本文选题:白羽王鸽 + 种鸽 ; 参考:《中国家禽》2017年01期
【摘要】:试验旨在研究白羽王鸽种鸽哺育前体重对哺育期减重和乳鸽生长性能的影响。采用单因子试验设计,选用120对健康种鸽,按哺育前体重由大到小分为A、B、C和D四个处理组,每组6个重复,每重复5对种鸽。采用"2+4"生产模式,饲喂全价颗粒饲料,预饲10 d,试验期20 d。结果显示:试验第1~10天,A组母鸽减重显著高于D组(P0.05),母鸽哺育前体重越大,减重越多;试验第11~20天,不同体重公鸽减重、母鸽减重和公母鸽总减重均差异不显著(P0.05);试验第1~20天,A组公鸽减重显著低于B组公鸽(P0.05),A、C组母鸽减重显著高于D组(P0.05),B组公母鸽总减重显著高于D组(P0.05)。白羽王鸽种鸽体重对乳鸽5、10、15和20 d末重均无显著影响(P0.05),从数值上看以B组种鸽哺乳效果最好。公、母鸽初始体重与乳鸽5、10、15、20 d末重均无显著相关性(P0.05),公、母鸽减重与乳鸽平均日增重无显著相关性(P0.05)。综上所述,母鸽哺育前体重能影响母鸽哺育期减重,哺育前种鸽体重对公鸽减重和乳鸽生长性能影响不大。
[Abstract]:The purpose of the experiment was to study the effect of weight loss and growth performance of white feather pigeon before breeding. 120 pairs of healthy pigeons were divided into four groups according to their body weight before feeding: Acarb C and D, with 6 replicates in each group and 5 pairs of pigeons per replica. The "24" production model was used to feed the whole price pellet feed for 10 days and the experiment period was 20 days. The results showed that the weight loss of female pigeons in group A was significantly higher than that in group D on the 1st 10th day of the experiment, and the weight loss of female pigeons was higher than that of group D, and the weight loss of female pigeons was higher than that of group D before feeding, and the weight loss of male pigeons of different weights was decreased on day 1120 of the experiment. There was no significant difference in weight loss between female pigeon and female pigeon (P 0.05), and the weight loss of group A was significantly lower than that of group B (P 0.05), and the total weight loss of group C was significantly higher than that of group D (P 0.05). The weight of white feather pigeon had no significant effect on the end weight of pigeon at 15 and 20 days, and group B had the best effect on breast-feeding. There was no significant correlation between the initial body weight of male and female pigeon and the end weight of young pigeon at the end of 20 days. There was no significant correlation between the weight loss of female pigeon and the average daily gain of squab. To sum up, the weight of female pigeon before feeding can affect the weight loss of female pigeon during feeding period, and the weight of breeding pigeon before feeding has little effect on weight loss of male pigeon and growth performance of squab.
【作者单位】: 广东温氏食品集团股份有限公司;农业部动物营养与饲料学重点实验室;
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