本文选题:奶羊 切入点:AA 出处:《山东农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:According to the principle of ruminant's lactation priority, when an essential amino acid is in the first restricted position of lactation, its lactation conversion efficiency is the highest. In turn, the essential amino acids were placed in the first restrictive state in the lactation process of ruminants, and the effects of these amino acids on lactating performance and amino acid metabolism in mammary glands were studied. Thus, an ideal amino acid pattern in lactating metabolism of ruminants was obtained. The milk yield was 1.5 卤0.25 kg and the body weight was 50 卤5 kg. Two groups of 4 脳 4 Latin square test designs were used. The mixture of glucose and amino acid solution was perfused for 24 hours to meet the metabolic energy and metabolic protein needs of lactation. The mixed amino acids were TAA (containing EAA and NEA A), deletion of Arg, deletion of Thr or His, deletion of lys, deletion of His, respectively. Met or a mixture of amino acids lacking Leu. Effects of absent amino acids on lactating metabolism and amino acid metabolism in breast gland were observed. The results showed that the mixture of amino acids, Thr, Met, Met, or malondialdehyde (Met) were absent in eurogastric perfusion. The loss of Leu, the increase of blood flow (22.2g%) and the increase of blood flow (8.7g% and 16.2g%) were found in the true stomach. The mixture of amino acids was deficient in Arg, Thr, Lys, Met or Leu. The arterial concentration and the corresponding venous concentration of the missing amino acids decreased significantly, but in addition to the difference in the arteriovenous concentration of the corresponding amino acids in the absence of Leu, the absorption of mammary gland tended to decrease. The absence of amino acids had no significant effect on the difference of arteriovenous concentration and mammary absorption. However, the breast clearance rate increased by 25.9% and 44%, respectively. There was no significant effect on the corresponding amino acid U: O.) the mixed amino acids were not significantly affected by the addition of Arg, deletion of Thr or His, deletion of lys, deletion of Met or deletion of Leu, which had no significant effect on the lactating performance of mammary gland. The absence of Arg and Leu only increased the milk fat content and yield significantly, but in the absence of Leu and Thr, the milk protein yield tended to decrease. 4) the mixture of amino acid, Thr, Lys, Met or Leu were deleted in the true stomach. The results showed that the synthesis and secretion of milk protein were not sensitive to the imbalance of amino acid concentration caused by amino acid perfusion. Mammary milk protein secretion has strong self regulation ability in amino acid absorption and transport as well as milk protein synthesis.
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