本文选题:超载放牧 + 牧户差异性 ; 参考:《草业科学》2017年04期
[Abstract]:Overgrazing has become the main inducing factor of grassland degradation in China. The motive of herdsmen's pursuit of economic benefit maximization is the root cause of overgrazing. Therefore, on the basis of the difference of herdsmen, the heterogeneity of the subject of different grassland overloading is analyzed, and it has important theoretical and practical significance to the formulation of grassland ecological protection policy. In order to maintain family balance and to cope with the unknowable risk that the family may face in the future, the actual minimum livestock number of small and medium sized herdsmen is higher than the number of the smallest livestock. The overloading rate and overloading degree of single households are obviously higher than those of the United households, while the overloading rate and overloading degree of the central households with large herdsmen are the lowest. The grassland ecological compensation policy, represented by the balance of livestock and livestock, has not taken into account the difference between different scale herdsmen, and the current compensation standard is only linked to the pasture contract area of the herdsman. Therefore, the heterogeneity of overloaded herdsmen is ignored, and the compensation amount obtained by the small and medium sized herdsmen can not make up for the loss of the herdsmen's opportunity loss caused by the supplement and reduction of livestock and the unequal relationship between the reduction of livestock and compensation. This compensation will not only promote the income increase of the small and medium sized herdsmen, but will increase the income gap between the large herdsmen and the large herdsmen, and it is difficult to adjust the income. As a result, the enthusiasm of the small herdsmen to reduce the enthusiasm of the herdsmen leads to the low efficiency of the grassland ecological compensation policy. In view of this phenomenon, the policymakers should consider the overloading difference of the herdsmen to make the differential grassland ecological compensation standard, and realize the relationship between the herdsmen's livestock reduction and the compensation.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学经济学院社区与生物多样性研究保护中心;
【基金】:甘肃省沙化土地封禁保护补助试点区经济效益监测与评估项目(406/071200006) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目“青藏高原社区天然草场草地保护与合理利用技术研究与示范”(20120300610) 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金(15LZUJBEYJ015)
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