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发布时间:2018-05-09 14:39

  本文选题:猪支原体肺炎 + 防治 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:猪支原体肺炎是对世界养猪业威胁最严重的疾病之一,在我国多个地区均有报道过猪支原体肺炎的流行与发生。石河子垦区部分规模化猪场猪支原体肺炎流行病学调查的结果(血清阳性率58.94%)显示,该病已在垦区部分规模化猪场流行,给垦区养猪业带来了较大的经济损失。为降低该病对垦区养猪业的危害,进行了应用3号中草药添加剂提高仔猪抗病力、监测常用疫苗免疫接种的效果、敏感药物体外筛选以及常用消毒剂对垦区分离株杀灭效果的检测等防治的研究,结果如下:1、3号中草药添加剂对断奶仔猪部分免疫指标及增重的影响为提高断奶仔猪抗猪支原体肺炎的能力,试验采用3号添加剂,对仔猪进行10天饲喂试验后,采用ELISA方法检测血清中Ig A、Ig G、CD4+和CD8+水平。结果:试验前后血清中Ig A、Ig G、CD4+、CD8+和CD4+/CD8+水平增长的情况是:与对照组相比,健康试验组分别增长了8.23%(P0.05)、37.58%(0.01P0.05)、48.04%(P0.05)、82.23%(P0.05)和11.63%(P0.05);病弱试验组分别增长了282.30%(P0.05)、276.66%(P0.05)、322.97%(0.01P0.05)、169.38%(0.01P0.05)和172.61%(P0.05);健康猪和病弱猪的日增重分别增加了20.06%(P0.05)和133.33%(P0.01)。因此,3号中草药添加剂能有效地提高断奶仔猪的部分免疫指标和生长性能。2、三种猪肺炎支原体灭活疫苗免疫效果的比较为了解垦区猪场使用量较大的A、B、C三种猪肺炎支原体灭活苗的免疫效果,试验选择10日龄仔猪进行了免疫效果对比试验,分别于10日龄和32日龄进行免疫,于首免前、二免前和二免后21天(55日龄)采集血清,用ELISA试剂盒检测抗体效价和抗体阳性率。结果:仔猪血清中猪肺炎支原体抗体水平都呈先下降后上升的趋势,55日龄时B组的猪肺炎支原体抗体水平和抗体阳性率均最高,分别为0.887和94.7%,其次是A组(0.347和68.2%)、C组(0.094和12.6%)和对照组(0.006和5.6%)。结论:B疫苗对仔猪的免疫保护效果优于A疫苗和C疫苗。3、垦区猪肺炎支原体分离株的体外药敏试验为筛选出对垦区猪场猪肺炎支原体敏感的药物,降低猪支原体肺炎对垦区养猪业造成的损失,试验选取氟苯尼考、恩诺沙星、环丙沙星等12种常用抗生素或抗生素联合进行了体外药敏试验。结果:垦区三株分离株均对泰乐菌素、替米考星和泰妙菌素敏感;对盐酸环丙沙星+安乃近、泰妙菌素+土霉素、氟苯尼考等药物敏感性较差;对恩诺沙星、盐酸环丙沙星、土霉素等不敏感,有耐药性。4、垦区猪肺炎支原体分离株的消毒剂筛选试验为筛选出能有效杀灭垦区猪肺炎支原体分离株的消毒剂,降低垦区猪场猪肺炎支原体的感染率,试验选择聚维酮碘、月苄三甲氯胺、复合酚和戊二醛四种消毒剂,对垦区分离株进行了杀菌效果试验。结果:对聚维酮碘,JX株和SY株高度敏感,TL株不敏感;对月苄三甲氯胺,SY株高度敏感,JX株和TL株不敏感;对复合酚,SY株高度敏感,JX株中度敏感,TL株不敏感;对戊二醛,三株分离株均高度敏感。结论:垦区猪肺炎支原体分离株对戊二醛和聚维酮碘较敏感,其次是月苄三甲氯胺和复合酚。
[Abstract]:Mycoplasma porcine pneumonia is one of the most serious diseases that threaten the pig industry in the world. The prevalence and occurrence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae have been reported in many regions of China. The epidemiological investigation of mycoplasma pneumonia in some large-scale pig farms in Shihezi reclamation area (seropositive rate 58.94%) shows that the disease has been prevalent in some large-scale pig farms in the reclamation area. In order to reduce the harm to the pig industry in the reclamation area, to reduce the harm of the disease to the pig industry in the reclamation area, the application of No. 3 Chinese herbal medicine additive to improve the resistance of piglets, the effect of monitoring the immunization of common vaccines, the screening of sensitive drugs in vitro and the prevention and control of the killing effect of the common disinfectants on the isolated strains of the reclamation area were studied. The results are as follows: the effect of 1,3 Chinese herbal additive on the immune index and weight gain of weanling piglets is to improve the ability of weaning piglets to resist Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. The experiment adopted No. 3 additive. After feeding the piglets for 10 days, the serum level of Ig A, Ig G, CD4+ and CD8+ were detected by ELISA method. The level of 4+, CD8+ and CD4+/CD8+ increased: compared with the control group, the health test group increased by 8.23% (P0.05), 37.58% (0.01P0.05), 48.04% (P0.05), 82.23% (P0.05) and 11.63% (P0.05); the weak test group increased by 282.30% (P0.05), 276.66% (P0.05), 322.97% (0.01P0.05), 169.38% (0.01P0.05) and 172.61%, and healthy pigs and diseases. The daily weight gain of the weak pigs