发布时间:2018-06-10 00:26
本文选题:作物秸秆 + 人工饲料 ; 参考:《华中农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:作物秸秆是重要的农业资源,我国作物秸秆年产量约8亿吨。作物收割后,大量秸秆被焚烧,既污染环境又浪费资源。为了有效利用作物秸秆资源,本文在调查和统计华中五省作物秸秆种类及数量的基础上,对作物秸秆进行基质化处理后配制成人工饲料,研究了不同作物秸秆饲料对家蝇Musca domestica的饲喂效果,并比较分析了饲喂后家蝇幼虫营养成分的变化,评估了秸秆饲料饲养的家蝇蛆粉对蛋鸡生长发育的影响,为昆虫转化和利用作物秸秆提供了理论依据。主要研究结果如下:1华中五省作物秸秆资源种类及数量通过《中国统计年鉴2015》发布的各省大田作物种类,利用秸秆系数法评估华中五省秸秆产量。结果表明:2014年湖南、湖北、河南、江西和安徽华中五省秸秆总产量为21483.14万吨,占全国秸秆总产量的27.36%,其中河南省秸秆资源最丰富,为7326.47万吨。华中五省主要作物秸秆为水稻、小麦、玉米、豆类、花生和油菜秸秆,产量分别为8311.90、6033.69、2799.89、457.44、809.40及2141.88万吨,其中,水稻秸秆主要分布于湖南(产量最多)、湖北、江西和安徽,小麦秸秆主要分布于河南(产量最多)、湖北和安徽,玉米秸秆主要分布于河南(产量最多)、湖北、湖南和安徽,豆类秸秆主要集中于安徽省,而五省都有油料作物秸秆,湖北省较多。2作物秸秆基质化处理后对家蝇的饲喂效果为实现作物秸秆资源的有效利用,本研究对玉米、小麦和水稻秸秆进行基质化处理(包括机械粉碎和酵母发酵)后添加麦麸,配制成人工饲料饲养家蝇。结果显示:1.25℃培养箱发酵3d后三种作物秸秆的的营养成分最佳;2.基于家蝇生物学指标(孵化率、幼虫存活率、化蛹率和羽化率)的测定结果,三种作物秸秆饲料对家蝇的饲喂效果依次为:玉米秸秆优于小麦秸秆,小麦秸秆优于水稻秸秆。故选择玉米与小麦秸秆进行后续实验;3.秸秆饲料被家蝇幼虫取食后,玉米秸秆饲料的粗蛋白、粗脂肪的含量显著下降,小麦秸秆饲料的可溶性糖、淀粉、粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量显著下降。基于上述结果,获得最佳的秸秆饲料配方:秸秆经机械粉碎,过10目筛,称取秸秆,添加1%的酵母及5-6倍的水,密封,于25℃培养箱中发酵3d;发酵后,与麦麸混配1:1制成人工饲料。最佳接虫密度为:每250g饲料添加家蝇初孵幼虫200mg。3秸秆饲料饲养的家蝇幼虫营养成分通过获得的优化秸秆饲料配方饲养家蝇,筛出幼虫制备成蛆粉,按照《食品安全国家标准》对家蝇蛆粉进行了营养成分分析。结果表明:1.与常规饲料组(纯麦麸)相比,玉米、小麦秸秆饲料饲养的家蝇幼虫含水量、蛆粉粗蛋白、粗脂肪及灰分含量无显著变化,其中蛋白质含量分别为57.499%、57.802%、60.732%,说明可利用家蝇转化和利用作物秸秆;2.三组饲养组蛆粉中均含有9种人体所需的必需氨基酸及10种非必需氨基酸,其中必需氨基酸/总氨基酸(EAA/TAA)分别为0.38、0.37及0.38,EAA/NEAA(非必需氨基酸)分别为0.62、0.58及0.61,家蝇幼虫蛋白质品质符合FAO提出的优质蛋白理想模式,是较理想的昆虫蛋白源。4秸秆饲料饲养的家蝇蛆粉对蛋鸡生长发育的影响添加秸秆饲养的家蝇蛆粉于蛋鸡基础日粮中,研究家蝇蛆粉对蛋鸡生长发育的影响。结果显示:1.与空白对照组(基础日粮)及阳性对照组(鱼粉)相比,蛆粉饲养组蛋壳硬度显著增加,常规饲料组(纯麦麸)、玉米、小麦秸秆饲料组的蛋壳硬度,相对空白组提高了18.73%、46.40%及8.07%,相对鱼粉组提高了18.05%、45.56%和7.45%;而蛆粉饲养组蛋鸡体重、产蛋量、鸡蛋重量、蛋清相对重、蛋黄相对重、蛋壳相对重以及蛋形指数与对照组并无显著差异;2.添加蛆粉显著提高了蛋鸡血清中的溶菌酶活力和超氧化物歧化酶活力,而对总抗氧化能力无影响。空白对照组,鱼粉组,常规饲料组,玉米秸秆组,小麦秸秆组溶菌酶活力分别为139.65、166.24、317.46、387.24、324.26 U/ml,超氧化物歧化酶活力分别为311.00、385.06、361.74、394.48及339.64 U/ml,总抗氧化能力分别为12.91、12.70、12.21、12.74、11.88 U/ml。综上所述,本文比较了不同秸秆对家蝇的饲喂效果,分析了秸秆饲养的家蝇幼虫营养成分差异以及家蝇蛆粉对蛋鸡生长发育的影响,建立了一种秸秆基质化预处理和家蝇饲养转化技术,并开发了家蝇秸秆饲料优化配方和最佳饲养密度。研究结果对作物秸秆资源的综合利用及昆虫转化利用秸秆具有重要的理论和实践意义。
[Abstract]:Crop straw is an important agricultural resource. The annual yield of crop straw in China is about 8 million tons. After crop harvest, a large number of straw is incineration, which not only pollutes the environment but also wastes resources. In order to effectively utilize crop straw resources, this paper is based on the investigation and statistics of the crop straw species and quantity in the five provinces of central China, and the crop straw is treated with the matrix treatment. The feeding effect of different crop straw feed on the Musca domestica of housefly was studied. The changes of the nutrient composition of the housefly larvae were compared and analyzed. The effects of the housefly maggot feed on the growth and development of the laying hens were evaluated, and the theoretical basis was provided for the transformation of insects and the utilization of crop straw. The results are as follows: 1 the species and quantity of crop straw resources in five provinces of central China are used to evaluate the yield of five provinces in Central China by means of straw coefficient method. The results show that the total straw yield of five provinces in Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Jiangxi and Anhui in 2014 is 214 million 831 thousand and 400 tons in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui, accounting for total straw yield in China. 27.36%, among them, Henan province has the most abundant straw resources, which is 73 million 264 thousand and 700 tons. The main crop straw in the five provinces of central China is rice, wheat, corn, legumes, peanuts and rape straw. The yield is 8311.906033.692799.89457.44809.40 and 21 million 418 thousand and 800 tons respectively. Among them, the rice straw is mainly distributed in Hunan (the highest yield), Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui, small Wheat straw mainly distributed in Henan (the highest yield), Hubei and Anhui, corn stalks mainly distributed in Henan (the largest yield), Hubei, Hunan and Anhui. The soybean straw mainly concentrated in Anhui Province, and the five provinces all have oil crop straw. The feeding effect of the.2 crop straw to the housefly after the treatment of the more.2 crop straw in Hubei province is to realize the crop straw capital. The effective use of source, the study of corn, wheat and rice straw matrix treatment (including mechanical pulverization