and since the cultivation of domestic chicken breeder, significant differences in.ALV-A/B antibody in GGP breeder detection rate of more than GP breeders significantly; broiler breeders, the detection rate of more than chicken eggs, the difference was not significant; the domestic self cultivation breeder detection rate higher than imported varieties and local varieties of chicken chicken, the monitoring results show that the extremely significant difference. Grandparent, chicken, chicken meat, local varieties of chickens infected with ALV-J, the higher risk of REV and Pullorosis; GGP farm, chicken meat, domestic culture breeding chickens infected with ALV-A/B at high risk should be based on different disease. The epidemic characteristics of key monitoring of high risk grandparent chickens.



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