increased by 20.06% (P0.05) and 133.33% (P0.01) respectively. Therefore, the Chinese herbal additive No. 3 could effectively improve the immune index and growth performance.2 of weaned piglets, and the comparison of the immune effect of three kinds of Mycoplasma pneumoniae inactivated vaccine in order to solve the inactivated vaccine of A, B, C and three kinds of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the pig farm of the reclamation area. Immune effect, the test selected 10 days old piglets to carry out a comparative test of immune effect, respectively at 10 days of age and 32 days of age, respectively, before the first exemption, two before and 21 days after two exempts (55 days of age) to collect serum, ELISA kit was used to detect antibody titer and antibody positive rate. Results: the antibody level of Mycoplasma porcine Mycoplasma in the serum of piglets decreased first. After 55 days of age, the antibody level and antibody positive rate of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in group B were the highest, 0.887 and 94.7%, followed by group A (0.347 and 68.2%), group C (0.094 and 12.6%) and control group (0.006 and 5.6%). Conclusion: the immune protection effect of B vaccine to piglets was better than A vaccine and C vaccine.3, and the Mycoplasma pneumoniae isolates were isolated in the reclamation area. In vitro drug sensitivity test was used to screen out the drug sensitive to Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the pig farm and reduce the loss of mycoplasma pneumonia to pig industry in the reclamation area. The test selected 12 common antibiotics or antibiotics, including florfenicol, enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and other antibiotics in vitro. The results showed that three strains of isolated strains in the reclamation area were all of tylosa. The sensitivity of timoxicin and thomikacin, ciprofloxacin + antidol, teiericin + oxytetracycline, florfenicol and other drugs were poor, insensitive to enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride and oxytetracycline, and drug resistance.4, and the screening test of the disinfectant of Mycoplasma pneumoniae isolates in the reclamation area could effectively kill the pig lung in the reclamation area. The disinfectant of Mycoplasma Mycoplasma isolates reduced the infection rate of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the pig farm of the reclamation area. The experiment selected four kinds of disinfectants, including polyvidone iodine, trimethylamine chloramine, compound phenol and glutaraldehyde, and tested the germicidal efficacy of the isolated strains in the reclamation area. Results: polyvidone iodine, JX strain and SY strain were highly sensitive, TL strain was insensitive; against trimethylamine trimetholamine, SY The plant was highly sensitive, JX strain and TL strain were insensitive; SY strain was highly sensitive to compound phenol, SY strain, JX strain was moderately sensitive, TL strain was insensitive, and glutaraldehyde and three isolates were highly sensitive. Conclusion: the isolates of Mycoplasma pneumoniae were sensitive to glutaraldehyde and povidone iodine, followed by benzyl trifolamine and compound phenol.



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