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发布时间:2018-07-16 17:09
【摘要】:胰腺是重要消化腺,具有外分泌和内分泌两种功能。胰岛移植目前已经成为治疗依赖性糖尿病的较理想途径,猪胰岛被认为是目前适宜的供体来源。本试验,以出生1日龄、10日龄、40日龄、4月龄及6月龄五指山猪的胰腺为试验材料,采用大体解剖学、组织学及免疫组织化学技术,从形态学角度出发系统研究五指山猪胰腺胚后发育规律。结果表明:1.1日龄、10日龄、40日龄、4月龄及6月龄五指山猪胰腺均可分为胰体、左叶(脾叶)、右叶(十二肠叶)、连接叶及连接桥,中间相互连接形成胰环。胚后发育过程中其重量和体重比随日龄的增大而增加。2.1日龄、10日龄、40日龄、4月龄及6月龄五指山猪胰腺胰岛素免疫反应细胞分布面积分别为66.25±18.191μm2、 72.13±14.45μm2、 942.87±15.59μm2、1467.55±23.46μm2、3313.04±41.74μm2;五指山猪胰腺胰高血糖素免疫反应细胞分布面积分别为227.91±7.51μm2、271.94±14.76μm2、3624.02±28.91μm2、6531.8±48.98μm2、12510.09±65.25μm2;五指山猪胰腺生长抑素免疫反应细胞分布面积分别为15.69±3.61μm2、21.58±2.13μm2、198.28±16.62μm2、384.53±35.46μm2、873±25.02μm2。由此可知,胚后五指山猪胰腺胰岛构成细胞数量随日龄增大而增多,且6月龄以前各主要构成细胞具有分化增殖能力。综上所述,胚后五指山猪胰腺的形态学特点随着日龄的变化而改变,胰腺胰岛构成细胞数量随日龄增大而增多,且6月龄以前各主要构成细胞具有分化增殖能力。本研究结果将为五指山猪胰腺发生学研究及糖尿病和胰腺其他疾病的治疗提供形态学的试验资料。
[Abstract]:The pancreas is an important digestive gland with both exocrine and endocrine functions. Islet transplantation has become an ideal approach for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, and porcine islets are considered to be a suitable donor source. The pancreas of Wuzhishan pigs at the age of 10 days, 40 days old and 6 months old was used as the experimental material. The methods of gross anatomy, histology and immunohistochemistry were used. The postembryonic development of pancreas in Wuzhishan porcine was systematically studied from the point of view of morphology. The results showed that the pancreas of Wuzhishan pig could be divided into pancreatic body, Zuo Ye (splenic lobe), right lobe (12 intestinal lobe), connecting leaf and connecting bridge. The distribution areas of insulin immunoreactive cells in the pancreas of Wuzhishan pigs were 66.25 卤18.191 渭 m2, 72.13 卤14.45 渭 m2, 942.87 卤15.59 渭 m 21467.55 卤23.46 渭 m ~ 3313.04 卤41.74 渭 m ~ 2, respectively. The distribution areas of glucagon immunoreactive cells were 227.91 卤7.51 渭 m ~ 2271.94 卤14.76 渭 m ~ 2, 3624.02 卤28.91 渭 m ~ 2, 6531.8 卤48.98 渭 m ~ 2, 12510.09 卤65.25 渭 m ~ 2, and 15.69 卤3.61 渭 m ~ 21.58 卤2.13 渭 m ~ 2198.28 卤16.62 渭 m ~ 2384.53 卤35.46 渭 m ~ 2873 卤25.02 渭 m ~ 2, respectively. It can be seen that the number of pancreatic islet formation cells in Wuzhishan porcine pancreas after embryo increases with the increase of age, and each major component cell has the ability to differentiate and proliferate before 6 months of age. To sum up, the morphological characteristics of pancreas of Wuzhishan pig after embryo changed with the age of day, and the number of pancreatic islets increased with the increase of age, and the main constituent cells had the ability of differentiation and proliferation before 6 months of age. The results of this study will provide morphological data for the study of pancreas genesis and the treatment of diabetes mellitus and other pancreatic diseases in Wuzhishan pigs.


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