本文选题:IUGR + 胎儿肝脏 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:本实验主要研究蒙古绵羊妊娠后期营养限饲引起胎儿宫内生长限制对胎儿肝脏生长发育及其生理功能的影响。选择体况中等、2-3胎次的健康蒙古绵羊24只,采用同期发情技术使其同一时期受孕,到妊娠期90d时,选出6只母羊,开始屠宰实验,其余按体重任意分配为3组,每组6只并采取不同的能量饲养水平:CG组(自由采食);RG2组(0.33 MJME·kgw-0.75·d-1); RG1组(0.175MJME·kgw-0.75·d-1),能量水平依次降低,至妊娠140d时对全部实验组母羊进行屠宰。实验研究结果表明,在本实验条件下:(1)IURG对胎儿肝脏发育的影响:胎儿肝脏重、肝脏生长速率显著降低;在胎儿肝脏组织中,RG1组DNA、蛋白浓度,总DNA含量及蛋白质/DNA均显著低于CG组(P0.01);RG1组胎儿肝细胞数量、肝细胞直径、枯否氏细胞数量均有减少,内皮细胞数量增多;限饲组胎儿肝脏组分均显著降低。(2)IURG对胎儿肝脏代谢功能的影响:RG1组胎儿肝脏组织中的TC、TG、GLU、LD含量(P0.01)以及PA含量(P0.05)和LPL、HL活性(P0.05)均显著低于CG组;胎儿血中GLU浓度有升高趋势,LD、BHBA浓度(P0.01)以及NEFA、TC、PA浓度(P0.05)均显著高于CG组,TG含量(P0.05)显著低于CG组,而TP、ALB、GLB浓度(P0.05)有降低趋势。(3)IURG对胎儿肝脏免疫功能的影响:RG1组胎儿肝脏中的补体C3含量(P0.01)显著高于CG组,补体C4含量(P0.05)有逐渐升高趋势。(4)IURG对胎儿肝脏造血功能的影响:胎儿肝脏中RG1组EPO浓度、胎儿血液中RG1组RBC、HCT、HGB均显著低于CG组(P0.01),PLT、WBC较CG组有降低趋势(P0.05)。(5)IURG对胎儿肝脏急性期蛋白含量的影响:RG1组胎儿肝脏中IL-1β、IL-2、 IFN-γ浓度及HPT、CRP、CP含量均显著低于CG组(P0.05),而TNF-a浓度、IL-4、SAA含量较CG组降低(P0.05);胎儿血液中RGl组SAA(P<0.05)、 CRP(P0.05)、CP(P0.01)浓度高于CG组,而HPT浓度低于CG组(P0.05)。
[Abstract]:The effect of fetal intrauterine growth restriction on fetal liver growth and its physiological function was studied. Twenty-four healthy Mongolian sheep with 2-3 parity were selected to conceive in the same period by synchronizing estrus technique. At 90 days of gestation, 6 ewes were selected and slaughtered. The rest were randomly divided into 3 groups according to their body weight. Six rats in each group were fed with different energy levels (0.33MJME kgw-0.75 d-1) in RG2 group and 0.175 MJME kgw-0.75 d-1 in RG1 group. The energy level was decreased in turn and slaughtered on day 140 of gestation. The experimental results showed that under the experimental conditions, the effects of 1: 1 + IURG on fetal liver development were as follows: fetal liver weight and liver growth rate decreased significantly, and DNA, protein concentration of RG1 group in fetal liver tissue decreased significantly. The total DNA content and protein / DNA content were significantly lower than those in CG group (P 0.01). The number of fetal hepatocytes, hepatocyte diameter and Kupffer's cells decreased, and the number of endothelial cells increased. The effect of Fetal liver components of Fetal liver in Fetal liver restriction Group on the Metabolic function of Fetal liver; the contents of TCG-GUULD, PA and P0.05) and the activity of LPLHL-P0.05) were significantly lower in the Fetal liver tissue of the 10 ~ (-1) RG1 group than in the CG group (P _ (0.05), and the difference was significant (P _ (0.05) between the control group and the control group (P _ (0.05). The concentration of GLU in fetal blood was significantly higher than that in CG group (P 0.01) and the concentration of Nefa TCU PA was significantly higher than that in CG group (P 0.05), which was significantly lower than that in CG group. The effect of IURG on the immune function of fetal liver was significantly higher than that in CG group. The effect of IURG on fetal liver hematopoiesis: the concentration of EPO in the RG1 group of fetal liver. The effect of RG1 group on the protein content of fetal liver in acute phase is significantly lower than that of CG group (P0.01P0.01P0.01P0.01P0. 01). Effect of IURG on the protein content of fetal liver in acute phase; the concentration of IL-1 尾 -IL-2, IFN- 纬 and HPT-CRPPCP in the fetal liver of the group of 10: RG1 are significantly lower than those of the CG group, while the concentration of IL-4a is significantly lower than that of the CG group (P 0.05), while the concentration of IL-4 and SAA of TNF-a is significantly lower than that of the CG group (P < 0.05), while the concentration of IL-4 and SAA is significantly lower than that of the group of CG. Compared with CG group, the quantity of P0. 05 was lower than that of CG group. The concentration of SAA (P < 0.05), CPP (0.01) in RGl group was higher than that in CG group, but HPT was lower than that in CG group (P 0.05).
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