本文选题:有机微量元素 + 络合物 ; 参考:《饲料工业》2017年01期
[Abstract]:Organic trace elements are the products of the combination of organic and inorganic trace elements through chemical bonds or physical hydrogen bonds. The combination of trace elements and organic compounds is generally called complex. Binuclear complexes or polynuclear complexes are special complexes called chelates. "single chelation" refers to a process in which an organic substance is combined with an inorganic element in the same reaction system. "multiple chelation" refers to a process in which organic compounds are combined with many inorganic elements in the same reaction system, and the products produced are polychelates. The principle of multicomponent chelation is to determine the order of reaction according to the stability constant of the chelate, first to react the element with large stability constant, then to react with the element with small stability constant. "multiple chelation" refers to a process in which inorganic metal elements are combined with a variety of organic compounds in the same reaction system, and the products produced are multiple chelates. The principle of multiple chelation is to determine the order of the reaction according to the stability constant of the chelate. The organic matter with large stability constant is first reacted, then the organic matter with small stability constant. The purpose of multicomponent chelation is to increase the conversion rate of organic ligand and the purpose of multiple chelation is to increase the chelation rate of inorganic metal elements. The value of multiple chelation is to improve the utilization efficiency of the target trace elements and to reduce the pollution of trace element additives. The value of multicomponent chelation is to make full use of the chelating effect of high value organic matter and to reduce the antinutritional effect of individual organics as chelating ligand on animal intestinal health.
【作者单位】: 华南农业大学动物科学学院;南宁市泽威尔饲料有限责任公司;
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