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发布时间:2018-04-12 11:24

  本文选题:H5亚型 + 禽流感 ; 参考:《江西农业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:A型流感病毒引发的禽流感(Avian influenza,AI)是一种流行性疫病,且是人畜共患病,在世界范围内它均可以暴发和流行,其主要宿主为水生禽类,同时也能够感染哺乳动物和人类。禽流感暴发引发的各项损失尤其是经济损失无法估量,特别是由高致病性H5亚型禽流感引起的,其一旦暴发将会给养殖业造成致命的打击,所以世界各国都将禽流感列入必须报告的疾病之一。从2004年开始,我国对防控逐渐重视起来。在我国,鸡群感染H5亚型最为流行。在不断的探索和实践中摸索出,预防禽流感最有效、最实惠的方法是疫苗免疫。免疫之后,对鸡只群体进行抗体的检测,以掌握其免疫效果和感染病毒的情况。这些检测的数据还将为以后的防控工作供给数据上的有力支撑。本试验是运用血凝和血凝抑制试验对2014年秋防到2016年秋防期间鸡场免疫H5亚型流感之后抗体进行了监测和分析。通过监测的数据得出禽流感抗体监测合格率年年均保持在90%以上,且呈现出逐年递增的良好状态;通过对2016年1-12月份的抗体监测得出,5月份和10月份是抗体比较高的月份,抗体检测合格率分别达到93%和93.5%,且全年均保持在85%以上;通过对蛋用型鸡、肉用型鸡抗体水平的对比得出肉用型鸡的抗体水平要低于蛋鸡;而在不同类型场户的抽检得出抗体水平种禽场规模户散养户;而对监测重点区域(1)肉鸡养殖密集区:衙前乡、下埠集乡;(2)蛋鸡养殖密集区:温圳镇、泉岭乡;(3)候鸟密集区:三里乡、梅庄镇。监测可见,这几个区域的抗体水平都比较高,均好于抗体平均合格率,其中蛋鸡养殖密集区的2个乡镇抗体水平最高,分别达到94.5%和93.8%。
[Abstract]:Avian influenza induced by influenza A virus (Avian influenzavirus) is a kind of epidemic disease, and it is zoonotic. It can be outbreaks and epidemics in the world. Its main host is aquatic poultry, and it can also infect mammals and humans.The losses caused by bird flu outbreaks, especially the economic losses, are incalculable, especially those caused by highly pathogenic H5 subtype avian influenza, which, once they occur, will deal a fatal blow to the aquaculture industry.So countries all over the world list avian flu as one of the diseases that must be reported.Since 2004, China has gradually attached importance to prevention and control.In China, H5 subtype infection in chickens is the most prevalent.In constant exploration and practice, the most effective and the most affordable way to prevent avian influenza is vaccine immunization.After immunization, the chicken population was tested for antibody in order to know the immune effect and the infection of the virus.These data will also provide data for future prevention and control support.In this study, hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition tests were used to detect and analyze the antibodies against H5 subtype influenza in chicken farms during the period from autumn 2014 to autumn 2016.According to the monitoring data, the annual qualified rate of avian influenza antibody surveillance is maintained at more than 90% annually, and it shows a good state of increasing year by year. Through the monitoring of antibodies from January to December 2016, it can be concluded that May and October are relatively high antibody months.The qualified rate of antibody detection reached 93% and 93 5% respectively, and remained above 85% in the whole year, and the antibody level of broiler chicken was lower than that of laying chicken by comparing the antibody level of egg type chicken and meat type chicken.In different types of farm households, it was found that the antibody level of breeding poultry farm scale households was scattered, while the monitoring key area was 1) the area of broiler breeding was concentrated: Ya Qian Xiang, Xia Bu Ji Xiang Gui 2) layer hens breeding intensive area: Wenjiao Town, the following is the following: 1) the density of broiler breeding: Ya Qian Xiang, Xia Bu Ji Xiang Gui 2)Quan Ling Xiang Li) Migratory Birds dense area: San Li Township, Meizhuang Town.The results showed that the antibody level in these regions was higher than the average pass rate of antibody, and the antibody level in the two villages and towns was the highest, reaching 94.5% and 93.8%, respectively.


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