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发布时间:2018-06-06 06:44

  本文选题:羔羊瘫痪 + 泰勒虫病 ; 参考:《安徽农业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几年来安徽、河南等地区羔羊出现了一种以瘫痪为主要特征的疾病,称之为羔羊瘫痪综合征。每年都有不同程度的发生,发病率、死亡率有明显增高的趋势,给养羊场、养羊户造成了严重的经济损失。目前关于本病的报道较少,病因也未明确,这给本病的预防、控制与治疗增加了难度。本研究就2013年9月~2014年11月间,对安徽地区部分养羊场、户内羔羊发生消瘦、瘫痪和大批死亡的情况进行调查。通过发生流行情况调查,对病例的发病和流行情况有初步了解。对送检的病例进行临诊症状观察和病理剖检以及病料的采集。为排除相关微量元素性疾病,首先对病例的羊毛中的微量元素进行测定。利用病原学检查方法,对病料进行细菌分离培养以及鉴定,利用血涂片检查和分子生物学方法检测血液寄生虫感染。依据上述检查结果,分析病因并给出相应治疗方案。为明确该病病因以及对该病的诊断、免疫预防和治疗提供一定的理论参考。通过发生流行情况调查,结果显示此病的发病时间多集中于春夏季节。观察临床发病症状,发病羊只多数表现出高热、贫血、消瘦、体表淋巴结肿胀以及皮肤和可视粘膜不同程度黄染。同时还表现出肢体僵硬,运动时有明显的提举困难甚至卧地不起等症状。病理剖检显示,超过半数的病羊出现败血症变化,尸僵不显;肺脏有气肿、水肿,出现不同程度间质增宽;心肌软弱无力,心冠状沟脂肪有密集的出血点;有90%左右的病例有出现真胃溃疡。根据羊毛中微量元素含量测定表明,病羊体内微量元素均无明显异常,排除相应的微量元素性疾病。所接诊的病例中羊泰勒虫阳性率为83%,链球菌阳性率为75%。后对泰勒虫18S rRNA进行目的片段扩增,后测定产物序列并进行同源性分析,构建遗传进化树。通过序列分析发现其与已知报道的吕氏泰勒虫(T.luwenshuni)在基因上同源性高达99%。根据2013年9月~2014年11月间接收的羔羊瘫痪病例检查结果,初步确定羔羊瘫痪综合征的主要病因羔羊感染泰勒虫后继发感染链球菌引起的。病羊感染羊泰勒虫引起慢性感染,造成病羊的生长发育缓慢、消瘦、贫血和身体抵抗力下降。在病羊身体虚弱,出现瘫软不起的症状。链球菌继发感染,使病羊临床上出现全身出血性败血症、脑膜炎等病征,甚至造成急性死亡。且链球菌常与其它病原菌混合感染,加重病情,致使发病率和死亡率有所提高。该病会给养羊业造成重大的经济损失。明确病因后,给出相应的综合的治疗方案,使得发病养羊场、户中患病羔羊病情得到有效控制。这为今后遏制此类疾病的发展相关的预防与治疗提供合理参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, lambs in Anhui, Henan and other regions have developed a disease characterized by paralysis, which is called Lamb paralysis syndrome. Every year, the incidence rate and mortality rate increase obviously, which causes serious economic loss to sheep farm and sheep farmers. At present, there are few reports about the disease and the etiology is not clear, which makes it more difficult to prevent, control and treat the disease. During the period from September 2013 to November 2014, a survey was carried out on some sheep farms in Anhui province. The lambs in Anhui were emaciated, paralyzed and died in large numbers. Through the epidemiological investigation, the incidence and prevalence of the cases have a preliminary understanding. The clinical symptoms and pathological findings of the patients were observed and the disease materials were collected. In order to eliminate trace element diseases, trace elements in wool were determined. The pathogen method was used to isolate, culture and identify the bacteria, and blood smear and molecular biology were used to detect the infection of blood parasites. According to the above examination results, the etiology was analyzed and the corresponding treatment plan was given. To clarify the etiology of the disease and the diagnosis of the disease, immune prevention and treatment to provide a certain theoretical reference. The results showed that the onset time of the disease was concentrated in spring and summer. The clinical symptoms were observed. Most sheep showed high fever, anemia, wasting, swelling of body surface lymph nodes, and varying degrees of yellow staining of skin and visible mucosa. At the same time also showed stiff limbs, exercise with obvious lifting difficulties or even lying down and other symptoms. Pathological examination showed that more than half of the sheep had septicemia changes, no cadaver, emphysema and edema in the lungs, varying degrees of interstitial enlargement, weakness of myocardium and dense bleeding points in the fat of coronary sulcus. About 90% of the cases had true gastric ulcers. According to the determination of trace elements in wool, there was no obvious abnormality of trace elements in the body of the sick sheep, and the corresponding trace element diseases were excluded. The positive rate of Taylor's worm and streptococcus were 833 and 75 respectively. The target fragment of 18s rRNA was amplified, the product sequence was sequenced and homologous analysis was carried out to construct the genetic evolution tree. Sequence analysis showed that the gene homology of T. luwenshunii was as high as 99%. According to the examination results of lambs paralysis cases from September 2013 to November 2014, the main etiology of lambs paralysis syndrome was preliminarily identified, which was caused by Streptococcus infection in lambs after infection with Taylor's worm. Chronic infection with Taylor's worm causes slow growth, wasting, anemia and decreased body resistance in sick sheep. The sick sheep are weak and paralyzed. The secondary infection of Streptococcus caused systemic hemorrhagic septicemia, meningitis and even acute death. Streptococcus and other pathogens often mixed infection, aggravated the disease, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. The disease will cause great economic losses to the sheep industry. After making clear the etiology, a comprehensive treatment plan was given to effectively control the disease in sheep farm and the sick lamb in household. This provides a reasonable reference for the prevention and treatment of the development of such diseases in the future.


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