[Abstract]:403 feed samples were collected and the image was collected by hyperspectral imager to obtain the visible / near infrared spectrum information of the feed samples. The spectral lever value and student residual method were used to eliminate abnormal samples, and CG SPXY method and K-S method were used to divide the sample set according to 3:1 ratio. The mean centralization, standardization, first derivative, second derivative, orthogonal signal correction were adopted. Multivariate scattering correction, standard normal variable transformation, detrend transformation, and its combination method are used to pre-process the spectrum, and the correlation coefficient method is used to obtain the characteristic bands, and the crude protein and ash in the feed based on hyperspectral image technology are established. Partial least square (PLS) quantitative analysis model of water, total phosphorus and calcium content. Through verification, The determination coefficient of crude protein validation set is 0.777 V, the root mean square error (RMSEP) is 2.615555, the relative analysis error is 2.114 3, the crude ash verification set is 0.775 8V RMSEP is 1.0611U RPDV, the water verification set R2V is 0.631 4RMSEP is 1.937 1, and the total phosphorus verification set RMS-EPRPDV is 1.6003V, respectively. The calcium verification set RV is only 0.440 6 RMSEP 0.1755 RPDV is 1.310 5. The results show that the optimum quantitative analysis model of crude ash has good prediction performance, the prediction accuracy of the optimal quantitative analysis model of water content is not ideal, and the prediction performance of the quantitative analysis model of total phosphorus and calcium is very poor.
【作者单位】: 华中农业大学工学院;
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