and yeast fermentation) to add wheat bran after the preparation of artificial feed to feed domestic flies. The results show that the nutrient composition of three crop stalks after 3D culture incubator for 3D is the best; 2. based on the biological index of housefly (hatching rate, larva survival) The results of the survival rate, the pupation rate and the emergence rate of the three crop straw feed were in turn: corn straw was superior to wheat straw, and the wheat straw was superior to the rice straw. Therefore, the follow-up experiment of maize and wheat straw was selected. After the 3. straw feed was fed by the housefly larvae, the crude protein and fat content of the corn straw feed were contained. The content of soluble sugar, starch, crude protein and crude fat in wheat straw feed decreased significantly. Based on the above results, the optimum formula of straw feed was obtained: straw was mechanically crushed, over 10 mesh sieves, straw, 1% yeast and 5-6 times water were added, and 3D was fermented in 25 centigrade incubator. After fermentation, 1:1 was mixed with wheat bran Artificial feed was made. The optimum density was as follows: the nutrient composition of the housefly larvae fed on the 200mg.3 straw feed of the first hatching larvae of the housefly per 250g feed was fed by the optimized straw feed formula, and the larvae were prepared to prepare the maggot powder. The nutritional composition of the housefly maggot powder was analyzed according to the national standard of food safety. The results showed that 1. Compared with the conventional feed group (pure wheat bran), there was no significant change in water content, crude protein, crude fat and ash content in corn and wheat straw feed, in which the content of protein was 57.499%, 57.802%, 60.732%, indicating that the housefly could be used to convert and use crop straw, and 9 kinds of human body were contained in 2. three groups. Essential amino acids and 10 non essential amino acids are needed, of which the essential amino acids / total amino acids (EAA/TAA) are 0.38,0.37 and 0.38, respectively, and EAA/NEAA (non essential amino acids) are 0.62,0.58 and 0.61 respectively. The protein quality of the housefly larvae is in accordance with the ideal model of high quality protein proposed by FAO, and is the home of the ideal insect protein source.4 straw feed. The effect of fly maggot powder on the growth and development of the chicken fed with straw fed maggot powder on the basal diet of the laying hens to study the effect of housefly maggot powder on the growth and development of the laying hens. The results showed that: 1. compared with the blank control group (basal diet) and the positive control group (fish meal), the egg shell hardness of the maggot powder feeding group increased significantly, the conventional feed group (Chun Maifu), corn. The hardness of the egg shell in the wheat straw feed group increased by 18.73%, 46.40% and 8.07%, and increased by 18.05%, 45.56% and 7.45% in the fish meal group, while the weight of the egg, the egg weight, the egg weight, the relative weight of the egg whites, the relative weight of the egg yolk, the relative weight of the eggshell and the egg shape index were not significantly different from those of the control group; 2. added maggot powder. The activity of lysozyme and superoxide dismutase in the serum of laying hens was improved, but the total antioxidant capacity was not affected. The activity of lysozyme in the blank control group, the fish meal group, the conventional feed group, the corn straw group and the wheat straw group were 139.65166.24317.46387.24324.26 U/ml, and the activity of superoxide dismutase was 311.00385.06,36, respectively. The total antioxidant capacity of 1.74394.48 and 339.64 U/ml was 12.91,12.70,12.21,12.74,11.88 U/ml., respectively. In this paper, the feeding effect of different straw on Housefly was compared, and the difference between the nutrient components of the housefly larvae and the effect of housefly maggot on the growth and development of the laying hens was analyzed. A straw stroma pretreatment was established. The optimum formula and optimum feeding density of domestic fly straw feed are developed, and the results are of great theoretical and practical significance to the comprehensive utilization of crop straw resources and the transformation and utilization of straw by insects.
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