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发布时间:2018-05-10 11:21

  本文选题:荷斯坦奶牛 + 妊娠早期 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this study, two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) combined with MADIL-TOF-TOF tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the proteomic analysis of plasma in the early pregnancy of Holstein cows. It was found that the expression of 6 different proteins increased after pregnancy, which were the 1 agglutinin precursor, the thyroxine precursor, and the 3,5- two iodo salicylic acid complexed bovine serum albumin. The A chain of crystal structure, albumin, unnamed protein products and 1 precursors of binding globin -25 homology. The expression of the 1 agglutinin precursor showed a tendency to rise first and then decline after the estrus and mating; the expression of the HP precursor was increased first and then decreased after the oestrus and distribution; 3,5- two iodide The expression of A chain in the crystal structure of acid complex bovine serum albumin is increasing, the content of the unnamed protein product, the content of the 1 precursor of the binding globin -25 homologue is first and then stable. The content of these 6 proteins in pregnancy is higher than that before pregnancy. These proteins may be associated with the immune response and thyroid hormone transport in the plasma in the early pregnancy. To prevent the formation of amyloid fiber from the transport of iodine. The same method was used to identify the plasma of Holstein cows at different periods after childbirth. 5 differential proteins were found. Combined with globin precursor, the expression of combined globin decreased to the same day after childbirth to the day of childbirth. The 2 chain C area of immunoglobulin gamma (clone 32.2) the expression of 3,5- two iodialicylic acid complex after labor after childbirth is a stable trend. The A chain and B chain expression of the crystal structure of bovine serum albumin complex after delivery are lower than 45 days after pregnancy and are relatively stable after delivery. These 5 proteins may be respectively associated with postpartum stress and immune response, respectively. A two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) combined with MADIL-TOF-TOF tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the proteomic analysis of the early pregnancy milk of Holstein cows. 5 differences were found: the A chain of the crystalline structure of bovine serum albumin complex with 3,5- two iodosalicylic acid, the immunoglobulin gamma 1 heavy chain constant region, and the immunoglobulin gamma. Pestis G1 heavy chain constant region, albumin, peptone composition 3.3,5- two iodosalicylic acid complexed with bovine serum albumin, the crystal structure of bovine serum albumin, the change trend of the content of A chain in milk was decreased first and then decreased. The expression of immunoglobulin G1 heavy chain constant region and immunoglobulin gamma heavy chain constant region decreased significantly, then basically maintained Stable trend. Although the expression of peptone 3 is fluctuating, but early pregnancy is higher than that on the day of estrus. These proteins may be related to material transport, immune response and antibacterial. The same method was used to identify the milk of Holstein cows at different periods after childbirth. 8 different proteins were found, respectively: alpha -S2 casein. Body, beta casein, kappa casein precursor, immunoglobulin heavy chain precursor, albumin, serum albumin precursor, cGMP phosphodiesterase alpha subunit, keratin I cytoskeleton 10. alpha -S2 casein precursor only detected in the milk sample on the day of childbirth, beta casein was detected at 7 days after delivery and 35 days after childbirth, and at 35 days after delivery The highest expression of kappa casein precursor on the day of childbirth was higher than that on the 7 day after delivery, and then the expression level remained stable after the rapid decline. The immunoglobulin heavy chain precursor existed in the 7,15,28 and 35 days of milk after delivery, although there was a fluctuation, but the lowest expression in the milk samples at 35 days after childbirth. The serum albumin precursor was 7 days after childbirth to 3 after childbirth. The expression of the 5 day expression showed a tendency to increase first and then decrease. The expression of albumin at 7 days after delivery to 35 days after childbirth decreased first and then decreased, and the expression of the lowest expression of.CGMP phosphodiesterase at 35 days after childbirth increased first and then declined at 7,15 and 28 days after delivery. The cytoskeleton of keratin I type 10 there was a steady trend in the expression of protein on the day of delivery and 28 days after delivery. These proteins may be related to passive immunity, substance transport and milk production.



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